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A question for the rowers

Spaceman Spiff

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Anyone in here have experience rowing crew?


I did for my senior year at GMU and then for a couple summers in DC on a club team.  Anyway, I'm at my gym and got into a debate with one of the trainers there about what matters when it comes to the erg.  They argue it's the "wattage" that counts, its what they're instructing their students to pay attention to.  IE, the higher the wattage, the better the workout.


But, IMO, it's the /500 split that matters the most, especially when you're expecting someone to hit a certain amount of meters in a certain amount of time.  I know that If I'm rowing a 1:35 split and holding it, it'll take me 1:35 to row 500 meters...if the goal is a 250 meter sprint, cut the 1:35 in half.  We used to call it erg math. I used to be really good at it, not so much anymore.


I argued that if you're able to hold that split and use it to figure out how long it takes to row the given distance, you'll probably be pulling plenty hard enough, the wattage will take care of itself.  On top of that, if you're expecting someone to get better and faster, it's easier to look at splits over time to see how much better they're getting.  IMO, wattage is a decent metric but certainly not the best.



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All I know about crew is that if you want to get into an elite college, crew is by far the best thing you can do (in addition to great grades and test scores).   Every elite college gets 5-10 times more qualified applicants than they can accept, but every elite college also has a crew team, and there are more people rowing on college crew teams than there are on all the high school teams in the country pout together.  Do the math.  I know multiple kids going to Ivys and Ivy equivalents for whom crew was the hook that got them selected out of the pile.


Of course, actually rowing crew seriously is a total bear.  I wouldn't last 2 minutes, and I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes when I was back in high school.   

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Of course, actually rowing crew seriously is a total bear.  I wouldn't last 2 minutes, and I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes when I was back in high school.   


Probably not, considering the team didn't exist.  I was at our old high school when a group of people put together the McLean crew club, around 96-97.  It got adopted as an official recognized team after I (and all the pioneers) had graduated.  I always thought this was something they created from scratch.  If the team existed when you were there, I guess they were reviving it instead.


Interestingly enough, McLean has put two rowers into the Olympics since the club/team was formed.


Oh, to answer Spiff (sort of) I have no idea.  I did a lot of white water rafting growing up.  Not the same as crew, though I at least understand the mechanics of using an oar.  I probably would have joined the above mentioned club if it hadn't been a spring activity that conflicted with baseball season.

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I never rowed crew, but the concept II has been a great fitness tool for me through the years.  For awhile with my MS, I lost my balance frequently, and the rowing machine was pretty much the only cardio exercise I did.  When I fell, I laughed getting back on the seat again at the thought of complaining about my 6 inch fall.  I can't hold a 1:35 pace for very long, but on days when I can't run outside during my lunch break, I try for either a 7k row in under 30min or a 5k row in under 20 min.  I usually do the 7k with some sprints in it or alternate grips.  The 5k in 20 min is one I have only successfully accomplished twice.  I am usually around the 20:30 mark.


When I couldn't run, I was trying to row as far as I wanted to run.  At one point, I rowed for the entire first half of a Skins game.  By half time, I was just over 19k meters.  I rowed through half time just because I didn't think I ever wanted to row that long.again, and I wanted to be able to say I went 20k while telling the truth.

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This thread is like Celebrity jeopardy on SNL... Spiff is Trebek.  Nothing even remotely related to an answer to the original question.  


By the way, your mother's a whore Spiffy.




Apologies in advance.


Wattage helps you better focus on technique.

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