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Cliven Bundy Ranch Standoff


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Seems to me race has to be part of the analysis in these situations given historical and local context.  We shouldn't jump the gun (excuse the pun) nor should we avoid the consideration.  Race can be a motivator to action or inaction and how we play out our calculus.


I was rather surprised at how the Cliven Bundy situation played out.  I do think it would have been very different if they were all black.  Maybe that's my own shortcomings, but I don't think so.

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Regardless of how many want to argue the details, the fact is the main media pushers on the narrative for the right has one consistent message, regardless of how many times they try to tell you that is not what it is.

They have plenty of excuses for their stark racial divide not being based on race when it comes to assigning heroes and criminals, but the fact is the divide is always prevalent.

It's no wonder that the perception comes off this way.


A man aiming a rifle at law enforcement is a hero... a guy throwing back a tear gas canister is a dangerous reactionary.


if the people on the right are tired of arguing againt this perception, then maybe the answer lies with the message they present rather than complaining about being misunderstood over and over and over.



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A man aiming a rifle at law enforcement is a hero... a guy throwing back a tear gas canister is a dangerous reactionary.


if the people on the right are tired of arguing againt this perception, then maybe the answer lies with the message they present rather than complaining about being misunderstood over and over and over.






neither are heroes to me


the generalizations are fun ain't they?


some of us stand on what we do and say ....and behind it

It makes ignoring baseless crap easy and enables mocking it.

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neither are heroes to me


the generalizations are fun ain't they?


some of us stand on what we do and say ....and behind it

It makes ignoring baseless crap easy and enables mocking it.

Why can't you ever just be specific why the generalities

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neither are heroes to me


the generalizations are fun ain't they?


some of us stand on what we do and say ....and behind it

It makes ignoring baseless crap easy and enables mocking it.


It is not a generalization to note which way you come down every time.

Maybe it's a coincidence that it consistently falls directly in line with the narrative, but i doubt it.

And if it is just you standing on what you say, quit crying when people note there's a direct correlation as to the races of your victims and hero definitions.


stand by it and accept it. Making excuses and pretending it doesn't exist says you're either tremendously ignorant of your own views, or you're full of ****.



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As to the people trying to call twa out for a racial allignment to his positions in various confrontations, I will attempt to point out:

1) Just my opinion, but that sure sounds like a personal attack, as opposed to attacking the positions, to me.

2) And I think his positions align much more closely based on his political party affiliation than they do on race.


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1/ maybe so

2/ regardless .. those positions consistently mirror the message, and the message is consistently divided racially, even though they pretend it's not. It may not be a conscious thing, but I don't buy it.
I think the right wing propaganda machine is after one demographic, and they play to the fears that demo possesses.


and it leads to consistently applauding whites who fight the power, and demonizing blacks who do the same thing.

George Zimmerman is  hero, Cliven Bundy is a hero.

Brown is a thug, Martin is a thug, and so on and so on and so on.


Noting TWA mirrors those narratives every single time, I don't see that as a personal attack, rather pointing at something obvious.

Is that an attack on the narrative, or those who defend it tirelessly?

I don't really see the difference.



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Bang, can you give me any quotes where I thought Bundy or Zimmerman were heroes? (or any other examples ya wish to find)


Larry has it right in part(though certainly not limited to party) and if there is a racial divide it is not by my choice.


I've armed,trained and instructed all races and genders in defending themselves lawfully....and support doing it.


and will continue

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Bang, can you give me any quotes where I thought Bundy or Zimmerman were heroes? (or any other examples ya wish to find)


Larry has it right in part(though certainly not limited to party) and if there is a racial divide it is not by my choice.


I've armed,trained and instructed all races and genders in defending themselves lawfully....and support doing it.


and will continue

So tell us your exact position on Bundy and your exact position on Ferguson. Don't be vague or speak in generalities or code

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So tell us your exact position on Bundy and your exact position on Ferguson. Don't be vague or speak in generalities or code


you will need to be more specific to avoid generalities


Bundy the man?..not impressed


Bundy as in armed confrontation?....if you point a weapon at folk ya better be prepared to get shot(either side)


Bundy the federal BS?...it was handled poorly and based on stupid reasoning....if it was the money,that could be easily collected w/o force or much cost

if it was saving the tortoise it is sheer idiocy 


Fergusun the Brown shooting?....I'm waiting, but certainly lean towards a cop with a good record over someone that just committed a couple crimes


Ferguson the protests?....not a fan,nor do I see the need when the feds were already looking at it


Ferguson the police response?....overly militarized and the guard should have been called up earlier


The tear gas and rubber/wooden bullets?....I support in cases where moltolvs and other objects are thrown...or of course to reach a shooting victim 


care to clarify and I can expand or address others

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No, because if there is one thing I've learned over the years is that getting into pissing matches with you is pointless.


Maybe you can tell me why my perception is wrong, or cite instances when you have bucked the GOP narrative.



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No, because if there is one thing I've learned over the years is that getting into pissing matches with you is pointless.


Maybe you can tell me why my perception is wrong, or cite instances when you have bucked the GOP narrative.



I'm rather pissy


Proving I'm not racist is a waste of my time(or at least far less racist than most I've met)


GOP?....I helped Ron Paul get started and have supported the insurrection....does that count?


narrative ya will need to be more specific since they jabber a lot 

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Giving this a bump in case anyone wants to do some comparing and contrasting with the events in Ferguson. I'll kick it off:


1) Bundy stole hundreds of thousands from the state, Mike Brown (allegedly) stole some cigars.  Bundy is a "hero," Brown is a "thug." Why is that?





Well, that one is easy.


"Thug" is the current code word for white people to express disdain toward black people.   The N-word is just so passe, don't you know?


And trying to pin down twa on anything is like trying to nail jello to a tree.  He's not here to discuss things.  He's here to stir the pot. 

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Well, that one is easy.


"Thug" is the current code word for white people to express disdain toward black people.   The N-word is just so passe, don't you know?


And trying to pin down twa on anything is like trying to nail jello to a tree.  He's not here to discuss things.  He's here to stir the pot. 

Except white people call other white people thugs too. Take your racist crap somewhere else.

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Except white people call other white people thugs too. Take your racist crap somewhere else.


he is not racist, rather simply trying to absolve himself and insulate.


kinda like a firebreak, the more and louder ya create a divide the more protection

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