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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

Cooked Crack

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Forever A Redskin didn't know the difference between the Mueller Report and the Steele Dossier, so we're not exactly dealing with a political science savant here.


- Collusion with Russia was pervasive with the Trump campaign, as the Mueller Report outlined.  Investigators didn't believe they could build a case for criminal conspiracy, though.  But they did lay out specific damning evidence for obstruction of justice.


- The Select committee did in fact look at Capitol security as part of their mandate.  That information will be forthcoming and will frame recommendations they make for the future.  Their focus, though is more on all the treason stuff. You know... the attempt to subvert democracy led by a man with such a fragile ego he couldn't bear the reality that he lost an election. 




6 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I'm sorry, but I think my reading comprehension is pretty good. If you are right, then trump would've been impeached. 




He was impeached.  Twice.

Edited by Dan T.
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5 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I'm sorry, but I think my reading comprehension is pretty good. If you are right, then trump would've been impeached. If you're so upset about Russia, I'd be curious to know how you feel about Bidens own business dealings in foreign countires. But this isn't the Russia thread, so I don't want to de-rail discussion too much.



The point is that on that topic and now this one you repeatedly regurgitated right wing Trump world talking points while completely ignoring the vast amounts of evidence to the contrary. So yeah I think you're lying about reading the Mueller report. At least you admitted that you didn't really watch the hearing.

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1 minute ago, Dan T. said:

Forever A Redskin didn't know the difference between the Mueller Report and the Steele Dossier, so we're not exactly dealing with a political science savant here.


- Collusion with Russia was pervasive with the Trump campaign, as the Mueller Report outlined.  Investigators didn't believe they could build a case for criminal conspiracy, though.  But they did lay out specific damning evidence for obstruction of justice.


- The Select committee did in fact look at Capitol security as part of their mandate.  That information will be forthcoming and will frame recommendations they make for the future.  Their focus, though is more on all the treason stuff. You know... the attempt to subvert democracy led by a man with such a fragile ego he couldn't bear the reality that he lost an election. 


I'm looking forward to them making their case! I highly doubt anything will come of it. Just like Russia-Gate.


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Just now, Forever A Redskin said:


Maybe you guys are right. We will see what comes of this committee. That's what it's all about right?


Everything we are talking about came out of the committee in the first session. How is this confusing you? 


Just now, Forever A Redskin said:

Looking forward to the outcome of the committee! 


Don't bull**** me now. Address my post. Do you still think Nancy Pelosi has control of the DC National Guard or not? Do you think Trump delayed them or not? Your very first post was about how important this security **** was to you. Now you are saying you don't care? Square that. 

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10 minutes ago, purbeast said:

They are too dumb/ignorant to even realize how dumb/ignorant they are.

Dunning Kruger 


you all got sucked into playing on mt stupid. 

Pick up your things and go back to where you came from before you wind up permanently stuck there. 

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2 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


He was impeached.  Twice.


Yeah I assume he meant "removed"


But my counter point would be this: If I were on trial for something which needed 75% of the jury to find me guilty, and 50% of the jury were either my family members, friends, or people who worked for me, how likely would I be to get convicted?



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Just now, Forever A Redskin said:


I'm looking forward to them making their case! I highly doubt anything will come of it.




You may be right.  Which is the saddest indictment of the state of this Nation I could ever imagine.  Thanks to the ignorant, to blind loyalists, and cowards.

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8 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I'm just saying, in the court of public opinion... The American people don't really care about this. And I'd be willing to bet the TV ratings will reflect that. I personally feel it's a partisan smear campaign that they waited a year and a half (with midterms around the corner) for. If the the Dems think this is their big smoking gun that's gonna win the public favor... I personally think they are mistaken.


I agree that the GOP is gonna take back both houses in the midterms. I'm just curious as to what your own personal feelings about Trump's post election behavior  are. I notice you do your best to avoid the subject.


Let's be honest, if anyone else, including DeSantis, runs against Trump on the GOP side, you'll pick Trump....because he's "entertaining." What a joke.

Edited by hail2skins
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4 minutes ago, tshile said:

You emphasized the wrong sentence. 

I love the mocking “I look forward to the outcome of the hearings!” And all the other similar comments. 



****s got a real 550 days of President Biden vibe to it lol

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Just now, Forever A Redskin said:


I think the public would tune in to public hearings on inflation and gas prices, however.


You think Fox news would air that? 


Also please reply: 


8 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Everything we are talking about came out of the committee in the first session. How is this confusing you? 



Don't bull**** me now. Address my post. Do you still think Nancy Pelosi has control of the DC National Guard or not? Do you think Trump delayed them or not? Your very first post was about how important this security **** was to you. Now you are saying you don't care? Square that. 


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5 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I agree that the GOP is gonna take back both houses in the midterms. I'm just curious as to what your own personal feelings about Trump's post election behavior  are. I notice you do your best to avoid the subject.


Let's be honest, if anyone else, including DeSantis, runs against Trump on the GOP side, you'll pick Trump....because he's "entertaining." What a joke.


You couldn't be more wrong. I wish Trump wouldn't run, and I'd vote for Desantis.


I've stated multiple times I'm not a huge Trump fan. 


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Trump was impeached twice. He wasn’t convicted. Clinton was impeached but not convicted. Johnson was impeached and fell 1 vote shy of being convicted.

Nixon resigned before he would’ve been impeached and convicted.


I expect Biden to be impeached at least 3 times next year but he won’t be convicted.


All the gop is going to do next year is impeachments, go after every sitting and former politician that voted to impeach and tax cuts for Donald, Jeff , Elan and the rest of the rich.

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1 minute ago, Forever A Redskin said:


You couldn't be more wrong. I wish Trump wouldn't run, and I'd vote for Desantis.


I've stated multiple times I'm not a huge Trump fan. 



DeSantis has made himself basically a Mini-Me version of Trump. If you're all about DeSantis, you're all about Trump.

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It’d be a lot easier for @Forever A Redskin to just come clean and admit that he’s never read the Mueller report or the Steele Dossier, and that he literally just parrots the stuff he willfully digests via memes and podcast clips.  Like so many others I unfortunately know, you just parrot bits and pieces of crap from the internet.  When countered with facts, you change the subject and go back to rambling about approval ratings.  It’s the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears  with your tongue out at the rest of us.


Democrats operate in a way that there is plenty of room for criticism, yet you can’t seem to find your way to facts that would better support you in doing that.  It’s almost like you go out of your way to appear ignorant.

Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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8 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I think the public would tune in to public hearings on inflation and gas prices, however.

I have news for you. 

majority of people can’t handle a real conversation or explanation on those topics. 

They’re not smart enough. The words are too big. 

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6 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Yeah that's it. Tell everyone they are too dumb and should just buy an electric car. LMAO

Well most people seem to think the president has something to do with the gas prices. 

If you can’t get further into the topic than that, without being laughably wrong, then no you’re not intellectually equipped for a real discussion on global economics and trade. 

And that’s just the start. You got a long way to go before you can demonstrate intellectual competence on inflation and something like the global trade of oil products. 

It’s not my fault people are dumb. 

Also I own a truck. 

i mean the ev’s look cool. Not against them at all. 

but I personally own a truck. And a diesel tractor. Just because I think your talking points and opinions are worth less than the **** my dog leaves in my yard, doesn’t mean I’m some sort of crazy liberal 

Edited by tshile
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34 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Everything we are talking about came out of the committee in the first session. How is this confusing you? 



Don't bull**** me now. Address my post. Do you still think Nancy Pelosi has control of the DC National Guard or not? Do you think Trump delayed them or not? Your very first post was about how important this security **** was to you. Now you are saying you don't care? Square that. 

@Forever A Redskin  Heyyyyyy we were so cloooooose don’t stop nowwwwwww 

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20 minutes ago, mistertim said:


DeSantis has made himself basically a Mini-Me version of Trump. If you're all about DeSantis, you're all about Trump.


I'd argue he's trump 2.0. new and improved. 


The good of Trump, less of the bad. He'd win in a landslide.


And yes, to above posters I meant convicted. I anticipate Biden will be impeached as well. Ya know, that whole laptop thing the media said was Russian disinformation.


What's even more awesome is that the American people liked Trump way more than Biden. Current approval ratings will tell you that. Don't really understand all the fuss.


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22 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Yeah that's it. Tell everyone they are too dumb and should just buy an electric car. LMAO


I would say it's less about being dumb and more about being ignorant. Though there's often a fair amount of overlap between the two.


And ignorance is actually ok. It just means not having enough information. I'm ignorant about plenty of things. But there's a difference between regular ignorance (I'm pretty ignorant about birdwatching for example) and intentional ignorance.


Most Trump supporters seem to exhibit the latter. They don't know, they don't want to know, and they view anyone who tries to give them more factual information that might contradict their ideology as enemies to be attacked.


5 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


I'd argue he's trump 2.0. new and improved. 


The good of Trump, less of the bad. He'd win in a landslide.


And yes, to above posters I meant convicted. I anticipate Biden will be impeached as well. Ya know, that whole laptop thing the media said was Russian disinformation.


What's even more awesome is that the American people liked Trump way more than Biden. Current approval ratings will tell you that. Don't really understand all the fuss.



So all the authoritarian tendencies, but not quite as much cheating on wives and picking (and losing) fights with Autistic 16 year olds.

Edited by mistertim
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29 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


You couldn't be more wrong. I wish Trump wouldn't run, and I'd vote for Desantis.


I've stated multiple times I'm not a huge Trump fan. 


But you have never said why you are not a huge Trump fan.  Why aren’t you?  He doesn’t make any mistakes ever.  Why do you like DeSantis better than Trump.  Trump is more of a free speech absolutist than DeSantis.  And he cares more about safety for elected officials.

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