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2015 Baltimore Orioles Thread - Hot Stove Edition


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Care to find the posts re: Manny and the bat throwing? Here I'll help you since you couldn't have bothered the first 3x you made that claim






Now, keep in mind, the sequence of events....the throwing of the bat was manny's response to having the A's pitcher throw at his surgically repaired knee.....TWICE.


some orioles fans question if it was intentional. Nobody excused it.


That's funny, because no one excused Pap, they questioned if it was intentional. By the way you missed these:



I don't think he was trying to hit someone with the bat. More like frustration than anything else. I'd probably rather take one to the hip or back than my surgically repaired knee as well. Especially since he threw at him the previous and then second pitch. 



When he takes a big cut he tends to corkscrew back behind the plate a bit. Machado was probably playing with a chip on his shoulder and overswinging to try and kill the ball and as a result, swung back a little more. I don't see him intentionally trying to hit the catcher. That would be some psycho Ty Cobb type of stuff.  




or this one: http://m.mlb.com/video/v33084055/clebal-machado-leaves-the-game-in-the-12th/?query=machado


or this one: http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?topic_id=vtp_longest_drives&content_id=32730323



While it may have looked intentional, it's going to be EXTREMELY difficult for MLB to prove that he was doing so.  Especially after his comments post-game. 


I couldn't care less about Manny being PO'd this weekend...I like seeing the guys playing with an edge.  We just need SOMETHING to jumpstart this team so they can have a sustainable winning streak that goes more than 4/5 games. 


Oh well, on to the next one. 



Manny has a bad weekend and now he's morphing into A-Rod?  Overreaction much? 



Having looked at the entire sequence now the two inside pitches at his knees is just as bush league as throwing the bat. There is no doubt he was trying to hit Manny but there is a big different between hitting him in the back and hitting him in the knees when the guy has come off of knee surgery. The suspensions should be equal.


Feel free to respond, but I am done here. You'll probably win today, Roark has been terrible. So, enjoy. Feel free to read what I wrote about the State of the Orioles in the Nats thread for some free education.

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Feel free to respond, but I am done here. You'll probably win today, Roark has been terrible. So, enjoy. Feel free to read what I wrote about the State of the Orioles in the Nats thread for some free education.


Thanks for the education. I know alot of Nats fans have no idea about anything about their team and other teams, but we're a pretty educated bunch in here.

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I love that he acts like we haven't been discussing all those things in here all season long.

The pending FA Wieters has been discussed for YEARS (I'm fine with him leaving BTW just tender a QO)...Chen, Davis, O'day....that was all discussed this year, and prior to the season starting. And I'm sorry, but it's news to me that Angelos is a cheapskate. I've NEVER heard such a thing.


Harper is VERY GOOD, but I'd be concerned (if i were a fan of the Nationals), in his ability to maintain that level of productivity. How sustainable is that? We haven't seen many years like that, so it's very hard to say. But they believe he will..so good on them I guess?

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I love that he acts like we haven't been discussing all those things in here all season long.



The pending FA Wieters has been discussed for YEARS (I'm fine with him leaving BTW just tender a QO)...Chen, Davis, O'day....that was all discussed this year, and prior to the season starting. And I'm sorry, but it's news to me that Angelos is a cheapskate. I've NEVER heard such a thing.


Harper is VERY GOOD, but I'd be concerned (if i were a fan of the Nationals), in his ability to maintain that level of productivity. How sustainable is that? We haven't seen many years like that, so it's very hard to say. But they believe he will..so good on them I guess?


Well apparently we didn't know anything about it, as evidenced by riggotoni's wall of text.  HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.  All dude needs is a big red nose and some bowling pins to juggle. 

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O's fan here and I follow this thread but do not post in it very often, if at all, I'm not sure. Please for the love of god, refrain from posting in the Nats thread. I can't handle anymore baseball talk being interrupted by Nats fans coming over here in retaliation.


As for the O's the season is basically over. They are just playing it out now but it sure is nice to beat the Nats. Especially when you consider we have a cheap skate owner, all of our FA's are leaving and our farm system is depeted. I believe I read somewhere on here that we rank 26th in terms of our farm system. Anyway, would love to find a way to sign O'Day and Davis. The others can walk as far as I'm concerned.

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Funny how despite the fact that "we don't spend money, have a depleted farm system and can't develop talent," we still have managed to not only beat them in most series, but our yearly overall record either closely matches theirs or exceeds it. Just...funny.

Oh, and I refuse to post in their thread. Some (not all) are acting like petulant children. Really not worth it.


I lurk in there from time to time. When they win a game, "this is the greatest team ever" or "I love this team" and when a player does well, "got to be the best of all time" or "no one can touch him."  Acting like they are the 1927 NY Yankees or something.


When they lose, 75% of the time, someone will blame an umpire for strike zone or bad calls. "Fire Matt," "Fire Rizzo," "Trade _____," "Gutless, heartless team." 


It's actually quite hilarious.


And as far as us posting, yes, I've noticed this thread has been a little bare lately, but we have about 1/4 less fans on this site than they do, as apparent with the number of pages.  Plus, I'm more into football and hockey mode since our season has been pretty much over the last couple of weeks. Doesn't mean I still don't scoreboard watch or watch them when they are on.


POSTING on a website has NOTHING to do with fandom and whether or not you do/don't support your team.  I've been supporting this team since 1977. I don't need to post on a website to show that I care.

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That picture probably also speaks volumes about what the Nats think of Papelbon to begin with.  I mean, Harper didn't exactly give him a ringing endorsement after the ejection.  It was uncalled for. 


Yep. Taking away my feelings for both clubs, I can't imagine he is a very likable teammate. It definitely did not look and sound like it last night.

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Now the "not a DC team" and "Ravens" insults are coming out.

How childish. My goodness what a sensitive bunch they are.

I guess I should expect "nanny, nanny, boo, boo, stick you head in doo, doo" next?


Those sensitive dudes are clearly in their feelings.  It's pathetic. 


Yep. Taking away my feelings for both clubs, I can't imagine he is a very likable teammate. It definitely did not look and sound like it last night.


On top of it all, he said the crowd played a factor in the umps decision.  The crowd.  The HOME crowd.  LOLOLOL. 

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Now the "not a DC team" and "Ravens" insults are coming out.

How childish. My goodness what a sensitive bunch they are.

I guess I should expect "nanny, nanny, boo, boo, stick you head in doo, doo" next?


It always comes down to that.


Yes, because Ravens fans come on to a Redskins message board to talk about the Orioles. Makes sense.

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Now the "not a DC team" and "Ravens" insults are coming out.

How childish. My goodness what a sensitive bunch they are.

I guess I should expect "nanny, nanny, boo, boo, stick you head in doo, doo" next?

Can't say any of us here are Ravens fans...but seriously...if we were..that's an insult? They've been much better over the past 20 years than our team has been.

As for not a DC team....whatever. That's why the O's draw better ratings in the DC market than the nationals do.

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Machado: Jonathan Papelbon is a coward


Looks the no one in the comments section agrees with Papelbon or Nats fans on this one...



The thing I don't like is that this and other articles point out that Manny "admired" his homer. Honestly, I did not notice anything too out of the ordinary about it. And even if he did admire it a bit, **** it...that is probably on Scherzer. He was out there flexing and glaring in at Manny that at bat...I don't blame Manny if he enjoyed that one a little. And I would say the same thing if it was Todd Frazier hitting a homer off of Trevor Rosenthal in a game that I don't give a damn about. 


And by the way...**** Ray Knight. Way to sound like an idiot. I would not have much of a problem with Manny getting hit if it was not at his head. Hell, if you listen to Manny, he would not have had a problem with getting hit if it was not at his head.

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Feel free to respond, but I am done here. You'll probably win today, Roark has been terrible. So, enjoy. Feel free to read what I wrote about the State of the Orioles in the Nats thread for some free education.


And I stand my my assessment that it was dumb, but he wasn't actively attempting to assault someone with the bat. He let it go out of frustrating of being thrown at intentionally. He didn't take aim and fire the bat at someone. I know you like to use the most catastrophic language possible and if he did what you said, I'm sure he would have been suspended for 20 games + and not 5 or whatever. 

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It's so annoying. He does that same **** every time. Been doing it for years. Needs to get called out for it.


Yep, and they are the ones that call us whiny. The irony there is rich.


At least we gave them a reason to care about baseball for a night, since most of their fans checked out a while back. They even admitted it. It's easy to be a "fan" when your team is winning. Or when your team is getting sized for World Series rings in February.  

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