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Who Went To The Giants Game Yesterday?


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For those who went to the game, I had a couple questions.  If you don't mind, could you answer?  Thanks.


1)  Were there a lot of Giants fans there?  

-How many, what percent would you say?


2)  Was this the normal amount the Giants bring?

-If not, what is?  Was this more or less than normal?


3)  How did the turnout of Giants fans compare to when other teams are at Fedex?

-Compared to the Cowboys, Iggles, Stillers, Jets, Pats, Packers, Niners, Ravens, where do the Giants rank?


4) On TV, it looked and sounded like there was a ton of blue.  I was surprised by how much given the game meant little for the Giants and everything for the Skins.  Was this the case?



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Yeah there were tons of giant fans, not as much as there were steeler and packer fans though. I'd say 30%. They were very loud though. As a matter of fact this was a very good football crowd yesterday. All us fans wanted was something to cheer for and when we finally tied it up that's what happened. Too bad the team didn't do its part.

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I've done a write up after every game this year. Links are in there... this was the last one. I'll be writing up a summary sometime soon.


1. Tons of them. I'm pretty sure they were NOT just on the "visitor" side of the field. We had a pretty good view of the home side and there was a lot of blue. 2/4 of my group pegged them at 50%+. The other two said 30-35%. Those two based their number on the fact that they're old and can't fathom 50% visiting fans. You could see a piece of my uncle dying when he said 30%. It was freakin' ridiculous is what it was.


2. This was higher than normal for Giants fans. It was more like the Steelers or Packers games. It shouldn't happen... ever.


3. I'd go so far to say this was WORSE than the Steelers or Packers this year. It was probably the worst game of the year from this standpoint. It's unacceptable. We were returning NFC east champs in a win and you're in situation. How do you not post for that game? Because you're a ticket broker - that's why.


4. Yes that was the case. My sound pressure readings had them hitting 95db. The very best, honest, reading I had for our side was 99.  That makes them as loud as a jackhammer 50' away while we were as loud as holding a hand drill. They say anything inside of 3db is imperceptible. You'd have been hard pressed to tell the difference at times. If I didn't tell you, you might think that jackhammer was louder. No matter how you perceive it, the math will tell you there's much closer to 50/50 than 30/70. My napkin says 44% based on sound pressure. Oh yeah, we suck at this... KC set the record at 142.2 (76k seats). Seahawks (67k)record=137.6. Penn State (107k) is around 135 in the stands... 120+ on the field. Our stadium isn't built to be loud and we have far too many opposing team fans in the stadium. We've got a few years on the stadium but there's no reason the front office shouldn't aim for 80:130 (instead of 95:99). Heck, I'd be happy to settle for 80:110 - WELL below a stadium built to be loud. All they have to do is make sure more of the 82k seats, especially the lower bowl, are filled with Redskins fans.

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While there were a number of Giants fans, nothing beat the first two home games (Pittsburgh and Dallas).  Of note is the last two home games against the Steelers have been on Monday Night Football which tends to see more of our fans selling tickets.

It's about what I expected as far as a ratio of their fans.  But it got pretty damn loud in the fourth quarter when we were on defense, especially on third down.

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How embarrassing. Giants say it was like a home game. 


A lot of Giant fans out there ! Appreciate y'all support made it feel like a home game #Giantspride - @EliApple13


When #Giants fans invade D.C. and knock the Redskins from the playoffs! - @Giants


we have become the Bucs, Jags, and chargers. No homefield advantage. 


Didnt used to be this way. I promise. We used to have a loyal fanbase. But a person can only take so many kicks to the balls before they tap out. 

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I went. It was loud. A lot of cheering, quite the atmosphere. I mean, I couldn't hear nothing. Everyone was going crazy and when kirk threw that final pick you could literally feel the vibrations from all the jumping and dancing of the fans.


I thought maybe i missed the Union Station DC trainstop and found myself in New York. It was basically the worst fan experience i've had since i've been going to games... and i've went to some 6-10 home-finale games.... 


The skins didn't act like the game meant much to them, and neither did their fans.

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13 hours ago, RedskinsMayne said:

I went. It was loud. A lot of cheering, quite the atmosphere. I mean, I couldn't hear nothing. Everyone was going crazy and when kirk threw that final pick you could literally feel the vibrations from all the jumping and dancing of the fans.


I thought maybe i missed the Union Station DC trainstop and found myself in New York. It was basically the worst fan experience i've had since i've been going to games... and i've went to some 6-10 home-finale games.... 


The skins didn't act like the game meant much to them, and neither did their fans.

Wow, thanks for the response, I'm surprised there were that many given the game meant, standings wise, little.

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Look, DC is a transplant city. Everybody from all across the country, and world, comes to this area for business, school, government, etc...


Unless the teams are hot hot, there will always be a larger number of opposing fans.


Also, with the vast number of Cowboy and Steeler fans in the area, and the closeness of Philly and New York, you can guarantee anytime those four teams come here, they're going to be represented well. (I went to the Packers game this year, they were very well represented as well.)


But that's just how it is in NFL Stadiums today. Tickets are easy to get and if a team wants to take over, they can.




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17 hours ago, Boss_Hogg said:

A lot of Giant fans out there ! Appreciate y'all support made it feel like a home game #Giantspride - @EliApple13


When #Giants fans invade D.C. and knock the Redskins from the playoffs! - @Giants


we have become the Bucs, Jags, and chargers. No homefield advantage. 

Oh the indignity. 

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17 hours ago, Boss_Hogg said:

How embarrassing. Giants say it was like a home game. 


A lot of Giant fans out there ! Appreciate y'all support made it feel like a home game #Giantspride - @EliApple13


When #Giants fans invade D.C. and knock the Redskins from the playoffs! - @Giants


we have become the Bucs, Jags, and chargers. No homefield advantage. 


Didnt used to be this way. I promise. We used to have a loyal fanbase. But a person can only take so many kicks to the balls before they tap out. 

There's never really been a homefield advantage at FedEx, it's too big.

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It's not that much bigger than many NFL stadiums. It's smaller than MANY college stadiums.

Just now, purbeast said:

There's never really been a homefield advantage at FedEx, it's too big.


It didn't used to be this way. Even a decade of mostly losing, we still had home field advantage at The Jack/FedEx.

36 minutes ago, MLSKINS said:

Unless the teams are hot hot, there will always be a larger number of opposing fans.


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I was there. There definitely was a ton of Giants fans. I guess I just didn't note it too much because I'm so used to it at this point sadly.


But something that's always had me a little torn regarding this subject...


I firmly believe the team actually getting back into winning form will change a lot about these situations. Both mentally and in reality. I wonder, if we had won, would this really even be much of a subject? These issues tend to really fall to the wayside when discussing a win, but go straight to the forefront as glaring issues when we lose. I often recall that the 2012 game against Dallas to decide the division was easily the rowdiest, loudest, and most electric atmosphere I've ever seen at FedEx. Looking back, it feels almost like there wasn't a single Dallas fan in the house at all! But I'm also looking back on that game fondly, and with blinders on because of how happy it turned out. I couldn't begin to tell you anything about the ratio of Dallas fans there or not. But I can tell you that it felt like there were a TON of them there last year at the Monday night game that we lost.


I think there's definitely merit to the notion of DC being such a transient city, and it is worth noting in this discussion. But I often wonder if it isn't overstated at times. Has DC not always been a transient city? Did it just recently become one? I ask because it's important to my next question. Folks often talk about how amazing RFK was when it was home. Not necessarily in the sense of being a great stadium. Most folks will tell you "It was a dump, but it was our dump!". But did this actually happen at RFK in the down years? Could you actually count a 30%+ ratio of opposing fans to home fans during that time? Was it always happening, yet we were winning so it just never really got brought up?


Or does more blame fall onto the ticket buying climate of the modern day? The expenses are important to note here. I mean, taking a family of four to FedEx is extremely costly. Four tickets, a few hot dogs, soda and beer, and maybe a couple baseball caps or car flags can cost hundreds. But also, secondary ticket markets, internet ticket sales, corporate vendor sales, and just easier access to tickets to events in general.


Obviously there's some perfect concoction of all of these things that make up what we saw Sunday and in numerous occasions in the past. Personally, I stick to my guns and think that winning cures all.

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17 minutes ago, jpage520 said:

I firmly believe the team actually getting back into winning form will change a lot about these situations. Both mentally and in reality. I wonder, if we had won, would this really even be much of a subject? 

It has been an issue the last few years. It has been ignored regardless of winning or losing.


I firmly disagree that winning will fix it. This game is the PERFECT example. We were returning NFC East Champions. We needed to win the final game to get in the playoffs. It was practically a playoff game. This is a matter of who's buying tickets from the team.


Only the ticket office can fix it and they need to fix this.

1. Stop selling to ticket brokers.

2. Stop selling tickets, season or one-offs, to anyone NOT on the season ticket waiting list.

3. Move loyal fans who attend games to the best/most impact-full seats. 

4. Rip out obstructed view seats.


I'm a huge fan of getting rid of tickets entirely and moving to a membership pass with a stiff fee to replace the pass. That'd fix everything.

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We won the division with a 9-7 record. We inched our way into a possible playoff spot.


When I say winning will fix it I mean we have to actually consistently win. This team hasn't had a better record than 10-6 in over two decades, let alone shown any true consistent success while at FedEx Field.


I agree with a few of your points here regarding the way the ticket sales are handled. Except maybe #2. You shouldn't have to sign up to be on the wait list just to buy tickets to one game. Some folks can't afford the season commitment, but can occasionally pull the cash to come out once or twice a year, myself included. That's a bit excessive in my view. Making this some kind of membership only club alienates a lot of fans who are just as loyal and passionate about the team as any STH.


The secondary ticket market isn't going away. It's going to be there regardless as companies like StubHub keep partnering with more teams.


There multiple other teams in this league that use essentially the exact same ticket sale methods that the Skins do, yet they still maintain a solid home field advantage and loud stadium week in and week out. Look at Seattle, Pittsburgh, Green Bay, New England, and the like. Those places are constantly full, and full of THEIR fans. The common thread between them, they win. They put out a consistently better than average product on the field year in and year out. A few hiccups here and there, sure. But they win games, and their fans show up.

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I can't speak about all the teams you mention, but NE went so far as to scan stub hub and cancel season ticket holders for not using their ticket exchange.

The Redskins could have their own ticket exchange where season ticket holders can sell tickets to guys like you... people on the wait list/marking list. I'd go so far as to say ticket prices should be capped at face value so guys like you don't get fleeced.

FYI - there's nothing that says being on the list any kind of commitment. They just call/email trying to sell you tickets or other things like training camp or the draft party.  You should join. Many of these things are free and delightful. 

The secondary ticket market is technically against the season ticket terms of service. It should at least whither.  

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43 minutes ago, turtle2328 said:

I can't speak about all the teams you mention, but NE went so far as to scan stub hub and cancel season ticket holders for not using their ticket exchange.

The Redskins could have their own ticket exchange where season ticket holders can sell tickets to guys like you... people on the wait list/marking list. I'd go so far as to say ticket prices should be capped at face value so guys like you don't get fleeced.

FYI - there's nothing that says being on the list any kind of commitment. They just call/email trying to sell you tickets or other things like training camp or the draft party.  You should join. Many of these things are free and delightful. 

The secondary ticket market is technically against the season ticket terms of service. It should at least whither.  


I could definitely get behind some kind of Redskins fan ticket exchange. Much like a lot of college teams have for alums and donors. They sell tickets at face and below to be sure that their fans are not only getting the tickets, but they're not paying double and triple the face value. I would certainly support that idea. Then maybe limit the amount of tickets allotted on Stub Hub. Hell, maybe even just have a stadium section for secondary markets and call it a day.


I think we can both agree that the current system needs tweaked. Really just a matter of how, and how much.

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I don't think any owner cares which type of butt is in the seat so long as it is a butt in a seat. Even if the already sold all the ticket they'd want  it to be easy to sell/transfer tickets because well, butts in seats buy concessions.


itd be nice to dream and all but you guys are not living in reality..

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I think that's true for the guys Mr. Snyder hires. I do NOT think that's true of Mr. Snyder. First and foremost he's a fan. The guys he hires are simply trying to make the most money they can. I'm pretty sure if I ever had 5 minutes with Mr. Snyder this would get handled in a season.

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