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Tarik El-Bashir Twitter: Redskins hire Ben Kotwica as special teams coach


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Per PFT, Jets ST coach Ben Kotwica Interviewing with us:





Jets Special Teams ranking from Football Outsiders:


2010:  #5

2011:  #4

2012:  #21

2013:  #10



Punt-return average

Final '13 ranking: 16th (9.0 yards)
Final '12 ranking: 12th (10.3 yards)

Kickoff-return average

Final '13 ranking: 18th (22.7 yards)
Final '12 ranking: 6th (26.2 yards)

Field goals made

Final '13 ranking: 10th, tie (91.2 percent)
Final '12 ranking: 27th (77.8 percent)

Net punting average

Final '13 ranking: 27th (38.1 yards)
Final '12 ranking: 20th (37.6 yards)

Punt-return average allowed

Final '13 ranking: 27th (11.3 yards)
Final '12 ranking: 27th (12.1 yards)

Kickoff-return average allowed

Final '13 ranking: 11th (22.3 yards)
Final '12 ranking: 5th (21.9 yards)



Could someone please make sense of these stats? How could the Jets ST be ranked #10 under Kotwica in 2013 by Football Outsiders when they were ranked #21 the year before but have worst stats in 2013 under every category except FGs made?


I'm thoroughly confused by this and mentioned it in the coordinator thread to no avail.  

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Could someone please make sense of these stats? How could the Jets ST be ranked #10 under Kotwica in 2013 by Football Outsiders when they were ranked #21 the year before but have worst stats in 2013 under every category except FGs made?


I'm thoroughly confused by this and mentioned it in the coordinator thread to no avail.  



Football outsider uses their own DVOA system (see here for explanation: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/info/methods#specialteams)

Basically, I think it boils down to the concept that not all yards are built equal.  30 yard punt that pins a team at the 1 is more valuable then a 45 yard punt that gives a team the ball at 40 yard, something like that.

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Redskins hire Jets special teams coach Ben Kotwica [updated]


The Jets last season ranked among the top 10 in the NFL in kickoff return yards  and 17th on kickoff coverage. Washington is coming off of a disaster of a season on special teams, ranking among the worst in the league both on kickoff and punt coverage.
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Football outsider uses their own DVOA system (see here for explanation: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/info/methods#specialteams)

Basically, I think it boils down to the concept that not all yards are built equal.  30 yard punt that pins a team at the 1 is more valuable then a 45 yard punt that gives a team the ball at 40 yard, something like that.


I figured as much, but wow. That is a shocking difference. I guess that would make sense for the net punting and kickoff return averages being so off, but the punt return and kickoff averages shouldn't have that much of an affect. 


That being said, it's understandable to a certain degree because the Jets cut their top kickoff returner, Joe McKnight, before the season started and had to rely on a slower Josh Cribbs who then got hurt mid-season.


Hopefully he has better fortune here with finding returners, but I was hoping we'd find a guy who proved to have an eye for them or coached them up well in the past.   

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Redskins hire Jets special teams coach Ben Kotwica [updated]
The Jets last season ranked among the top 10 in the NFL in kickoff return yards  and 17th on kickoff coverage. Washington is coming off of a disaster of a season on special teams, ranking among the worst in the league both on kickoff and punt coverage.



lol, ok screw this. Everyone has a different stat. 

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Football outsiders had the 2013 Redskins special teams as the second worst of all time, so I guess, hard to get worse than that.  I stand by my position that with a league average special teams, the entire team looks a lot better.  Like 2 to 3 wins better at least.

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Could someone please make sense of these stats? How could the Jets ST be ranked #10 under Kotwica in 2013 by Football Outsiders when they were ranked #21 the year before but have worst stats in 2013 under every category except FGs made?


I'm thoroughly confused by this and mentioned it in the coordinator thread to no avail.  


ST's across the league was down maybe?  The thing that jumps out to me is the Punt Return Average Against being consistently poor - hopefully that improves here because I can't watch another effort like last season on the coverage team

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Football outsider uses their own DVOA system (see here for explanation: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/info/methods#specialteams)

Basically, I think it boils down to the concept that not all yards are built equal.  30 yard punt that pins a team at the 1 is more valuable then a 45 yard punt that gives a team the ball at 40 yard, something like that.

I believe your ranking is also altered by your opposition.  Further, ranking is against how others rank in the given year.  So, if everyone got worse including you but you just didn't decline as much as everybody else, you may rank higher.  Ranking is not against some objective standard that allows you to easily compare 2012 to 2013 performance.

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I believe your ranking is also altered by your opposition.  Further, ranking is against how others rank in the given year.  So, if everyone got worse including you but you just didn't decline as much as everybody else, you may rank higher.  Ranking is not against some objective standard that allows you to easily compare 2012 to 2013 performance.


Welp, I'm hoping their ranking is closer to the truth than anything else in that case. Cuz that 2012/13 comparison was depressing. 

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