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Yahoo: Report: Patriots being investigated for using deflated footballs in AFC championship game


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After hearing more and more, Belicheat is getting the brunt of the flak, however, in truth, he probably didn't know. Brady is the cheater.  The deflated ball benefitted him the most. He's the one throwing the ball (however, as they showed on ESPN and other sources, the deflated ball is also softer and easier to catch, yeah, 2 lbs isn't a lot, but the TV analysts/former football players could tell the difference in almost all the cases).  Brady is the one that had to be behind it, and again, he had the nerve to say the accusations were ridiculous.  

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So when I coach a team (in any sport) a second time, if I/we had issues with something from the first game (player cheap shotting, holding of jersey, etc.), I go to the ref before the game and ask him to keep an eye on it.  Wouldn't you think a professional group of coaches would do the same thing?


Part of me thinks this whole thing is a ridiculous waste of time because I have no doubt that other teams are doing exactly what their QBs want done with the ball.  However, this is the NFL's fault.  Is there any other sport that allows a team/player to decide exactly what gets done with the ball(s)?  The ball should be like the field and weather, just part of the game that players have to get used to. Fill 'em with 12# (or whatever amount is standard) of nitrogen and play.


BB & Patriots are just embracing what we (typical fans) tell them:  Winning is the most important thing. 

Finally...someone remembered their physics!  :)


Yeah, part of me thinks this is ridiculous waste of time, too.


However, assuming the balls were inspected by the refs & found to be within spec and THEN tampered with by NE, then to me, it's not a waste of time. It becomes a blatant disregard for the rules. It's akin to refs checking players for silicone on their jerseys before they go on the field, only to check them during the game & find out their covered with it.


Now, if it's determined these balls were not checked thoroughly by the refs before the game & were under inflated at that time & not caught by the refs, then there's a whole different can of worms that is opened for questioning. 

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I'm on MSNBC and they're going live at 9:30 to the "coach's news conference", fwiw


He's on ESPN now. He's taking the Richard Nixon path: I don't know anything. I'm cooperating completely. I have no explanation to what happened & can't comment on what the NFL is doing. 


Maybe it's the Sgt. Schultz defense...

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Not with Brady already on the record saying he likes deflated balls.  Coach just put it all in his lap, too...bet he was like :o  :angry:


True, but you know it was rehearsed with Tommy Boy before BB took the stage. Tomorrow we'll see if Tommy Boy begs forgiveness or takes the 5th.  


Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of: As the Deflated Ball Turns

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1or 2 footballs? I could see. Older worn out. But 11 of 12. Rutt Ro Raggy!


It definitely doesn't look good for them, but I still want to know more about this whole process. And when they found out the balls weren't infalted properly at half time, did they inflate them to the proper psi or did they just let the Pats keeping playing?

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It definitely doesn't look good for them, but I still want to know more about this whole process. And when they found out the balls weren't infalted properly at half time, did they inflate them to the proper psi or did they just let the Pats keeping playing?


Yeah, the actual process is all over the place with speculation (shocking, I know).


From what I've read, balls are delivered to the refs before the game for inspection. They're returned to each team 2 hours & 15 minutes before kickoff. After that, it's a mystery to me: can the team use them to warm up? They're not under lock & key. The kicking balls are actually guarded by someone. 


I've read conflicting reports on what actually happened (shocking, again, I know). All 12 balls were checked at halftime. This appears to be consistent in everything read. From there the story has multiple endings: they were changed at halftime & confiscated by the NFL or they were returned to NE and used in the 2nd half. 


Actually, this was more like the BB press conference:


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My prediction is that a ball boy will take the fall and he will secretly get paid a bunch of money to go away.


That is mine as well


The guilty parties in this are

1. The NFL for not doing something about this sooner, they knew about this and did nothing to stop it

2. The officials in the game for not removing the illegal balls, if a defensive player knew they should have known. If they couldn't tell then they are incompetent and never should ref another game.

3. Tom Brady for insisting on cheating, John Madden and everyone knows that this has Tom Brady's hands all over it. If he didn't want the ball under inflated it wouldn't have been done.

4. Bill Belichick for once again being the head coach of a team who insists on cheating even when they don't need to. His attitude about the league rules should have seen him kicked out of the league a very long time ago

Those are the guilty parties here. If you believe that the league will take any action on the guilty which I do not then the fingers point there. If you want someone's head on a platter there you go

Brady said in 2011 he likes deflated footballs | ProFootballTalk


Via CBS Connecticut, Tom Brady told WEEI in Boston more than three years ago that he likes deflated footballs

This simply does not happen without Brady wanting it to. He is 1000 times more guilty then Belichick

I am sure based on things like this though

Roger Goodell Hung Out At New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft’s House Night Before AFC Championship Game




There is no way in hell that anything outside of the ball boy being scapegoated for this will actually occur.


It's wrong to alter the football, but it's more wrong to continue to let these guilty parties do what they do. I do not expect anything more to come out of this outside of some poor loser taking the fall. What angers me is that stiffer penalties were handed out to the Redskins and Cowboys for spending money in an uncapped season which was not illegal with the season being uncapped then will come of this



And I can't help but see that the commissioner has his favorites, and his favorites are the Patriots. If you want to know why people hate the Patriots here you go. When your team is the pet of the commissioner like that and you see them living by a different rules then the rest of the league people will hate you. It has nothing to do with the Patriots winning more games then the next team and the point other teams did the same thing is meaningless. It is wrong to cheat. Even my children understand that but because the head of this has a history of covering up Patriots cheating I expect nothing else and as much as it pains me I can't wait to see the Seahags destroy them making Tom Brady appear on this list


QB's who started and LOST at least 3 Super Bowls

Frank Tarkenton

John Elway

Jim Kelly

Tom Brady (if he loses in 2 weeks)



He deserves that and the Patriot fans who stand behind these clowns deserve that as well.

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Seriously doubt there'd be an investigation if the air pressure in the balls fell within that of a temperature change.  You're also assuming that the air pumped into balls prior to the officials checking them was done inside as opposed to outside.


I mean, I'm assuming they did it the same way they've done it for other games and measured inside.  That's what Graham Gano said they would consistently do.  It's an assumption that they followed that same procedure Sunday, yes, but one that is backed by some history apparently.


As for deflation not being an issue if they concluded it was temperature?  Well, yes, but they'd have to do an investigation to be sure of that.


Inflation has been such a non-issue for so long that the first time someone complained it was bound to create a stir.


Moreover, I don't think your statement about 150 degrees is correct.  From Reddit:



Science teacher here. Given the conditions of the game, a ball which meets specifications in the locker room could easily lose enough pressure to be considered under-inflated. Some math:

  • Guy-Lussac's Law describes the relationship between the pressure of a confined ideal gas and its temperature. For the sake of argument, we will assume that the football is a rigid enough container (unless a ball is massively deflated, it's volume won't change). The relationship is (P1/T1) = (P2/T2), where P is the pressure and T is the temperature in Kelvins.

  • The balls are inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 psi at a temperature of 70 degrees Farenheit (294.1 K). Let's assume an average ball has a gauge pressure of 13 psi. This makes the absolute pressure of the ball 27.7 psi (gauge + atmosphere). Since these are initial values, we will call them P1 and T1.

  • The game time temperature was 49 degrees F (278 K). We are attempting to solve for the new pressure at this temperature, P2. We plug everything into the equation and get (27.7/294.1) = (P2/278). At the game time temperature, the balls would have an absolute pressure of 26.2 psi and a gauge pressure of 11.5, below league specifications.

*Furthermore, given that it was raining all day, the air in the stadium was saturated with water vapor. At 70 degrees, water has a vapor pressure of 0.38 psi. The total pressure of the ball is equal to the pressure of the air inside the ball and the vaporized water in the ball. At 49 degrees, the vapor pressure of water is 0.13 psi. Up to 0.25 additional psi can be lost if the balls were inflated by either the team or the refs prior to the game. Granted, it's unlikely that anyone would inflate balls from 0, but it easily could cost another couple hundredths of a psi in pressure.

  • For a ball that barely meets specifications (12.5 psi gauge), it's pressure would drop to 11.1 psi during the game... enough to be considered massively underinflated.


Now, NE may have tampered, I'm not saying they didn't, especially if the official report finds more than 1 or 2 balls below the 11 psi mark ("sources," which again, should be considered mildly suspicious until proven otherwise, say average of 10.5 psi), but it is also entirely possible they are being scapegoated for something that is inherent to all cold weather games but has just never been pointed out before.

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Tune in at 4:15PM for another episode of: As the Deflated Ballz Turn


Starring - 


Tommy B as Ida Know

NE Ball Boy as Wazzent Mi

NE Equipment Manager as Sum Udderguydidit

NE Assistant Coaches as Kantsay Itwazzus


…and Bill Belichick as I. Half Noeyedeea


Sponsored by: Kraft, the Creepy Old Guy with the New Arm Candy

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Well, there will undoubtedly be recaps elsewhere, but Brady basically just said he had no involvement.


He approved balls 5 hours before half time, and they were apparently checked (and found above required weight) sometime between then and halftime, when they were measured again, and found below normal psi.


Brady said he likes balls at 12.5 psi.


This is potentially important.


Based on the Guy-Lussac's Law analysis done above, a 12.5 psi ball at room temperature would be well below 12.5 after being moved to 49 degree temperatures, with a further drop possible due to rain.


11 psi (what Dianne is testing with Joe Theismann, along with 13 psi balls) is actually within the realm of possibility in terms of having been changed by environmental factors IF they had started at 12.5 psi.


Thus, the primary questions now, again, are:

- when/where did they test the balls at halftime, and if inside, for how long were they inside prior to testing

- what was the actual tested weight (11 psi, for example, might fall within environmental factors, 10.5 psi, on the other hand, would not)

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He's a horrible liar. Horrible. 


Edit: Brunell just basically called him a liar. He's passionately pissed off at Brady. Says there is no way Brady didn't know what was going on. "A tough one to swallow." I've never seen Brunell so pissed. He's actually furious. And now Bettis is piling on, too. "I'm disappointed in you, Tom Brady."



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