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So, how do you reopen schools? (Preschool to High School & even College)


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Here in Texas the kids are back in school this week. Our Republican Death Cult Texas Chapter Governor Abbott has declared that he will sue any school district, public university, and others who require masks on children. It's madness here. 


Edited to add:  Paxton is our under Federal indictment Attorney General. This is how these ****ers think. Another science denier.


"If we have local officials who just defy law because they feel like they know better, then we end up with little dictators all over the state and we don't have any rule of law and we lose our representative government that we vote for," Paxton told Lubbock radio host Chad Hasty on Wednesday.







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3 minutes ago, Ball Security said:


Is your child’s school following the mask mandate?

They haven’t sent out anything yet. They’re having an emergency meeting.  Right now

But they’re the:

masks dont work

masks harm people 

the government lies

This is overreach



type people. 

not all of them. But enough of them are. It’s an embarrassment. They won’t get voted out because 60% of my county thinks just like them. 

Here’s an example:

the Virginia health department rep went to the mic to explain that all current scientific understanding says the virus spreads via droplets, masks reduce the spread of droplets and distance can keep you from being exposed to droplets, and that’s why masks and distancing works


and for that the crowd booed her. 

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440 students quarantine in one Florida county due to COVID-19, two days after start of school year


A total of 440 students have been quarantined in Palm Beach County, Florida, due to COVID-19, just two days after the start of the school year, the Palm Beach County School District told ABC News.


The district kicked off the school year with in-person classes on Tuesday for the first time since last March.


The district requires facial coverings inside schools and buses for all students, unless their parent opts out of the requirement, as well as staff.


But that didn't stop the virus from affecting the return to school.


So far, there are 134 confirmed COVID-19 cases -- 26 among employees and 108 among students -- within the school district, according to its COVID-19 dashboard.


The district told ABC News 6,379 students out of its estimated 167,000 pupils, or about 3.8%, have opted out of wearing masks as of Thursday.


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Update: Three Broward County Educators Lose Battle With COVID-19 In Less Than 24 Hours


Broward Teachers Union President Anna Fusco clarified on Friday August 13, it was three, not four, Broward County School employees who passed away during a 24-hour period. Two teachers and a teachers assistant.


The fourth death was a Broward County Public Schools graduate with close ties to the school district through her job.

None of the people who died were vaccinated, said Fusco.


Click on the link for the full article


In related news...


South Florida Schools Reporting Teacher, Support Staff Shortage

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Mississippi 8th Grader Dies With COVID Hours After Gov. Reeves Downplays Child Cases


An eighth-grade girl died this morning in Raleigh, Miss., mere hours after testing positive for COVID-19. Multiple sources told the Mississippi Free Press that the student attended classes at the school most of the week, including Wednesday, before testing positive for COVID-19 at week’s end. Her health quickly declined afterward.


Classes began in the Smith County School District, where she attended school, on Aug. 6. Unlike last year when Gov. Tate Reeves mandated masks in all public schools, the district decided in June that it would “allow” students and educators to bring face masks to school but would not require them. Photos posted on school Facebook accounts on the first day show maskless students walking through the hallways in close proximity.


But as students and employees in the school district tested positive within the first three days of classes, the school district reversed course. “After much consideration for the welfare of our children, Smith County Schools will require all personnel and students to wear a mask,” the district announced on Aug. 10. By Friday, at least 76 students and 11 educators had tested positive; 411 students and 11 educators were quarantined by that point.


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Should kids wear masks in school? These states have banned mandates despite experts’ pleas


Studies from last school year show mask-wearing is an effective prevention strategy, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report updated in July. But when mask use is inconsistent, the CDC found, outbreaks can occur.


That will be even more the case this year with the delta variant on the rise. 


Most states have lifted mask mandates in schools but allow local districts to impose them as they see fit. Twelve states have imposed mask mandates in schools, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico – a group that has grown this week.


Eight states have banned their school districts from imposing mandates.


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Name-calling, canceled meetings, pleas from students: A week of school mask mandate chaos


A New York school board meeting was canceled. A Tennessee meeting devolved into chaos as medical professionals were compared with demons and cowards. A 12-year-old Florida student found her voice advocating for masks to protect her younger brother. In a protest earlier this month, a North Carolina school board was "overthrown." 


Emotions ran high on both sides as school boards across the country debated mask mandates, generating stunning video footage that bombarded social media. Some parents showed up to pressure local officials to require masks in defiance of state laws, while others used debunked science to argue masks should not be required.


"The parents need to be the boss of what's best for their children," Anna Penola, a parent of four, told the Michigan State Board of Education, which decided to support local districts' choices on masking. 


"This is a matter of life and death," countered Mike Siegel, a parent of two elementary students in Austin, Texas, and a former Democratic congressional candidate, who urged his county to require masks.


As the delta variant of the coronavirus has run rampant throughout much of the country, more children are becoming infected and ending up in hospitals. More than 90% of COVID-19 cases affecting children now are caused by the delta variant.


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My school board decided to take advantage of some sloppy wording/direction in Northam’s order and made a form for everyone to fill out to exempt from masks. 

I’ve lost my patience with the anti-maskers. Whatever etiquette that existed previously with dealing with these people (friends, family, work, in public) are out the window for me.

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We have a neighbor who is constantly posting about how awful masks/mask mandates at wcpss are and how thankful she is that her kids private school isn't requiring them. 


I'm like, sit the **** down Tina. You pay $ to go to a school where they make your kid wear a uniform and the parents have to sign a pledge they won't talk negatively about the school in public. 


You think wcpss is infringing on your rights? Have you looked in the mirror?

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Hillsborough Schools calls emergency meeting as 5,915 students, staff affected by COVID


The Hillsborough County School Board is calling an emergency meeting after thousands of students across the district are either in isolation or quarantine for COVID-19.


According to a press release, as of Monday, 5,599 students and 316 employees are either in isolation or quarantining due to the virus after returning to the classroom last week.


"Isolation refers to individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 while quarantine refers to those who have had close contact with a positive case," the school district wrote.


In total, the number of students in isolation or quarantine accounts for 3 percent of the district's entire student population.


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