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UPDATE: OTL report says Goodell granted request from Ravens to keep suspension to two games


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Is there a different video where this happens? Don't see anything in this one. Only 'outside the elevator' action here is it looks like she turns her head and says something to him just before getting in.

I didn't watch the video linked in this thread. But a friend sent me a link from tmz, which showed a different camera outside of the elevator. It looked like they were talking/arguing by a pillar and she slaps him and walks away into the elevator. He follows about a second or two later.

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Kosher Ham, I'd bounce out of this thread.  You're taking this lightly and being intentionally vague on the topic.  You bring up your wife and sister, but you can't present with a straight face when talking about this.


And so you guys know, it's EXTREMELY difficult for a woman to leave this situation.  To any of you saying, "Oh, I would leave in a heartbeat" or "My sister would leave him" are talking from a very privileged and uninformed position.  That's not your fault; that's how EVERYTHING is presented in the media.  Remember how people said that this was her fault?  And we even have people in this thread insinuating that she was even a hair in the deserving column?  Yeah, how exactly was she supposed to leave and not be harassed in the media, slandered and libeled, and in any way have any security in her life? 


As much as we'd love for it to be that cut and dry, it's not.  It never, ever is.


Oh, and closed fist or otherwise, who gives a ****?  He either punches her into the wall of the elevator or slams her into it.  Either way she's out cold; it doesn't make a difference.

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- He needs to be suspended for the whole season. And I know this based on my feelings in this, but he could've killed her when she hit her head on that rail. Let her head or neck hit differently and we're talking homicide.

- I also agree with others that his body language suggest he's done this before. What is even more disturbing to me, is her body language before getting hit suggest to me that wasn't her first time hitting him either. I am in no way excusing his behavior....adults shouldn't hit each other. PERIOD. But Ray must bear more culpability here because he has the ability to kill her, and nearly did, without a weapon and she doesn't.

Neither one of them are mature enough to handle a relationship, much less a marriage or raising children. This whole situation angers and saddens me.

^^QFT. Her reaction was what jumped out at me too. It was obvious that she was bracing for a blow after she got into the elevator. Both their reactions prior to and after the assault indicate this was a common occurrence in their relationship. I always thought Ray "Shiv in the Ribs" Lewis got away with homicide but at least there wasn't video of his crime. What a sorry sack of crap Rice is....exceeded only by how much Goodell is for letting him get away with a slap on the wrist.


As for his wife, I think the expression "You knew what this was" applies. I'm not saying that it was in any way her fault or that it was justified. I just think there's a certain mindset among some women who date athletes that they're willing to take a lot of BS in exchange for the lifestyle. I guess that's OK as long as you live through the experience. Looking at the video, I'd say she's really, really lucky to be alive.

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The question is, from a legal stand point, can the NFL do the right thing and suspend him for the season or ban for life?  Or is it too late?


They might have a lawsuit on their hands from Rice.  They already made their ruling.  I think what's done is done...but if there is a silver-lining to this mess, it's that things will be VERY different as far as suspensions levied for domestic abuse. 

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There is a longer video than the posted originally on this thread. It shows a lot more.


At the 7 second mark, you see Rice spit at her as she walks by. She then mildly confronts him but keeps walking by. Rice then chases her in and clocks her.

Wow...I stand corrected. He did spit on her and she smacked him as retaliation. I take back some of what I wrote, he completely instigated that confronation. What a piece of **** he is.

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They might have a lawsuit on their hands from Rice.  They already made their ruling.  I think what's done is done...but if there is a silver-lining to this mess, it's that things will be VERY different as far as suspensions levied for domestic abuse. 


The only non messy way out of this mess for the NFL is if he's cut by the Ravens and blacklisted from the NFL. No team picks him up and he's done career wise.

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The only non messy way out of this mess for the NFL is if he's cut by the Ravens and blacklisted from the NFL. No team picks him up and he's done career wise.


Pretty much.  But if he's released from the Ravens because of this, I think he's still going to sue. The problem is the 2 game suspension.  I think everyone agrees that it's a joke, but he's somewhat protected (legally) because of it.  I could be wrong, but this is a very strange situation for the league, Ravens, and Rice. 


I'm willing to bet the family saw those dollar signs and couldn't resist. Thats all I got.


Yup.  That's what I'm thinking as well. 

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Pretty much.  But if he's released from the Ravens because of this, I think he's still going to sue. The problem is the 2 game suspension.  I think everyone agrees that it's a joke, but he's somewhat protected (legally) because of it.  I could be wrong, but this is a very strange situation for the league, Ravens, and Rice. 


Why is he protected legally?  I don't know of any double jeopardy bylaws, and good luck getting the NFLPA or any judge or jury behind you on this one.

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Why is he protected legally?  I don't know of any double jeopardy bylaws, and good luck getting the NFLPA or any judge or jury behind you on this one.


Wouldn't he be protected due to the fact that the NFL already handed out a suspension?  It would be unprecedented for the league to renege on a suspension just to give a longer punishment.  I think this is where it gets murky because it seems to me he would have the grounds to sue. 

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Yup.  That's what I'm thinking as well. 


Yeah I mean, I'm racking my brain hard, and thats the best I can come up with. Pretty ****ty, but that's money for you...


Like someone else says, it only works if she's alive. Looking at this incident, its pretty obvious to me that they're pretty far along in the physical violence stage, to where death isn't out of the question, whether accidental or purposeful. I just don't understand how, knowing this, a family could so willingly be complicit in their daughters potentially grave situation.


I have wisened up over the years to the concept of forgiveness, but there is forgiveness, and there is protecting your loved ones from harm.

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Wouldn't he be protected due to the fact that the NFL already handed out a suspension?  It would be unprecedented for the league to renege on a suspension just to give a longer punishment.  I think this is where it gets murky because it seems to me he would have the grounds to sue. 


I don't know why he'd be protected once this was released.  If this were a criminal case, then yes, he would be protected under double jeopardy laws.  The NFL, though, literally makes its own rules ("spirit of the cap" anyone?).


The precedent is actually going on right now in that the NFL and NFLPA are trying to make future drug testing penalties retroactive, meaning a new rule would apply to an already-decided punishment.


Plus the NFL would lose a **** ton more money by not doing anything about this than they would with whatever Rice would sue for.

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Around 7-8 seconds into the full length video Rice's head moves towards her in a manner that looks like spitting to me. Perhaps he was just trying to peck her on the cheek and missed who knows. I'm going spit and she responds with a fairly casual slap. That interaction tells me all I need to know about that relationship. In a healthy relationship spitting on your wife/fiance would lead to World War 3 not a passing slap. The slap was so casual it looked like a normal day to day thing for her. This is an abusive relationship, probably going both ways.


But there is no excuse for Rice acting like he does in the elevator unless she came at him with a knife or something. It is not like he is dating Ronda Rousey, there is nothing she could do to him with her hands that he couldn't have dealt with by just holding her away from him. The dude is an NFL running back she is not hurting him with a couple of slaps. 


As far as slap vs punch goes. Who cares? Okay so it wasn't a knock out punch he just slapped her head into the wall/railing. The end result is that she was knocked unconscious for over a minute. Closed fist vs open hand doesn't not change the severity of the action. 

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I can't tell if he punched her or she slipped.


I saw a part where it looked like she spit on him.

I could not tell if it was open hand or not.

It did look like she hit her head on the rail.


This is why my wife and I don't even play fight. She can't hurt me yet alone knock me out.

Another female, my wife would probably destroy.


Don't get me wrong we wrestle here and there for fun.


Either way he is an idiot for several reasons. Why even engage into that is my problem ? I laugh it off when my wife tries to get me worked up and push my buttons. I just grew up to protect women, not batter them.


What a fool. I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger...

Well I went into this thread having no respect for Ray Rice, and now I don't have any respect for some guy on the message board I'm a proud member of.

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I don't know why he'd be protected once this was released.  If this were a criminal case, then yes, he would be protected under double jeopardy laws.  The NFL, though, literally makes its own rules ("spirit of the cap" anyone?).


The precedent is actually going on right now in that the NFL and NFLPA are trying to make future drug testing penalties retroactive, meaning a new rule would apply to an already-decided punishment.


Plus the NFL would lose a **** ton more money by not doing anything about this than they would with whatever Rice would sue for.


I mean, all Rice has to say is that the league/Ravens had seen the entire video before the 2 game suspension was announced.  If they were going to release him, 5 weeks ago, was the time to do it.  Goodell screwed up big time.  I think Rice is protected here and will be in uniform week 3. 

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Bad enough the way he spat on her and then hit her. The way he just drags her around and leaves her on her face halfway in the elevator and just stands over her... He's scum.

The Ravens need to cut his ass immediately. He should be in jail.


I think cutting him would put them over the cap. The best they can probably do is what Tampa did to Keyshawn and deactivate him for the rest of the year. 

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I mean, all Rice has to say is that the league/Ravens had seen the entire video before the 2 game suspension was announced.  If they were going to release him, 5 weeks ago, was the time to do it.  Goodell screwed up big time.  I think Rice is protected here and will be in uniform week 3. 


Yes, you keep saying he's protected, but by what?   There has to be a law or something written down, not an inkling, you know?


I know where you're coming from, so I hope that I don't come off as condescending, but if he's protected, then he's gotta be protected by SOMETHING.

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There is no way the NFL didn't see this. How can they have conducted an actual investigation of the incident and not seen it? They're lying.

His own teammates don't want him there, If he's not deactivated for every game this year I'd be surprised. They might not be able to get out of his contract, but they sure as hell don't have to play him.

NFL contracts have so few guarantees in them, there is no way that Baltimore couldn't can him if they really wanted to. This should be a matter of principle for them, they need to make a statement.

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There is no way the NFL didn't see this. How can they have conducted an actual investigation of the incident and not seen it? They're lying.


What's worse is if they're NOT lying.  They can bully Congressmen into going along with anything and neuroscientists fabricating evidence, so they can sure as hell get something that TMZ got.  It's bull**** if they didn't pursue this infinitely harder in order to get it.

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