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ES NOSTALGIA THREAD feat. Art, Die Hard, Henry, TK, PCS, Tarhog, and Karl Swanson


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We'll I guess if I'm gonna show up in pictures I'll say whaddup?

I joined in 2000 or 2001 and had to change my name (Kevin B.) after I was outed as the drunk guy from extremeskins on a job interview with a huge skins fan.


Did you get that job?

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This is a great thread. Reading the ES history thread brought back a lot of memories, as well. I too still have a couple of ES T-shirts floating around. I even had an ExtremeSkins email address for a while, before the service shut down and I was unable to access my account  :) . The early days seem almost quaint now, but you could recognize almost every name as you read through the threads. When I joined in November 2001, I claimed to be 36 years old, looking for respect and not knowing that I would be sticking along for as long as I have. I was 15 then and now I'm 28, closer to my fake age than what was then my real one!


I spent a good amount of time in the tailgate forum, and I remember some epic political tilts, especially between NavyDave and JackC, the resident liberal (the forum was overwhelmingly conservative in those days). Om and Die Hard were usually the voices of reason. TennesseCarl, Larry, Bufford, Buddha, redman, chomerics, sarge, codeorama, Park City Skins, Tarhog. Bulldog stands out as a great poster from the stadium forum, always well thought out and on point. Man, those were some good times. I would stay up late trying to get my post count up so I could get the next avatar. If I stayed on my pace from the early 2000s I'd be over 50,000 posts by now easy.


And of course I remember andyman, his threads were always hotly anticipated. Does anyone remember the story of Wacky Ralph? The bizarre and sometimes hateful antics of MassSkinsFan? And I vividly remember that pic of Patrick Ramsey and thinking how cool it was. I also remember a mod (can't recall which) creating an "Ask Sage Rosenfels anything" thread on April Fools and being totally taken in. 


I gotta say that I much preferred the board in the pre-2005 era, but it's gone the way of the rest of the Internet since, much more of a shoutbox than a site with carefully curated discussions and opinions, despite the valiant efforts of the mods. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, though. One thing never changes, the Redskins always disappoint.

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Nice to see some old heads in here.  :)  Lots of members have come and gone over the years.  I remember joining up right after Snyder hired Gibbs.  The thought struck me to look up some online message boards for the Redskins, and then I found Extremeskins.  Joined up, and became hooked, lol.

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Some of you are amusing :).


And, as Rick says, some of you don't know what you don't know.   But, this is Extremeskins, so speaking on topic about a topic you know little about is how we do, so keep doing.



Art, back in the TSN days (1997-8?) who was the moderator who ran, what I think I recall was BleacherReport Skins messageboard?  I want to say his name was Karl Englehart.  Can't remember for sure.  What I do remember vividly was after several long bouts with you, making a post that went something like this(paraphrasing), "Well, I'm steaming mad.  I got so mad I had to step away from the computer and go in my back yard and cool down a bit.  I thought about it long and hard...and I've come to a difficult decision.....and I've decided to ban Art.  It's just better for the board if it goes this way....."   A bit more self gratifying paragraphs followed, which I was laughing my butt off.  But the icing on the cake was "Arthur 1" right back at it a minute later posting away, since there was no server bans back in the day.  Just username bans.  I envisioned Karl jumping off a building. 

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Art, back in the TSN days (1997-8?) who was the moderator who ran, what I think I recall was BleacherReport Skins messageboard?  I want to say his name was Karl Englehart.  Can't remember for sure.  What I do remember vividly was after several long bouts with you, making a post that went something like this(paraphrasing), "Well, I'm steaming mad.  I got so mad I had to step away from the computer and go in my back yard and cool down a bit.  I thought about it long and hard...and I've come to a difficult decision.....and I've decided to ban Art.  It's just better for the board if it goes this way....."   A bit more self gratifying paragraphs followed, which I was laughing my butt off.  But the icing on the cake was "Arthur 1" right back at it a minute later posting away, since there was no server bans back in the day.  Just username bans.  I envisioned Karl jumping off a building. 

I remember Karl.   He was an interesting cat :).


I was the moderator for the Sporting News, which is where Die Hard found me.


And I recall tearing up the Washington Post message boards in that era, actually having the Post send me a number of threatening communications about legal action, but I simply informed them so long as I had access, I had access and they could figure it out otherwise, and they wound up killing all their message boards for a while there to figure things out.   The early days of message boarding were pretty wild.


Not sure if you remember back during the Sporting News board days, but as a group we all began posting on the Carolina Panthers message boards and took it over so only Redskin posts were there.   We called it our vacation home during the off season because we had tons and they had like four.   It actually got some TSN folks mad at me.   But they never fired me :).

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I have to say reading all this has brought back alot of great memories.  I've been a member since 2002, but spent most my time lurking (occasionally posting, see the less than 700 posts in 12 years) and enjoying the great content brought by alot of the regulars from back in the day.  At the time, living outside of DC, there weren't too many great sources of information for down deep coverage of the team, so ES fit the bill.  It'd be nice to recapture the magic this site was back in the early days.

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Here`s a little ES flashback I just remembered :-)


While Blade was honing his programming and database skills while building all the incredible player/coach/game/draft pick databases.... we purchased thousands of dollars of NFL/Redskins encylcopedias for the purpose of data extraction. Manually. I was performing the laborous work of sifting through archives/tables of stats and inputting the data in the database for decades worth. My labor to ES.com was probably between 40-60 hours a week in addition to a full-time job -- which is why we had to bring aboard so many moderators... because Blade and I were creating content. After 3 months of full-time data population... while Blade was working on the programming... he accidentally erased ALL the data.


Now, imagine the thoughts that must go through a person`s mind... when he realizes that he has to me what he`s done. I`m not going to lie, I felt like I got kicked in the gut (ie. visceral response). I was momentarily physically ill at the thought. But I could tell in Blade`s voice... that he was probably even more devastated than I was... and how much respect I had for him... I couldn`t bring myself to respond crazily had it been literally anyone else. Granted, I`m still in shock :-)


With that being said, to his credit, we both put in an equally amount of hard/fast time re-inputting the data... and we got it all back in a month. He worked just as hard as I did. Dropped all his programming responsibilities and went hard replacing the content.


And the guy is a urologist/surgeon.... doing this stuff for free... and he made it up to me without me even saying a word. That`s the character Blade was/is.... and only a fraction of the reason why he`s probably one of the finest human beings I`ve ever met.

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