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PBS: Congress Overrides Obama's Veto On Sept. 11 Lawsuit Bill


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Subverting natural selection has been a bi-partisan goal since around 1945, for some reason.

As steve said, the best answer to stupidity is education.  Having a highly educated populace can help solve many ills.  It's not a perfect solution to everything, but it definitely helps.

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18 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

My gut tells me you're wrong about that.

No,not at all.  He's 100% right.

Everyone reads a few articles and then feel they are the expert.  Meanwhile, folks who went through undergrad, post grad, and sometimes extra testing (Bar, P.E., etc) and live it day in and day out are too often dismissed because someone on some web-site told the 'truth'.

Here, I'll take Predicto's take on law.

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10 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I've said for a while I'd support some type of test before you can vote.  Just a basic civics and history test.  And apply it to both sides across the board.

I could go for that.  Whether it leads to a conservative or a liberal government, I'm not sure government by high information elites is actually bad so long as there is relatively free access to information in a society.

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10 minutes ago, Predicto said:

Oh stop, please.   Elites have a responsibility to educate and engage the masses, not disenfranchise them.  

A job which would be easier to do if people would stop electing dumb Republicans.

Municipal government is an interesting comparison  Turnout for most municipal elections in the mid sized city I live in is typically tiny. ~13-15% of eligible voters, and I think that is probably close to the norm in most localities.  So most of the electorate for these contests are motivated, high information voters that tend to be directly involved in the city's municipal institutions.  Municipal elections are the ones where the electorate tends to be the most pragmatic and the least partisan.  So is this not preferable to the nature of the contests you get for the state and federal level?

But perhaps a small electorate can lead to flukes ruining the results.  Best to cut the voters out of the process entirely then to ensure this doesn't happen.

The appetitive masses are best off being ruled by benign philosopher kings.

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