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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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May the worst man win as 'Trump World is working overtime to find ways to burn DeSantis down'


Choosing between a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis presidency is a little like deciding which kidney to chisel out of your abdomen and toss onto the back patio for the dingoes. Either outcome would be painful beyond measure, but hey, if they can fatally wound each other during a knockdown, drag-out primary fight—well, let the games begin!


Back in the halcyon days of 2020, when gas prices were low enough to make self-immolation a far cheaper suicide method than simply living in Florida, Trump and DeSantis competed with each other over who could enact the most-medieval COVID-19 policies. DeSantis likely won, but only because Trump wasn’t in office long enough to make a parboiled lemur head director-for-life of the CDC.  


But now DeSantis—who’s a slightly more disciplined version of Trump, who in turn is a slightly more disciplined version of a drowning howler monkey—appears to be directly challenging his ocher overlord for the MAGA crown, and the OG ****-stirrer doesn’t like it one bit.


In a June 20 story on DeSantis’ ascendant political career, New Yorker staff writer Dexter Filkins noted that the Trump camp is none too pleased with the Sunshine State’s governor these days:



Trump told me that he was “very close to making a decision” about whether to run. “I don’t know if Ron is running, and I don’t ask him,” he said. “It’s his prerogative. I think I would win.” In nearly every poll of likely Republican contenders, Trump still has a solid advantage: DeSantis’s constituency was Trump’s first. Trump seems to want to keep it that way. A consultant who has worked for several Republican candidates said that the former President had talked with confidants about ways to stop DeSantis: “Trump World is working overtime to find ways to burn DeSantis down. They really hate him.”


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12 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

as if

Taken from China in another thread.




Providence officer charged with assaulting political rival at abortion rally


A Providence police officer and Republican political candidate is facing charges after he allegedly assaulted his Democratic opponent outside the Rhode Island State House Friday night, in an incident that has quickly drawn national attention.


The Providence Police Department announced that Patrolman Jeann Lugo — who had been running for state Senate — was arrested, charged and arraigned Saturday afternoon at the Lincoln barracks of the Rhode Island State Police. The department had placed him on paid leave earlier in the day.


Police said Lugo, 35, was charged with simple assault and disorderly conduct and released on personal recognizance. He will be arraigned again on July 8.


Lugo is a three-year veteran of the force and was off duty at the time, according to police. The incident remains under investigation.

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Senator in 2010 deposition: 13-year-olds can consent to sex


Before he became a leading voice for conservative causes on Capitol Hill, U.S. Senator James Lankford spent more than a decade as the director of youth programming at the Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center, a sprawling campground about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City that attracts more than 50,000 campers in grades six through 12 each year.


The Republican lawmaker’s tenure at the camp is a prominent feature of his political profile, noted in the first paragraph of his official Senate biography. That experience is also coming under renewed scrutiny as the Southern Baptist Convention, which is affiliated with the group that owns the camp, faces a reckoning over its handling of sexual abuse cases.


In 2009, while Lankford worked at the camp, the family of a 13-year-old girl sued a 15-year-old boy who was alleged to have had sex with her at the camp. Lankford, who was not in Congress at the time, is not alleged to have had any direct knowledge of the alleged assault, has not been accused of any wrongdoing and was not a defendant in the lawsuit, which was settled for an undisclosed amount before it was scheduled to go to trial.


But in a 2010 deposition in the case, given a week after he was elected to his first term in the U.S. House, Lankford testified that he believed a 13-year-old could consent to sex.


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"Oh noes, the crazies were serious??!? It wasn't just bluster and hyperbole? I"m shocked! I need to repost more memes and make a sign!"




This isn't just who they are, it's what they've ALWAYS been!


It's getting worse, it will continue to get worse unless and until the great herd of DGAF gets spooked off the couch


And we ain't nowhere near that point yet


If you're angry enough now to fight then hone those skills, they'll come in handy later. If not then you may just end up being cannon fodder for one side or the other.



No, fodder!  


Take some time regularly to assess your situation, your location, potential escape routes and nearby threats, etc. Not as a Hollywood production but more along the lines of situational awareness. Making others around you aware of the looming threat. Just sit back and imagine exactly what you might do (or be willing to do) in a drastic situation.


Don't just sit there waiting for it.


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Let's just split the country in two.   The Republican States of America and The Democratic States of America.    Every 4 years people can vote where they want their State to be.


I don't see the division we currently have as one country getting better. Only worse.


P.S.  I know this is not realistic (I think) 

Edited by FLSkinz83
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Gonna say something that might be controversial…but it probably really shouldn’t be.


Ive grown weary of the ZOMG WHAT ABOUT RAPE?!? part of this discourse.  It’s an extremely rare outcome and shouldn’t even be open to debate in the first place.  

Reproductive rights, patient/doctor confidentiality and contraception/abortion availability is a huge net positive for American women, American children, the American people, the American economy and many other facets of our life.  I think perhaps it would more broadly beneficial to illuminate these factors going forward…cause they should be more than enough to sway people on the fence.  And they effect us all…not just the very small handful of unfortunate women who become impregnated via sexual assault.


Just a thought.

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18 minutes ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Gonna say something that might be controversial…but it probably really shouldn’t be.


Ive grown weary of the ZOMG WHAT ABOUT RAPE?!? part of this discourse.  It’s an extremely rare outcome and shouldn’t even be open to debate in the first place.  

Reproductive rights, patient/doctor confidentiality and contraception/abortion availability is a huge net positive for American women, American children, the American people, the American economy and many other facets of our life.  I think perhaps it would more broadly beneficial to illuminate these factors going forward…cause they should be more than enough to sway people on the fence.  And they effect us all…not just the very small handful of unfortunate women who become impregnated via sexual assault.


Just a thought.



Except when people cannot even concede that an incredibly small number of instances that occur under the most extreme and vile circumstances arent up for discussion….. there isn’t a civil discussion to be had.


Save the stories about science, anecdotal stories about health issues….. they don’t care. 

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2 hours ago, FLSkinz83 said:

Let's just split the country in two.   The Republican States of America and The Democratic States of America.    Every 4 years people can vote where they want their State to be.


I don't see the division we currently have as one country getting better. Only worse.


P.S.  I know this is not realistic (I think) 



I have no desire to surround myself with White Supremacists so yeah, I'm all for non violent secession.


Edit: And no, I'm not implying all Republicans are white Supremacists....but white Supremacists do seem to gravitate to that party...

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1 hour ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Gonna say something that might be controversial…but it probably really shouldn’t be.


Ive grown weary of the ZOMG WHAT ABOUT RAPE?!? part of this discourse.  It’s an extremely rare outcome and shouldn’t even be open to debate in the first place.  


I think the question to ask is "What if a 30 year old black Antifa member rapes your 13 year old daughter?" That'll make suburban MAGA parents wanna vote Democrat.


But seriously, I think the "what about rape and incest" question needs to constantly be brought up to GOP politicians and their supporters who cheer on Roe v. Wade being struck down for a few reasons:


- The answers inform the population of those states...many may be thinking rape and incest are common-sense exceptions that the law takes into consideration when in reality it does not. It shows how shortsighted their political leaders are being on this issue.


- Not bringing it up ends up excluding those women from the debate who unfortunately have experienced pregnancy from being raped. I can't remember if it was here or on twitter, but there's a tweet from a woman who said she was raped by her uncle when she was 12 and became pregnant. Her grandmother drove her something like 1,000 miles to get an abortion...nobody talked about it afterwards, was just something you didn't bring up. She's like 56 years old now, and I believe has a child of her own. I want her story to matter as much as the stories of women whose birth control failed or any of a dozen other reasons an abortion is being considered. All of it, no matter how rare or how common, is just part of being a female. I like that they bring up their experiences and that their experiences are then asked as questions to politicians.


- It should further motivate people to vote. Basically it underscores this reality:




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I think if we did have any states secede or in any way divide ourselves, China and Russia will take a victory lap. Even in times of highly contentious political climates, an emergency has brought us together. But I wonder what would happen if we had something like 9/11 happen now? 
Would we come together as a somewhat whole?
When that happened, we did have a number of crazies who yelled "false flag!", and that the US govt flew the planes, yadda yadda Zeitgeistblahblahblah.
But by and large we came together to accept the truth of the matter. We went to do what we thought needed to be done, and people volunteered from all walks of American life.

Could we do that now? Or would some sort of major attack be the tipping point that burns us down?


I'm genuinely asking, what does everyone think?
I want to believe we can. I want to believe that while lunatics are in power and the loud get the headlines, most of us down here on Main street are still relatively cordial.

But I'm not sure.


Edited by Bang
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15 minutes ago, Bang said:

I think if we did have any states secede, or in any way divide ourselves, China and Russia will take a victory lap. Even in times of highly contentious political climates, an emergency has brought us together. But I wonder what would happen if we had something like 9/11 happen now? 
Would we come together as a somewhat whole?
When that happened, we did have a number of crazies who yelled "false flag!", and that the US govt flew the planes, yadda yadda Zeitgeistblahblahblah.
But by and large we came together to accept the truth of the matter. We went to do what we thought needed to be done, and people volunteered from all walks of American life.

Could we do that now? Or would some sort of major attack be the tipping point that burns us down?


I'm genuinely asking, what does everyone think.
I want to believe we can. I want to believe that while lunatics are in power and the loud get the headlines, most of us down here on Main street are still relatively cordial.

But I'm not sure.



Give everyone a common enemy?...In the past I think it would bring both sides together but I honestly don't know anymore. Too many in the QAnon/MAGA crowd would simply claim it's a manufactured distraction. We already have a large segment of Republicans cheering on Russia. Dude walks into a school and obliterates grade school kids with an AR-15 and we still see division on why and what to do about it. Global pandemic starts killing of millions and we became more divided than ever as to (again) why and what to do about it. Jan 6 hearings show die-hard republican leaders and officials spelling out how they witnessed Trump being told ad nauseam that everything he was saying about the election being stolen was flat-out bull**** with no evidence whatsoever to back it up...and a too-large percentage of the population claim it's just Pelosi up to her shenanigans again.


Whether we like it or even want to believe it, a large portion of our country is made up of people who eagerly and happily let conspiracy theories dictate their perspectives on life. And to do that you have to put on blinders and put your fingers in your ears. They're far more in the mainstream and now have political leaders echoing and validating their beliefs nonstop. My only hope is that enough of us vote to kick these idgits out of office.

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3 hours ago, FLSkinz83 said:

Let's just split the country in two.   The Republican States of America and The Democratic States of America.    Every 4 years people can vote where they want their State to be.


I don't see the division we currently have as one country getting better. Only worse.


P.S.  I know this is not realistic (I think) 


**** that


They can leave but they don't get to take part of the country

We fought a war over this

They lost

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