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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Sessions has plausible deniability imo. 


- He can say he didnt meet w Kislyak as a member of Trumps campaign or discuss Trumps campaign, but as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee

- He met w the Ukraine ambassador 1 day before his meeting w the russian ambassador; meetings occurring about a week before Russia agreed to a ceasefire in Ukraine


These ties to Russia seem to be soooooo many ... but I dont think this is smoking gun material amounting to an AG resignation. He should recuse himself for sure and a 100% independent committee must be formed.  

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The problem is that Seasions said under oath that he did not meet with the Russians.  He also replied separately in writing that he did not talk with them about the election, though the administration last night said (I think) that this is what he discussed with the ambassador.



Also his shifting narrative on this is very similar to Flynn's who also met with the ambassador.


Plus he may be in charge of an investigation of himself.



And there are reports of other Trump people having meetings as well and Trump, Pence, and Spicer have repeatedly told us no one associated with them or the campaign did that.

Edited by visionary
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Well, pelosi is pelosi, but even carrying that burden + the partisan rush to crush don, I think (being objective) she did as close to a genuine equivocation of the GOP in this moment as she ever has in terms of accuracy and validity. She nailed them on several big matters and in surprisingly (to me) precise and supportable manner imo.


Sessions certainly, clearly lied. It may not be perjury given the parsing available, but I figure most non-trumpsters (which to me still includes many gopers and indies) people will see it as lying.  This admin sure is a pig circus at many (not all) cabinet/staff positions. 




11 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

Sessions has plausible deniability imo. 


- He can say he didnt meet w Kislyak as a member of Trumps campaign or discuss Trumps campaign, but as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee

- He met w the Ukraine ambassador 1 day before his meeting w the russian ambassador; meetings occurring about a week before Russia agreed to a ceasefire in Ukraine


These ties to Russia seem to be soooooo many ... but I dont think this is smoking gun material amounting to an AG resignation. He should recuse himself for sure and a 100% independent committee must be formed.  


  I agree overall, however, just watching the tape shows Franken's questions leave little wiggle room on the matter of his obvious dissembling, though likely not grounds for perjury (unless he was an ordinary joe), and the damage from that alone should be pretty substantial. It's early, but this has serious legs imv. 

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3 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

Well, pelosi is pelosi, but even carrying that burden + the partisan rush to crush don, I think (being objective) she did as close to a genuine equivocation of the GOP in this moment as she ever has in terms of accuracy and validity. She nailed them on several big matters and in surprisingly (to me) precise and supportable manner imo.


Sessions certainly, clearly lied. It may not be perjury given the parsing available, but I figure most non-trumpsters (which to me still includes many gopers and indies) people will see it as lying.  This admin sure is a pig circus at many (not all) cabinet/staff positions.




And IMO the worst possible thing that could happen would be if the show got cancelled in midseason, I desperately want this to play itself out. This is the best/weirdest cartoon I have ever seen.

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Sen Leahy's written questions to jeff were more specific and the answers jeff gave there may actually be more serious trouble than franken's (who let him off the hook, technique-wise, tho time was an issue during that session)......still doubt a perjury deal since that is often a tough case to make even in far more pedestrian cases.

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58 minutes ago, Why am I Mr. Pink? said:

Sessions has plausible deniability imo. 


- He can say he didnt meet w Kislyak as a member of Trumps campaign or discuss Trumps campaign, but as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee

- He met w the Ukraine ambassador 1 day before his meeting w the russian ambassador; meetings occurring about a week before Russia agreed to a ceasefire in Ukraine


These ties to Russia seem to be soooooo many ... but I dont think this is smoking gun material amounting to an AG resignation. He should recuse himself for sure and a 100% independent committee must be formed.  

But then you have this ...

Which opens the door for trouble, especially when paired with Sessions response to Sen Leahy's question. Superficiality is subjective, but this comment (if it bears out) makes it objectively true that he did discuss the campaign in some capacity, no matter how small and arguably committed perjury.

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watching the presser, nunes is another in a mob of obfuscating lying pigs that form the bulk of the gop leadership and 90% of trump's cabinet/staff... put another super-christian---sarah huckabee sanders---in that bag---she was a truth/sanity-free **** show as a surrogate and now she's in every presser as a main staffer, beaming her bubbling-brain "rapture" smile a she envisions the trampling of the muslims and icky sex people and the libs in general..:o<_<


...not to maliciously slander an undeserving well-intentioned patriotic american...which I didn't...:D

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was like an snl bit watching a blonde exotic-looking rooskie spokeswoman with heavy accent, in moscow, replying to reporters questions saying Mr K is world-famous as a highly respected diplomat and him being linked to any matters of espionage is "cnn false news" lol.... tho it was a bbc reporter asking her...then she just kept using that phrase as she was walking away and they were following her asking more questions..."that's just cnn false news"...so the two teams have shared their talking points sheet this morning, but a little always gets lost in translation---false instead of fake, but close enough 

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Just so I'm clear.  We are outraged that he lied UNDER OATH about this right?   Not just that he said he had no contact without a Russia?


hmm.  Under oath is important.  Now where do I remember that being so important regarding Govt  officials before......?   Hmmmmm

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I think the Sessions thing is big.  Not because I think he committed perjury, but because it puts more pressure on him to recuse himself.  That gives us a better chance for an independent investigation into the Russia mess.  As more potential GOP roadblocks get removed, the more I believe we have a chance at getting the truth. 


I'm really starting to think this thing will go all the way to the top.  Trump's arrogance and "oh yeah, make me" attitude will be his undoing.  In the end, we will all be shocked at how these crimes were committed in plain sight.  


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4 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Clinton-bomb incoming!

Gather your hypocrisy!

Sessions wont recuse himself.  He probably should, but at this point, everything is war.  So he wont.


If he lied under oath (I havent bothered to look at the testimony) then he should resign or be fired, but again, that wont happen either.

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