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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2015 Redskins vs. Browns


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He tried to catch with his body rather than his hands.

If you watch it again you can see he also turned his head at the last moment, looking towards the end zone. He basically started running before he had actually secured the ball. Not an uncommon thing for young WRs, but Garcon has been around for a while now...not sure why he did that there, as he is usually good about securing the ball before turning up field. Then again, he really has never been a very good deep ball guy.

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If you watch it again you can see he also turned his head at the last moment, looking towards the end zone. He basically started running before he had actually secured the ball. Not an uncommon thing for young WRs, but Garcon has been around for a while now...not sure why he did that there, as he is usually good about securing the ball before turning up field. Then again, he really has never been a very good deep ball guy.

Common mistake for any receiver. I wouldn't read into it. It only becomes something to worry about if he does it a lot.

The bigger takeaway for me was that I liked the playcall and the adjustment RGIII and Garcon made after the snap. Play action worked great, I was definitely thinking run on that down, and so was Cleveland.

God I hope we get our running game on track this year.

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Just saw the compressed 30 minute version of the game and my god does the ST look exactly as last year, which was atrocious. Forbath still kicking it to the 5yd line which allows teams to get a good kickoff return and great field position. I think we need to get a new kicker cause this is not acceptable when every other team has a kicker who boots it in the end zone.

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If you watch it again you can see he also turned his head at the last moment, looking towards the end zone. He basically started running before he had actually secured the ball. Not an uncommon thing for young WRs, but Garcon has been around for a while now...not sure why he did that there, as he is usually good about securing the ball before turning up field. Then again, he really has never been a very good deep ball guy.


It honestly might have been overconfidence. Garcon has been staying late and doing extra catches, including the 1 handed attempts. He might simply have thought he had it and started looking up field. It's preseason, so hopefully that gaffe sticks with Garcon and he follows the ball through the rest of the year. After making ESPN highlights for it, I know I would.

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Just saw the compressed 30 minute version of the game and my god does the ST look exactly as last year, which was atrocious. Forbath still kicking it to the 5yd line which allows teams to get a good kickoff return and great field position. I think we need to get a new kicker cause this is not acceptable when every other team has a kicker who boots it in the end zone.


We don't need a new kicker, Kicking FGs is their primary job and he does it well. That is very hard to replace and we've lost too many good kickers due to impatience that are now doing well for other teams.


I think people forget that NFL was the first time Forbath did kickoffs. There's a major learning curve there and it's not something solve over night or in a single season. He does kick it in the back of the endzone, just not consistently. His KOs have improved in terms of how often he kicks it far back. https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/kickoff-touchback-pct


(btw, notice what team is at the top? Carolina, with former Redskins kicker Gano who many fans were happy to see go and should now regret that).


I don't mind competition each offseason to push him. I don't know enough about NFL philosophy at the position to say why he still does KOs when Tress Way is better. What I do know is that Kai is accurate as a FG kicker, which we need, and that I'm tired of us giving up on young kickers and seeing them continue to improve and do well on another team.

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I didnt have time to read the rest of this thread, so forgive me... I was out in the wilderness for a few days, so only got to see the game.  My impressions:


1. The defense played well, mostly.  170 yards allowed is really good.  Of course, the Browns offense is really bad.  If you take away the one big pass intereference by Culliver on a pass the receiver would have never caught, it was a good defensive performance.

2. Alfred Morris is still a beast.  To me hes special because not only does he just carry guys on tough runs, but its amazing how often he beats someone to the edge with speed.

3. Kirk Cousins played well.  But then again, Cousins has always played really well in games he doesnt throw interceptions

4. RG3 played well.  Anybody that has an issue with the pass that Garcon dropped does NOT have an issue because it was a poor pass.  Instead, they just dislike Griffin, and are using it as an excuse for a pre-conceived hatred.  You can never, ever, ever fault a QB for throwing a pass that would have been an 80 yard TD if the Receiver didnt drop a ball, that hit him in the numbers, with no defender within 5 yards.  He missed 2 fade routes, one being a throwaway under pressure.  


The Redskins offense, outside of ONE horrendous drop, would have scored in ALL 4 of its first half possessions.  World beating? No.  Improvement over last year? Yes.

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For some reason I'm still shocked that after years and years of football people do not understand how preseason works? Do people really believe you take all of your other starters out but you leave in your starting QB? Really?

I understand perfectly.  No, you don't leave Robert in there with backups.  You have the starters play a little longer; so Robert can get the reps.

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He's been lousy QB for 2 years; who's only still with team because we spent 3 #1's on him. If we didn't spend so much to get him; he would've been cut already.

Frankly, this team made a mistake but not having a open competition for the job. Robert's fragile, primma donna brain can't handle it? If he's the best QB on the roster now; he should easily win an open competition.

I don't think there's really much difference in the QB situation. I think Jay's only starting him; because his employers want it that way. I don't really think Jay's opinion of Robert has changed. Based on Robert's comments; I don't think he really likes what he's being asked to do.

The RG3 hater has been revealed.........

He's been lousy for 2 years......regardless of injury.

Primadonna brain......you only know this because the media said so.

I really don't think Jay's opinion of Robert has changed.....despite what Jay said, you know him better than he knows himself.

There it is folks.....hate in human form!

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-If you want to continue this discussion than its best that we do so in the RGIII thread.

Moved it.


You know, since QB is probably the #1 problem; it's going to be hard not to mention the QB; even in non-RG3 thread.



My point for the comments in this thread was:


Since we have designated one person the starter at QB; he should've gotten more reps.  So, that means all the starters should've played longer, so that QB got more reps.  Why, even in the first

preseason game is necessary?  The designated starter; hasn't demonstrated he can master the

position; to where the coaches want him to be at.  So, he should be getting all the reps he can get.

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Granted, sample size of one half of one game. But it looked good to me.

And I agree with you. A better running game makes a profound difference to this team.


Keep in mind that we did that same bit against the Pats last year.  Ran the **** out of the ball.


The game situation in the regular season has to call for us being able to run the ball.  That means all three facets of the game have to hold up their ends of the bargain to allow us to call running plays.

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We don't need a new kicker, Kicking FGs is their primary job and he does it well. That is very hard to replace and we've lost too many good kickers due to impatience that are now doing well for other teams.

I think people forget that NFL was the first time Forbath did kickoffs. There's a major learning curve there and it's not something solve .

I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets it. I can't state often enough he is the most accurate kicker in franchise history and he's got a big enough sample size for that to mean something. He's improved each year at kickoffs.

How many kickers have we run out in recent years that were actually pretty decent and went on to be studs elsewhere. Gano and suisham have been two of the better kickers in the league since leaving. I think Novak was very solid for the chargers before injuries. Forbath has been better than all of them in terms of field goals.

On top of it all he has done this on one of, if not the hardest field goal kicking surface in the league. Have some respect for the players that we need to keep because they've learned it people.

I fully acknowledge his kickoffs are a weakness and are a contributing factor to our st woes. But he has gotten better and other areas on st contribute just as much.

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Yeah, every time the kicker debate comes up, a mental image comes to mind.

It's cut down day, and I'm the Redskins GM. I've got three resumes on my desk.

Resume 1 has a line on it that says "5 years experience, kicking actual NFL field goals in actual NFL games. And essentially perfect from 50 yards in".

The ONLY way I'm gonna pick resume 2 or 3, is if one of them says "5 years experience, kicking actual NFL field goals in actual NFL games. And essentially perfect from 50 yards in, AND ..."

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Well, I don't know about you guys, but I never wanted them to get rid of Gano (anyone know why we gave up on him?) as he had the rare combination that you see with guys like Justin Tucker or Greg Zeurlien. 


I just see that his short kickoffs put a lot of pressure on the coverage units. Did you notice that when we got a punter (Way) that could put the ball high and deep, the punt coverage units all of the sudden improved. The ability to kick the ball out of the endzone or at least get it deep on a consistent basis is important and I'm sorry, but Kai fails in that regard.  If he can't kickoff deep at this point, he never will.  There is no learning.  Kick the ball, hard and deep. I'm not sure how you do that except to build more leg strength, but the excuse is, he's learning as he never kicked off before, but he's been learning for three years now. He just doesn't possess the leg strength. Why do think Jay is usually hesitant in the regular season to try 50+ yard FGs?


Don't get me wrong, I whole-heartedly appreciate Kai for his accuracy under 50 as we saw disaster after disaster with the simplest of FGs.  He has been very accuarate in his 3 years here, which is more than we can say for most of the kickers.  But at this point, we're trading 3's for 7's.  They may not run it all the way back, but they sure set themselves up with shorter fields.


Watching the game last week, I noticed they had both kickers kick to the left corner of the endzone.  Ty Long kicked it about 6-7 yards deep in the endzone and the guy brought it out.  Our coverage teams were able to stop him in the left corner at the 16.  Kai kicked one to the left and it was returned from the 5 yard line all the way out past midfield. I feel that a deeper kick give the coverage teams more time to converge and gives the return team less time to set up their blocks waiting for the returner to field the ball.


I think at some point, if Kai doesn't start getting his kicks consistantly in the endzone, I'd look for someone that is just as accurate in FGs and has a stronger leg.

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I think at some point, if Kai doesn't start getting his kicks consistantly in the endzone, I'd look for someone that is just as accurate in FGs and has a stronger leg.

But its been shown in previous threads that thats something of a myth.  There just arent more than 1 or 2 guys out there who are both accurate with FGs, and have that booming leg.  You have to chose a tradeoff, and frankly, Id much prefer FGs.  If we dont score, we dont even get to kickoff.  Its not entirely his fault that the special teams coaches continue to try and have him kick to the corner, when clearly it wont work.  

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It's not a myth. 3/4ths of the kickers can do both. I'm not saying that every kickoff goes out of the back if the endzone, but I'd guess that 75% of the regular kickers can get it in the endzone. Kai gets it in the endzone barely 25% of the time.


Just to name a few off the top of my head can consistently get it in the endzone and kick accuratly.


Don't get me wrong.  I'm not trying to absolve the coverage units nor the defense for allowing the runbacks and then allowing them to go up and down the field.  They need to improve also. But getting the kicks deeper will go a LONG way to helping out the coverage units and the defense.

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