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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Joe Biden spoke out about Navalny and answered questions for 5 minutes afterwords on 2/16.  I believe on Sunday he made some impromtu comments while going from AF1 to the White House. 


He didn't gaffe.  So it didn't get reported.  Again, he walks and talks like someone his age. Trump does too. 


I think Biden is experienced enough to know what he's doing on some level.  He's probably telling his staff, "Don't worry until August.  But you'll thank me in late November after we beat the GOP like a pinata."


The media is afraid to go Trump critical because they know how strong their narrative carries.  If they go Trump critical now, it will absolutly tank him.  I hope this is the reason and not "Newscorp wants tax cutz!"  Every damn newspaper should have a headline about how unqualified Trump is.... because at some point you do have to take your role as a journalist seriously.



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15 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Joe Biden spoke out about Navalny and answered questions for 5 minutes afterwords on 2/16.  I believe on Sunday he made some impromtu comments while going from AF1 to the White House. 


He didn't gaffe.  So it didn't get reported. 


Of course it did.








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13 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Can we talk about this? 


With Donald Trump, its "We don't care if he is a rapist, racist, terrible human being, hypocrit -- we (or Republicans) are voting for his policies!"


With Biden, "Who cares about his policies!  He's too old!"


Did Nate Silver say that he did something like go on C-Span and link Biden's appearances?  I linked on in this thread last week.  I watched it.  Biden does look older, he does look like he has lost a bit.  He is 81.  But he's not thr drooling idiot right wing talk is putting him on about. And his opponent is 77. 


If the GOP is serious about the age thing go with Haley.  


I just think the vast majority of the votes, if not almost all of them, are baked in.  These two are as known as known gets in terms of their candidacy.  Is there really anything left to unearth that will change people's opinion of either of them?  Trump's new legal outcomes may make those who despise Trump hate him even more or reaffirm their indifference or their view that Trump is the victim of a witch hunt.  Or some may plan to vote for Biden as anyone but Trump vote and some may vote for Trump for their own reasons.  But I don't think there's anything between now and November that will swing who they would choose as the President.  It's almost entirely going to come down to turnout.  I think the malleable turnout portion of Biden's supporters are more likely to go cast a vote against Trump more so than go cast a vote for Biden.  Many have made credible and persuasive arguments for why Biden has done a good job as POTUS.  But if those haven't convinced a voter by now, I'm not sure what will in the future.  If a voter, as it stands, feels like Biden's age and Harris as VP makes that ticket a bad choice to the extent that they will vote for Trump, my guess is that they will find a reason to vote for Trump anyway.   And to that extent, if Biden campaign wants to reassure voters that Biden can still do the job (not to turn back people who left for Trump, but to assuage voters who may stay home), that's probably better done closer to November.  Or it may be that the campaign doesn't feel those doubts can be assuaged or anyone feeling those doubts have not been affected to the point of risk staying home.  Either way, they probably plan to run a campaign against Trump moreso than a campaign for the incumbent.  

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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:


Well I mean she seems to be in your political wheelhouse. 

I've not once said anything positive about Haley or any Republican candidate though. Don't confuse being a moderate like Jon Stewart to being alt-right.


Meanwhile my good friend Dean Phillips had to lay off most of his campaign and is suffering from dono problems. So sad.


Biden is just going to truck through everyone for the nomination because no Democrat wants to call him out. Positive: party unity. Negative: his poll numbers are horrific for an incumbent. I haven't seen him lead any battleground state poll...


But I suppose every bad thing about Biden is a fabrication from headline-obsessed media, right? The guy's a perfect president, right? "Best president ever , inherited a mess"...

Edited by ixcuincle
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I don't get it....


Can someone on the Dem side, please explain why the risk is worth it?

Are there seriously no other viable Democrat candidates? If they lose, and Trump becomes President, it will be 100% their fault.

And for what? You're not putting up another candidate out of tradition?? I need help understanding the why...



Not that it matters much

Me searching for a way the U.S. survives any of this (a narcissistic delinquent child in an old man's body vs. a man who's as mentally sharp as a plushie in an old man's body) intact:



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1 minute ago, Skins24 said:

Can someone on the Dem side, please explain why the risk is worth it?

Are there seriously no other viable Democrat candidates? If they lose, and Trump becomes President, it will be 100% their fault.

And for what? You're not putting up another candidate out of tradition?? I need help understanding the why...

dem party supporters don’t have much choice. The Biden team and DNC made it clear any challenger would be blackballed and it would be career suicide - unless they were successful in winning the primary (highly unlikely with everything stacked against you)


so the supporters don’t have much choice. Whether they like it or not, this is how things have and will continue to go. 

you’re seeing those willing to discuss it, discuss it, and everyone else circle the wagons and attack those that have criticisms (because that’s what people do when they can’t address the criticism itself - which they can’t)

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the die is cast. they will go down with the ship if Biden is the nominee. 


The issue isn't more parties because South Korea and other countries are primarily 2 party systems. the issue is the candidates selected are ass. 

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8 minutes ago, Skins24 said:

I don't get it....


Can someone on the Dem side, please explain why the risk is worth it?

Are there seriously no other viable Democrat candidates? If they lose, and Trump becomes President, it will be 100% their fault.

And for what? You're not putting up another candidate out of tradition?? I need help understanding the why...



Not that it matters much

Me searching for a way the U.S. survives any of this (a narcissistic delinquent child in an old man's body vs. a man who's as mentally sharp as a plushie in an old man's body) intact:




No, it will be 💯  people who voted for Trump and/or didn't vote for the Dem candidates fault. Don't ever excuse those people.


It's a zero sum issue in 2024. Just like every modern election. You either vote for the obviously better candidate or you directly/indirectly vote Trump. 


I would add that this idea that Biden is a terrible candidate flies in the face of his recent rankings. 14th all time? That's top third, right? And like Obama, I'd expect his rankings to only go up post Presidency. 


Imagine the worst President all time is running and people **** about his opponent.  Gtfo.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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11 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

Biden is just going to truck through everyone for the nomination because no Democrat wants to call him out.


What would you like the Democrats to be calling Biden out on?


As a moderate Biden should be your candidate. Dudes slightly left of center and has spent fifty years working across the aisle on bipartisan legislation. 🤷‍♂️

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And the GOP has a fraction of the pressure on their candidate choice because....?  Everyone knows they are a cult?


They even have a pretty viable alternate. 


All Biden has against him are that he's old and Israel is killing Palestineans 

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12 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


No, it will be 💯  people who voted for Trump and/or didn't vote for the Dem candidates fault. Don't ever excuse those people.


It's a zero sum issue in 2024. Just like every modern election. You either vote for the obviously better candidate or you directly/indirectly vote Trump. 


I would add that this idea that Biden is a terrible candidate flies in the face of his recent rankings. 14th all time? That's top third, right? And like Obama, I'd expect his rankings to only go up post Presidency. 


Imagine the worst President all time is running and people **** about his opponent.  Gtfo.

If Biden can’t convince enough voters to come out and vote in key states or not to vote third party in key states; then that’s on Joe.  Joe loses if his turnout isn’t enough in those key states. So, it’s on him to convince those voters to come out and vote and to pull the lever for him and not West, Kennedy, etc… or stay home.


It doesn’t take that much to flip those key states. Part of the reason Joe won in 2020; Trump won those states by narrow margins in 2016.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


What would you like the Democrats to be calling Biden out on?


As a moderate Biden should be your candidate. Dudes slightly left of center and has spent fifty years working across the aisle on bipartisan legislation. 🤷‍♂️


Ix isn't a moderate. If he was, he'd be 💯 behind an old moderate Dem like Biden. 


Hey @ixcuincle will you vote for  Biden in 2024 or not? If not, why as a moderate Dem would you support the GOP ticket?

Edited by The Evil Genius
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11 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I would add that this idea that Biden is a terrible candidate flies in the face of his recent rankings. 14th all time? That's top third, right?

I think people underestimate, just how much we've changed. Even from four years ago.

I don't see that being relevant.......


The fact that Trump is a candidate....the fact that Trump is the leading candidate for the other side speaks to that.

That this won't be a blowout win for Biden, speaks to that.


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1 minute ago, Skins24 said:

I think people underestimate, just how much we've changed. Even from four years ago.

I don't see that being relevant.......


The fact that Trump is a candidate....the fact that Trump is the leading candidate for the other side speaks to that.

That this won't be a blowout win for Biden, speaks to that.



I'd think winning the popular vote by 4.5% or more, like 2020, is very possible. That's a blowout. Only the EC and how it's badly thought out keeps it from being a blowout in other terms. 

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4 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


I'd think winning the popular vote by 4.5% or more, like 2020, is very possible. That's a blowout. Only the EC and how it's badly thought out keeps it from being a blowout in other terms. 


Still...my question still remains. Against Donald J. Trump....that is the best the Dems can do??



And don't worry, I can at least partially answer for you :)

I am probably one of the most optimistic human beings on the planet. I know Trump's popularity is more of a reflection of where we are are as a society. I just don't want it to be that way...



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35 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

And the GOP has a fraction of the pressure on their candidate choice because....?  Everyone knows they are a cult?


It seems obvious that expecting that side to suddenly have standards is a foolish expectation. They’re gonna vote for Trump. Or anyone else they put up there with an R next to the name. 

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53 minutes ago, tshile said:

dem party supporters don’t have much choice. The Biden team and DNC made it clear any challenger would be blackballed and it would be career suicide - unless they were successful in winning the primary (highly unlikely with everything stacked against you)


so the supporters don’t have much choice. Whether they like it or not, this is how things have and will continue to go. 

you’re seeing those willing to discuss it, discuss it, and everyone else circle the wagons and attack those that have criticisms (because that’s what people do when they can’t address the criticism itself - which they can’t)


Things are up to voters, now more so than ever as there were changes to the super delegates.  There is no way the Democratic party could kill somebody's career that showed up and had a strong performance even if they didn't win.


Nobody's running because beating a sitting President in a primary is very hard to do, and yes does hurt you in the future if you lose.  But it hurts you not because the "party" decides it will but because (generally/historically) loyalty and things like collecting favors and not burning bridges matter in politics.


Other than maybe Hillary nobody else has the support of the Black Churches that are going to pull that support away from Biden.  That's what we saw in 2020, and the same thing would happen again.  And the people that could run recognize that.

Edited by PeterMP
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34 minutes ago, Skins24 said:

That this won't be a blowout win for Biden, speaks to that.

This is where forum arguing gets out of hand and people wind up painting themselves into corners. 

I don’t know how anyone can say this won’t be a blowout win. 

because of polls way far out during a time when he isn’t even really campaigning? Seems like a super strong statement to make based on faulty (at best) information. 

it’s one thing to point out criticisms of Biden. It’s one thing to say the Dems should have passed the torch. 

to start declaring what the election will look like this far out is beyond silly.


personally I’m trying to stick to just the criticisms individually, as opposed to painting myself into a corner of declaring he will lose or barely win. A blowout win by Biden certainly seems in the cards to me - and will remain such until we see him aggressively campaigning and spending his money, and his polling continues to suffer. 

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40 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If Biden can’t convince enough voters to come out and vote in key states or not to vote third party in key states; then that’s on Joe.  Joe loses if his turnout isn’t enough in those key states. So, it’s on him to convince those voters to come out and vote and to pull the lever for him and not West, Kennedy, etc… or stay home.


It doesn’t take that much to flip those key states. Part of the reason Joe won in 2020; Trump won those states by narrow margins in 2016.


Joey B should probably hire you, he and his campaign probably have no idea about this whole "turnout" issue you have adroitly identified.

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2 minutes ago, PeterMP said:

There is no way the Democratic party could kill somebody's career that showed up and had a strong performance even if they didn't win.

This seems overly naive, at best. Like, way over the top naive. 

 But I’m not going to argue about the back room power of a 50+ year politician and a major party, when no one involved in the conversation has real insight into what that looks like. 


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52 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


What would you like the Democrats to be calling Biden out on?


As a moderate Biden should be your candidate. Dudes slightly left of center and has spent fifty years working across the aisle on bipartisan legislation. 🤷‍♂️


He is being called out on things on the left and the right.  For most of the things, there is no easy answer.  But certainly what we are seeing with the Muslim community in MI with voting and not meeting with Harris is essentially a call out of Biden.


It isn't like there aren't people upset with Biden.  But it also isn't clear that being on the other side is going to help you in a Dem. primary.  Does being less pro-Israel actually move the needle in your favor in a Democratic primary?

Edited by PeterMP
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