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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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"Haley told a crowd of voters in Keene, New Hampshire: “The concern I have is – I’m not saying anything derogatory, but when you’re dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can’t have someone else that we question whether they’re mentally fit to do it.”"


Still can't attack with any strength. Took real effort to make her response this pathetic. 


How about take a page from him, "did you guys hear what he said yesterday? He blamed me more than once for blocking the national guard J6. This isn't new, he thought Obama was still literally the President and he confused the a picture of the woman he was found liable for sexually assaulting, was his 2nd wife. The one he cheated on his first wife with. And the one he cheated on with his 3rd wife. Is his brain is mush? Maybe his girdle is squeezing him too tight. He probably thinks he built the wall he promised, and left office with lower unemployment than what he came in with. To be fair, he's not young. Maybe we should give him a break. Should we? "

Edited by @DCGoldPants
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So done with this.  The President has immunity for official acts.  You are upset because your re-election campaign is not an official activity.  And neither was you stealing documents to MaL either.  


Delusions.  Lies.  Bull****.  The biggest any President has ever done. 


Typical speech:

Act like the country has gone to heck for the past 3 years. 

Talk about how great I was as President. 

Blame immigrants, open borders, and drugs.  Say I stopped immigrants and drugs, but Joe Biden is killing you! 

Mention how much I would love to kill drug dealers.  I love law and order! 

Pretend I am not a criminal and acted just like every other President.  DoJ weaponization. 

Make fun of political rivals (regardless of party)  

Pivot back to immigration.

Read "the snake" poem to dump on immigrants more. 

Remind everyone how great I am.  I was indicted for you!  Biden can't get to you if I am in the way. 

Make false promises about the economy and national debt. 

Say hi to Rudy... wow... they like chanting Rudy! 

Talk about how great I am for the 321st time. 

Finish up with church like musical background. 








Oh....  but Obama was really the arrogant one. 


If it's not like 330+ to whatever, I will be so disappointed with this country.

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2 hours ago, Fergasun said:

If it's not like 330+ to whatever, I will be so disappointed with this country.

Apparently Bill Maher on his most recent show claimed that the vast majority of Americans are sane, but also predicted that Trump is going to be elected, which he claims is insane. 


I don't exactly know how you square this contradiction.


One of the problems cited by Allahpundit a few days ago, and by Filipkowski within the past two days, is that seemingly none of this crap about absolute immunity and Nikki Haley being responsible for the lack of troops at the Capitol on 1/6 is being covered enough in the mainstream media. Maybe this changes once Trump becomes the nominee, I don't know.


If Biden somehow prevails in November (I think he loses), he gets nowhere near 330. He doesn't even get 300. Of course, I don't see Trump getting close to.330 either if he wins.

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10 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Apparently Bill Maher on his most recent show claimed that the vast majority of Americans are sane, but also predicted that Trump is going to be elected, which he claims is insane. 


I don't exactly know how you square this contradiction.


One of the problems cited by Allahpundit a few days ago, and by Filipkowski within the past two days, is that seemingly none of this crap about absolute immunity and Nikki Haley being responsible for the lack of troops at the Capitol on 1/6 is being covered enough in the mainstream media. Maybe this changes once Trump becomes the nominee, I don't know.


If Biden somehow prevails in November (I think he loses), he gets nowhere near 330. He doesn't even get 300. Of course, I don't see Trump getting close to.330 either if he wins.

If Trump wins, he could actually get close to 300. Why, because of 2 things.  The 3rd party vote from West,Kennedy and Manchin takes away just enough votes that it tips those elections to Trump. Combine that with people just staying home and yes those key states Trump won in 16, he could win again in 24.


Biden wins, it will have thing common with Obama’s reelection. He wins fewer EVs the 2nd time.



What will be the #1 issue to the voters, is what will drive them to vote or not vote.



If Biden is  going to rely on, “threat to democracy”, it’s not going to be enough. The average American isn’t that smart and aren’t going grasp the threat that Trump’s a threat.


The other issue Biden plans to rely on is abortion and thinking that along with democracy will power him to victory. People put to 22 midterms or individual special elections related to abortion issue.  While the gop faired poorly in 22, they still won the house. If abortion was such a big issue, then Dems should’ve kept the house.



Biden has to go beyond just pointing out the democracy threat or abortion issue.  He’s go point out things that he plans to do and fight for in the 2nd term, that he couldn’t  in the first.


It got to be  cd a multi prong approach and not just relying on a couple of issues and fact Trump is his opponent or Trump maybe convicted.

The gop has no real primary and that race is effectively over, so the 24 general election campaign starts now.

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I heard an actual good line, still wrong on the most important levels imv, but at least it's an understandable explanation.


Some upper level GOP source was asked why so much of the "Republican establishment" was starting to more and more line up in support of trump. The response was that the bulk of elected GOP officials and other party leaders no longer "run the party." Now it's run by maga world and we are yielding to that reality (my words).


It's obvious but rarely clearly and openly stated by such non maga GOP figures.


It also makes me think of how as a teenager in the late 60's and early 70's I was starting to view the heavy hitters and figureheads of the GOP were like wranglers trying to herd a base with a lot of the characteristics of cattle. 


And fear/insecurity based hypocrisy and projection has always been their most commonly manifested emotional responses to their culture environment.


Not that I was a partisan lefty (never identified as a dem or third party choice either) but even back then I was starting to understand that a person's developmental (genetic/environmental shaping) of their  psychological (thinking/behaviors) state is what led them to their choices.


The way that such folks developed provided the evolution from those supportive of the "southern rebellion" days of the civil war to the current maga movement.


Of course that's a simplified and very incomplete synopsis.




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He done...


Ron DeSantis ends presidential campaign before New Hampshire primary

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is ending his 2024 Republican presidential campaign after failing to overtake rival Donald Trump in polling or in the early vote.

DeSantis made the announcement in a video posted to social media on Sunday.




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2 hours ago, Jumbo said:

I heard an actual good line, still wrong on the most important levels imv, but at least it's an understandable explanation.


Some upper level GOP source was asked why so much of the "Republican establishment" was starting to more and more line up in support of trump. The response was that the bulk of elected GOP officials and other party leaders no longer "run the party." Now it's run by maga world and we are yielding to that reality (my words).


Which sounds a lot like a way to rationalize "The gravy train will stop if we ever lose the power to legislate goodies to our employers. And we need those morons, or else we won't be in power."


45 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



"6 months ago". 

Edited by Larry
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@Larry it's not just the moronic factor that's led to my becoming more "radicalized" in my opposition to this trump-era maga-ruled GOP, it's the now obviously yuge percentage of "classic" right wing morons who are also malevolent, and more importantly, so energized.

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1 minute ago, Jumbo said:

@Larry it's not just the moronic factor that's led to my becoming more "radicalized" in my opposition to this trump-era maga-ruled GOP, it's the now obviously yuge percentage of "classic" right wing morons who are also malevolent, and more importantly, so energized.


Oh, I agree. 


I keep pointing out that the folks in the Grand Poobah hats who stormed the Capitol weren't the actual coup. 


The real threat involved over a month of premeditation and conspiracy, and was built around the assumption that the entire GOP on Capitol Hill would vote near unanimously to just ignore a Presidential election, and install a Republican instead. 

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