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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:



I got the vibe that someday someone will have the guts to write a book about what goes on there and I get the strong impression that we get the neutered more PG version of Dan's stewardship -- weird enough.  I am sure the hesitation is Dan will sue anyone who moves if it serves his purpose.


I was listening to Hoffman interview someone on 106.7 who talked about wanting to stay out of Dan's way when he worked there considering his reputation but one time he watched Dan just over the top berate an employee for simply not having his phone on in after hours one night.  So many small stories like this out there.


I bet if you combine them all it would be one wild and sad book. 



"...I got the vibe that someday someone will have the guts to write a book about what goes on there..."


Yes, I also remember the great prophesy...


"Let all ye remember these words for they tell of a great tale yet to come.


On a tragic day a hero will fall broken beyond repair-- our most bitter playoff defeat. 


Then a decade later the hero will rise,  from the still smoldering ashes in our football souls, for one final battle.


He will write the great book revealing for all to see the true nature of the Snyder beast that infests us from within.


In so doing, we will all be saved and live  happily ever after together in the bliss of football heaven."



Let us gaze upon the visage of the once broken hero prophesied to write the book of football revelations that will lead us to our ultimate victory...








The following is a paid promotional announcement from Griffin Intl Entertainment, llc a division of Tandy Computers.



You can count on me to write and publish my "bad stuff that happened in dc book" filled with all sorts of bad doings, unsavory mishaps, and terrible things that were done to me stories that weren't in any way my fault among other great stuff too exciting and nasty to hint about now. <wink wink>


Please preorder the book immediately by sending large cash donations to my Paypal account. (All donations are non-refundable even if I never publish anything.)


Remember, I am the prophesied one!


Best wishes from the honorable,


Robery Griffin the III

(aka good old RGIII)




"Pressure breaks pipes and makes diamonds."


"Know your why."


Follow me on twitter.







Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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23 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

This is an incredibly naïve take.  As if there are clauses in contracts like:


"The owner cannot 'meddle' in football operations"


Very similar to when folks wanted to pin 'full control' on Shanahan, as if that meant he could literally just stroll into Ashburn and not have to deal with any of Dan or Bruce's big ideas.  There is a heavy political factor for head coaches, even if they have 'full control'.  The owner is still the boss and it's a job in and of itself to manage a relationship with a billionaire that signs your checks.  


I have no idea to what extent if any, Snyder is meddling with Rivera.  All things considered, it certainly seems that Rivera is able to run the place as he sees fit from a football perspective - but not because that's the way Dan wants it, but because that was forced upon Dan after over 2 decades of ineptitude, sexual assault allegations, empty stadiums, forced name change, congressional hearings, lawsuits, and the list goes on.


Only to further solidify your naivety. 


It would be hilarious if not so sad, that you make statements like this with absolutely no factual basis to back up your opinion.  Another staple of @HardcoreZorn.  You are practically suggesting that all of this is just luck - why some orgs are good, bad, win, lose, etc.  Dan just so happens to be incredibly unlucky, not only with this football team for over 20 years but his reverse midas touch on practically everything else he's touched since buying this team.  And because he doesn't speak to the media, both locally and nationally, the media has conspired together to tarnish his reputation.  


The Bold And The Beautiful Welcome To Bizarro World GIF by CBS


Actually, yes, a lot of it is luck or lack thereof.       By the way, it's an opinion.   you're confusing the difference between opinion with "facts"


I'm not even going to respond to your Rivera/Shanny comments.

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2 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

The thing about Dan is if I can have a dollar for every time I've heard from people cover the team say that the reality about Dan is a lot worse than what's out there publicly, I'd be a wealthy guy.  Some say well why don't they share it then?  Because you can't share everything told to you privately without blowing up that source. 


I think of all the crazy stories about Dan the one that seems so wild and so on brand is his obsession to get Bruce to congratulate him for the Ron hire.  How psycho and petty on Dan's end.  I know its a small thing but how many people do we know in our life that would dwell on something so petty and stupid like that?  And this is supposedly the new bigger and better and more "mature" Dan.  😧


Bruce not congratulating him was crazy story.  Less believable than the Epstein stuff.    Makes no sense.   Do you recall where it came from?

It's could have been a sarcastic comment.  Just hard to believe anyone would do that.    

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3 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


Actually, yes, a lot of it is luck or lack thereof.       By the way, it's an opinion.   you're confusing the difference between opinion with "facts"


I'm not even going to respond to your Rivera/Shanny comments.

This guy is truly a natural treasure to behold, with Dan Snyder apologists being an endangered species and all.



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4 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


Bruce not congratulating him was crazy story.  Less believable than the Epstein stuff.    Makes no sense.   Do you recall where it came from?

It's could have been a sarcastic comment.  Just hard to believe anyone would do that.    


At the same time, Snyder’s quest to uncover the sources of damaging stories about him had dwindled mostly to one target: Allen, the team’s former president.


Snyder’s grievances with Allen ranged from conspiratorial to petty, according to court records and legal communications reviewed by The Post. Snyder suggested in court filings that Allen was involved in a conspiracy to defame him with the Epstein stories. But according to people with knowledge of their relationship and text messages reviewed by The Post, Snyder also was offended that Allen had never sent Snyder a text message congratulating him on hiring Coach Ron Rivera.


In January 2020, after the news conference announcing Rivera’s hire, according to these people, Snyder learned that Allen had sent a congratulatory text to Rivera. Snyder was insulted, these people said, that he didn’t receive a similar text from Allen, whom Snyder had fired a few weeks before.


Later that year, the team, citing the pandemic, attempted to get out of paying Allen all of the money he was owed under his contract. Allen fought back, and Snyder agreed to pay his full salary. But in a message sent to Allen’s lawyers over settlement terms, one of Snyder’s lawyers included a condition that Allen wouldn’t agree to meet, according to text messages reviewed by The Post.


“In addition, I understand that Mr. Allen has agreed to send a text message to Mr. Snyder stating, ‘Congrats on the hire,’ ” Snyder’s attorney wrote in July 2020, seven months after Snyder hired Rivera. Allen’s lawyers resolved the pay dispute, but he never sent this text, according to a person with knowledge of the case.


In April 2021, as Snyder’s effort to unmask leakers continued, his lawyers asked a federal judge in Arizona to compel Allen to turn over text messages, emails and other records that they suggested would show he was a source for both the meaww.com stories and stories in The Post.




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1 minute ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

This guy is truly a natural treasure to behold, with Dan Snyder apologists being an endangered species and all.




Haha.  I'm just trying to be fair.  I don't believe in mob mentality.


Mike Brown hadn't won a playoff game in 30+ years and is known as one of the cheapest owners in the league.    Did he become a good owner or did he get lucky with Burrow?

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27 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


Haha.  I'm just trying to be fair.  I don't believe in mob mentality.


Mike Brown hadn't won a playoff game in 30+ years and is known as one of the cheapest owners in the league.    Did he become a good owner or did he get lucky with Burrow?

Mob mentality - another HardcoreZorn staple.


Someone escort this guy and his VPN outta here.


This guy would defend Jeffrey Dahmer from the mob.  

“He was just hungry, and needed something to eat.  He’s no different than anyone else when the hunger pangs strike.  Everyone else can afford to buy groceries, Jeffrey couldn’t and had to eat those people.”



Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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1 minute ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Mob mentality - another HardcoreZorn staple.


Someone escort this guy and his VPN outta here.


This guy would defend Jeffrey Dahmer from the mob.  

“He was just hungry, and needed something to eat.  He’s no different than anyone else when the hunger pangs strike.”




Oh geez  calm down will ya.  I would not defend Dahmer.


No response to the Mike Brown comment?    Can say the same for Jim Irsay and his luck get Manning and Luck.   Etc...

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1 minute ago, FLSkinz83 said:

No response to the Mike Brown comment?    Can say the same for Jim Irsay and his luck get Manning and Luck.   Etc...

Mike Brown had a 5 year streak of .500+ win seasons just last decade, with freaking Andy Dalton.


Irsay is absolutely a psycho but was smart enough to hire Ballard.


Whats next, Shad Kahn?


There is some level of luck involved with damn near everything.  We can cherry pick scenarios all day long if you’d like.


I just don’t know how anyone that has followed this team for the past 20+ years, and all the drama that surrounds it, all the abysmal results, the empty stadium, and so on can have the audacity to suggest that the guy who has been at the helm of destroying one of the most storied franchises and fanbases is merely unlucky.  That if he just talked to the media, they’d be nicer and acknowledge his “bad luck”.


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20 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:




Two sets of books omg!!!


We just took the quantum leap from "ho hum interesting story please pass the potatoes" to "all hands on deck, front page above the fold, extra extra read all about it," status boys and girls.


You can **** with a lot of government entities but the last one you want to go toe to toe with is the IRS.


If this story has worth...


if it is not just hyperbole...


if it turns out that there's real meat on them bones...




Daniel Benjamin Snyder is done as owner of this or any professional franchise-- forever!!!!


We are rid of him...


"...maybe not today or tomorrow but soon and for the rest of our lives." 

Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca






Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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3 hours ago, FLSkinz83 said:


I'm not going to respond to all the messages, but I'll just summarize by saying that Dan is no better or worse than a bunch of owners in this league.

I'm talking about football ownership.   I'm not talking about him as a person.  The only difference between Dan and the rest of them is that Dan doesn't speak.    That's his fault.

The record of the team under his ownership, which is now nearly 25 years, suggests he's worse than a large percentage.


And just maybe the way he is as a person has a lot to do with his inability to hire and/or retain top-notch employees.

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4 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Way too good to be true.


Imagine Dan not only having to sell the team but also doing time.  


He will sell the team if he thinks there is even a slim chance he can get indicted. That dude is way too weak to serve even a day.

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18 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Mike Brown had a 5 year streak of .500+ win seasons just last decade, with freaking Andy Dalton.


Irsay is absolutely a psycho but was smart enough to hire Ballard.


Whats next, Shad Kahn?


There is some level of luck involved with damn near everything.  We can cherry pick scenarios all day long if you’d like.


I just don’t know how anyone that has followed this team for the past 20+ years, and all the drama that surrounds it, all the abysmal results, the empty stadium, and so on can have the audacity to suggest that the guy who has been at the helm of destroying one of the most storied franchises and fanbases is merely unlucky.  That if he just talked to the media, they’d be nicer and acknowledge his “bad luck”.



The fact you're defending Mike Brown shows how biased you are.     Kahn is on my list, but Haslam, Bidwell, Johnson and Ford come before him.   I'd throw Jerry Jones in there.


I never said he was "merely" unlucky.   That's been a big part in terms of wins and losses....Sean Taylor, RG3 injury, Alex Smith Injury just to name three.


You also seem to forget that he inherited a terrible team; with an a bad stadium.    


Again, if he sells Tomorrow, I don't care.   What bothers me is the over the top stuff that has no facts to it.  Just a bunch of rumors, inuendo's, "sources say".    

These perceptions hurt the franchise more than they need to and I don't like it.

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21 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

The record of the team under his ownership, which is now nearly 25 years, suggests he's worse than a large percentage.


And just maybe the way he is as a person has a lot to do with his inability to hire and/or retain top-notch employees.


Yup. His toxic bullying personality drives away competent people, so the only ones left who can tolerate that abuse are all yes-men who tell him what he wants to hear. This directly impacts the team because incompetent people are put in charge of coaching, evaluating personnel, drafting players, treating employees with respect, and team/uniform rebrandings.


Vlad 'the Invader' Putin has the same problem. But these kind of people prefer the suck-ups to being told the truth, so they eventually go down with the ship.


He won't sell. He will double down like Putin on his mistake. They will have to drag him kicking and screaming from Ashburn, along with his overpriced cigars.


Two sets of books? Maybe he needed one to track all the payouts to people he's sexually harassed.

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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53 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


At the same time, Snyder’s quest to uncover the sources of damaging stories about him had dwindled mostly to one target: Allen, the team’s former president.


Snyder’s grievances with Allen ranged from conspiratorial to petty, according to court records and legal communications reviewed by The Post. Snyder suggested in court filings that Allen was involved in a conspiracy to defame him with the Epstein stories. But according to people with knowledge of their relationship and text messages reviewed by The Post, Snyder also was offended that Allen had never sent Snyder a text message congratulating him on hiring Coach Ron Rivera.


In January 2020, after the news conference announcing Rivera’s hire, according to these people, Snyder learned that Allen had sent a congratulatory text to Rivera. Snyder was insulted, these people said, that he didn’t receive a similar text from Allen, whom Snyder had fired a few weeks before.


Later that year, the team, citing the pandemic, attempted to get out of paying Allen all of the money he was owed under his contract. Allen fought back, and Snyder agreed to pay his full salary. But in a message sent to Allen’s lawyers over settlement terms, one of Snyder’s lawyers included a condition that Allen wouldn’t agree to meet, according to text messages reviewed by The Post.


“In addition, I understand that Mr. Allen has agreed to send a text message to Mr. Snyder stating, ‘Congrats on the hire,’ ” Snyder’s attorney wrote in July 2020, seven months after Snyder hired Rivera. Allen’s lawyers resolved the pay dispute, but he never sent this text, according to a person with knowledge of the case.


In April 2021, as Snyder’s effort to unmask leakers continued, his lawyers asked a federal judge in Arizona to compel Allen to turn over text messages, emails and other records that they suggested would show he was a source for both the meaww.com stories and stories in The Post.





53 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


At the same time, Snyder’s quest to uncover the sources of damaging stories about him had dwindled mostly to one target: Allen, the team’s former president.


Snyder’s grievances with Allen ranged from conspiratorial to petty, according to court records and legal communications reviewed by The Post. Snyder suggested in court filings that Allen was involved in a conspiracy to defame him with the Epstein stories. But according to people with knowledge of their relationship and text messages reviewed by The Post, Snyder also was offended that Allen had never sent Snyder a text message congratulating him on hiring Coach Ron Rivera.


In January 2020, after the news conference announcing Rivera’s hire, according to these people, Snyder learned that Allen had sent a congratulatory text to Rivera. Snyder was insulted, these people said, that he didn’t receive a similar text from Allen, whom Snyder had fired a few weeks before.


Later that year, the team, citing the pandemic, attempted to get out of paying Allen all of the money he was owed under his contract. Allen fought back, and Snyder agreed to pay his full salary. But in a message sent to Allen’s lawyers over settlement terms, one of Snyder’s lawyers included a condition that Allen wouldn’t agree to meet, according to text messages reviewed by The Post.


“In addition, I understand that Mr. Allen has agreed to send a text message to Mr. Snyder stating, ‘Congrats on the hire,’ ” Snyder’s attorney wrote in July 2020, seven months after Snyder hired Rivera. Allen’s lawyers resolved the pay dispute, but he never sent this text, according to a person with knowledge of the case.


In April 2021, as Snyder’s effort to unmask leakers continued, his lawyers asked a federal judge in Arizona to compel Allen to turn over text messages, emails and other records that they suggested would show he was a source for both the meaww.com stories and stories in The Post.





Amazing how WaPo has all these stories.   Makes me wonder....

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5 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


You also seem to forget that he inherited a terrible team; with an a bad stadium.    

Nearly 25 years hasn't been enough time to turn this baby around, huh?


Stadium has always been in a less than optimal location, but Snyder and his hires have contributed to the crap game day experience as well.

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