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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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Costello Retirement Moves PA-06 from Toss Up to Likely Democratic



Over the weekend, moderate GOP Rep. Ryan Costello (PA-06) confirmed that he wouldn't run for reelection, reversing course just days after filing petitions to put his name on the ballot. The move deprives Republicans of a well-liked incumbent with $1.3 million in the bank in a suburban Philadelphia district and puts Democrat Chrissy Houlahan in the driver's seat to take over a very favorably redrawn seat.


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But with Republican-dominated congressional redistricting in 2011, Brennan Center researchers project Democrats are going to win far fewer seats — around 12 — even if they win by an 8.8-point margin in 2018. In today’s gerrymandered landscape, Brennan researchers estimate Democrats would have to win the popular vote by 11 points, something neither party has achieved in decades.


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Sometimes I wonder if the "Left" (taking into account everyone left of center) gets too apathetic about the long-run view of things.  They know eventually the demographics are on their side and what we are going through now and probably for the next 20 or so years will be the last gasp of the Old Angry White Men of Yesterera to wind the clock backwards, however even if all that is true, I see no good reason to not show up for elections in the mean time and stop as much as that garbage as possible.  It's silly to sit back and let progress go backwards or slow down because "one day down the line we won't have to worry"

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6 minutes ago, FanboyOf91 said:

The Dems should have David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, and Michael Avenatti purge the filth out of the DNC and DNCC and enforce emergency spine transplants.


Honestly I do think it's a problem that there is no real "left" representation outside of Bernie & Warren.  There isn't much of a "faction" though.  The left doesn't have their own version of the tea party caucus because the right has done such a good job of painting anyone center-left as an extremist.

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3 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

The left doesn't have their own version of the tea party caucus because the right has done such a good job of painting anyone center-left as an extremist worse than Trump.


Fixed that for you.  :) 


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13 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Bernie represents the far left wing.  I dont even know what Warren wants to be (she should stick to being an academic influencer). The times we are living in demand responsible adult leadership, not Trumps funhouse mirror response from the left. 


Right, the progressive wing has Bernie Sanders but there isn't really a sizable coalition of progressives the way the right has the Tea Party Caucus which now seems mainstreamed into the GOP.  Maybe there is and they just aren't very vocal about it. 


It feels like the Dems are way more centrist then the incoming generation of their voting base while the GOP continues to find ways to appease the most asinine right wing elements of their coalition.  I think in the end it comes down to people simply not showing up to vote.  Whether they feel disillusioned with the entire process or are looking for some kind of leftist-purity test.  Maybe a combo.  

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