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Biden: 1/20/21-1/20/22; Your first year grade


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21 hours ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

Anyway, it hits basically everything I was trying to say last week about the impact on development of kids and the effects it’ll have long term

I have grown incredibly tired of this game you play where you completely discount the negatives of death and severe illness, as well as spreading covid to other (potentially more vulnerable) people, because of some potential long term developmental issues that you have to struggle so hard to get over the “but is this really actually a thing?” hurdle 


and then pretending like you’re trying to have this enlightened conversation because you care about the well-being or children. 

I don’t find your tactics particularly clever. 

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Pointing out that you have a constantly downplayed death and serious illness, as well as spreading to others that may be more vulnerable, especially since it’s very possible for children to simply be asymptomatic, in order to justify complaining about masks based on seemingly very little, and caveated, evidence of long term developments issues, is not being close minded. 

It’s pointing out that you consistently appear to be disingenuous, at best, with what and how you’re arguing. 

you may be more polite than the people storming school board meetings, and you may think your politeness implies sincerity and reasonableness song with level headedness, but I see right through this nonsense. 

Edited by tshile
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26 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

You guys are pretty closed minded. But you probably think the same about me. Kind of pointless to even have these dialogues. Have a nice day. 


20 minutes ago, tshile said:

Pointing out that you have a constantly downplayed death and serious illness, as well as spreading to others that may be more vulnerable, especially since it’s very possible for children to simply be asymptomatic, in order to justify complaining about masks based on seemingly very little, and caveated, evidence of long term developments issues, is not being close minded. 

It’s pointing out that you consistently appear to be disingenuous, at best, with what and how you’re arguing. 

you may be more polite than the people storming school board meetings, and you may think your politeness implies sincerity and reasonableness song with level headedness, but I see right through this nonsense. 



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The economy isn’t the stock market and neither is the president. We will see what the economy looks like next year.

We are certainly due for a correction, and the inflation many people here dismissed as transitory is not. The president and congress couldn’t get bbb passed, that is probably a major blow to the economy long term.

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1 hour ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

You guys are pretty closed minded. But you probably think the same about me. Kind of pointless to even have these dialogues. Have a nice day. 


I assume I'm one of the closed minded people and I'm sorry you feel that way.  I certainly hope I'm not closed minded, but I'm hardly objective on the topic.


Just wanted to say that despite the tone of my posts and all (re-reading it, it comes off too condescending and I apologize for that), opposing views are always welcome in tailgate and preferable to an echo chamber.  Virgorous debates are had by all and our opinions of each other's position will vary with the subject.  I hope you don't consider my disagreement with you on this topic a personal attack on you as a person (I mean @tshile thinks Die Hard is a Christmas movie and I still find ways to agree with his many of his other posts).


I do think there is an aspect of your posts that's too easily dismissed by the more strigent covid restriction advocates and that's the extremely low death rate for children.  I still think the prudent policy is restrictions such as masking in place due to health system overload and risk of severe illness.  But there's definitely some measure of selling catastrophe in the media by highlighting rarer occurences of tragedy.  


But I urge you to be cautious and discerning in approaching news that support your views as well.  As I pointed out, development delay of 0-3 year olds really have nothing to do with masking in school.  And while we have seen regression since the beginning of the pandemic in school aged children, it's estimated to be about 5 months for low income kids and 2 months with middle and upper with the second group showing a K figure rebound.  Remote learning seems to be the central culprit (and if you've ever sat with your kid during remote learning and see four kids login out of a class of 20+, it's not hard to figure out why) as evidenced by rebound since in-person learning began.  To me, that doesn't support doing away with masking entirely.  Rather, let's see if we can make exceptions for speech therapy class.  Provide additional support for kids falling behind (low income kids show continuing regression, though much slower apparently since in-person).  Make sure we have rapidly deployable pandemic mitigation strategies for the future in place so that we can avoid shutting schools down if at all possible (but understand that sometimes nature wins and you have to learn to roll with the punches). 


Whether to participate in tailgate or not, is, of course, entirely your decision.  I do hope that you don't let disagreements turn you off (even if they are often very vigorous) and especially not impolite posts like mine (call me out on it when I deserve it).  ES tailgate, imo, is often one of the most intelligent discussion you'll find on the web.  I think it would be enriched by more learned opinions, especially contrasting ones.  And despite my opposing views, let me thank you for politely bringing opposing views to the table and discussing them.  And my apologies again for the tenor of my response.

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I am very close minded towards Youngkin voters despite not having lived in Virginia for 23 years. 


**** that guy and those who voted for him. 😁


That said, when you rely on schools to babysit your children for 9 months of the year, you really shouldn't get to complain when they follow proper health guidelines. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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3 hours ago, tshile said:

I have grown incredibly tired of this game you play where you completely discount the negatives of death and severe illness, as well as spreading covid to other (potentially more vulnerable) people, because of some potential long term developmental issues that you have to struggle so hard to get over the “but is this really actually a thing?” hurdle 


and then pretending like you’re trying to have this enlightened conversation because you care about the well-being or children. 

I don’t find your tactics particularly clever. 


Kinda wonder if he/she is even doing it consciously or if this is some specific social disorder I have never heard of before. 

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27 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Kinda wonder if he/she is even doing it consciously or if this is some specific social disorder I have never heard of before. 

If there were some smile emojis it’d be twa-level trolling is all (I miss him)

but in my experience, it’s really just the side effect of trying to justify opinions you otherwise have a hard time justifying. 

i mean you can’t really get to “masks are bad so we shouldn’t force kids to wear them “ without downplaying the whole “death or serious illness” angle. 

and for all his concerns about long term developmental issues cause by not seeing half of a teachers face, has he once commented on what’s going with regards to figuring out long term brain and lung damage from covid?


cause I don’t recall him once even mentioning it. 

But he’s super concerned about the long term consequences for kids when they, their peer, and teachers wear masks 



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2 hours ago, bearrock said:

I do think there is an aspect of your posts that's too easily dismissed by the more strigent covid restriction advocates and that's the extremely low death rate for children.  I still think the prudent policy is restrictions such as masking in place due to health system overload and risk of severe illness.  But there's definitely some measure of selling catastrophe in the media by highlighting rarer occurences of tragedy.  




I appreciate this post. And I think I take umbrage mostly with the media fear porn. I'm not saying by any means that COVID isn't serious. And that the deaths are trivial. But I do feel like anything that is "out of step" with the mainstream narrative or guidance is shot down. I'm definitely extremely sensitive to this and more frustrated (and taking things more personally than I should) because it is a weird position to be in.


I am very much liberal. But over the years I have grown increasingly skeptical of the health care system, the influence of big pharma, and more recently the influence of major media outlets, tech companies, censorship in general.


I'm not saying that any of my positions are absolute, but I feel like more conversations should be had about these things, and I'm just tired of being labeled as a Trumper (hate Trump) and anti-vaxxer (definitely not the case).


I also felt very strongly opposite of the way I feel at the beginning of the pandemic, but over time I have changed my views. I also have intended to more thoughtfully respond to some of these posts directed at me, but haven't had time and realize Im kind of dive-bombing posts here and there. SO not trying to be dismissive. I'll round back in here when I have some time and a less take a less "personally attacked" position.

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On 1/25/2022 at 9:34 AM, JamesMadisonSkins said:

I think pubic health and public education have been going downhill for a long time.


Biden gets a C+/B- for me...I was hoping for more and I think there's ground he could be working towards with Manchin, but I think he's done a generally good job.  He has to walk too thin a tightrope though, with the 50-50 senate and having to try to pacify the Bernie Sanders wing at the same time.  Short of writing Executive orders for everything, I'm not sure how anyone could be a 100% success.


The bolded above though, he gets an F for that.

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