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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

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5 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

Also, I just saw a short clip of the DeSantis Christ debate and holy ****, Ron is a horrible public speaker?  How did he ever get his foot in the door with that personality?

Being an abrasive asshole is simply one of the despicable character flaws that will help someone rise in the Republican Party. 

(He possesses numerous of the others, too.)

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I'm unhappy to report that the election denier, Congressperson who voted against certified electors on Jan 6 , John Carter TX-31 is running unopposed this time. I don't get to vote for who I want for my Congressperson. Regardless of the chances of someone else winning, if there's definitely not a chance if there's not someone else on the ballot.

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4 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Desantis while popular is untested on the national stage. He maybe a right darling  but how will he play across the country; especially if he chooses to run against Trump in 24.


"The dummies will do whatever we tell them " game plan has worked for them so far

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A North Carolina sheriff facing a slew of corruption accusations—including calling his own employees “snakes” and “Black ****s” and making other racially charged comments—resigned on Monday just before a judge could remove him from office.  But even that won’t stop embattled former Columbus County Sheriff Jody Greene from continuing his re-election campaign before voters cast their ballots on Nov. 8.


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J.D. Vance Has a Burnt Monkey Testicle Problem


On the campaign trail, Trump-endorsed Ohio Senate nominee J.D. Vance leans into the hardscrabble upbringing he wrote about in Hillbilly Elegy. He rails against universities and the abuses of Big Tech. He blasts Covid mandates, encouraging distrust, without evidence, of the “long-term risks” of mRNA vaccines. A recent convert to Catholicism, Vance insists he’s “100 percent pro-life.”


But in his life away from politics, Vance is a venture capitalist. And his values as an investor are far muddier. His VC firm, Narya, is an investor in Hallow, a prayer app that’s caught flak for allegedly seeking to profit off the intimate religious data of its users. Narya is also a backer of Rumble, the far-right “free speech” video service that competes with YouTube in the same way the noxious Gab counters Twitter — platforming noxious creators who’ve been kicked out of more respectable corners of the internet.


Vance’s VC firm also backs a $200 million biotech startup called AmplifyBio. In addition to Narya’s holdings, Vance declared he personally owns as much as $100,000 in the company’s non-public stock, according to recent SEC disclosures. The drug-testing firm has been lauded in the local press as part of Ohio’s transition from rust-belt decay to high-tech rebirth. The firm touts its mission as: “Advancing Science for Humankind.” 


But behind the gleaming walls of its Columbus-area campus, AmplifyBio operates a disturbing enterprise. Its core business is testing experimental drugs developed by other companies. AmplifyBio tests many of these substances on live animals, including monkeys and dogs. 


Many of these animals die in the course of toxic testing exposures. Other animals are destroyed at the conclusion of testing. There are also dreadful mistakes: A lab monkey recently died after getting wedged in faulty lab equipment, and technician error left other monkeys with burns on their genitals.


Click on the link for the full article


Him and Dr. Oz, birds of a feather...

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34 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

So did Fetterman really do poorly against Oz in the debate? I've only seen a few short clips and don't have the time to watch the whole thing right now...but one of the clips I did see was really bad. 😐

Definitely not an inspiring performance but not sure what to expect from a guy still recovering from a stroke. It was real awkward at times. The biggest takeaway from this will be Oz wanting abortions to be between a woman, doctor, and her local elected officials.

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1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

So did Fetterman really do poorly against Oz in the debate? I've only seen a few short clips and don't have the time to watch the whole thing right now...but one of the clips I did see was really bad. 😐


Dude, scrolling through my twitter feed, it was a juxtaposition of people thinking that he was courageous, did amazing, etc, and people thinking he was an absolute trainwreck...all of whom, I'm assuming, had their minds made up on the outcome before the debate took place.  


Here were two tweets that other people liked (I don't follow either one of these clowns) that popped up in my feed back to back:



I'm assuming that there's no way Fetterman could have done anything to impress Gutfeld while at the same time Cooper was going to think that, no matter what, Fetterman was going to destroy Dr. Oz.


I was kind of curious to go back and watch it but after reading hot take after hot take, I've lost interest.  



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