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The House that Bruce Built


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And frankly it's amazing how Skins fans will blame anyone while he's here, but on his departure he's absolved and "I never really believed he did this.  It was always Snyder and" whoever is still here.



mike shanahan?


dont tell that to kevin sheehan....

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We basically rebuilt a best friends club after Vinny left. Dan is such a loser. Always looking for friendships through his football franchise. It's like his personal tinder. Bruce Allen can wear the hell out of his suits and throws amazing pancake socials. That's about it.


So spot on it's scary.  Cheers.

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We basically rebuilt a best friends club after Vinny left. Dan is such a loser. Always looking for friendships through his football franchise. It's like his personal tinder. Bruce Allen can wear the hell out of his suits and throws amazing pancake socials. That's about it.

The coaching search was a farce. Bruce made up his mind in November 2013.

He owed Jay or Jon a favor and reunited the Buccaneers or Florida Tuskers.

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Not sure what thread to put this in, but I'm going to go ahead and renounce my fanhood. I joked when we went all-in on RG3 that if he couldn't carry us to the promised-land, then no one could.


I have sat by and watched this franchise revert to being worse than it was in 2012. It's insulting to be a paying, caring fan of this team. I'm as die-hard as it gets, always have been, but I'm done. 

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Of ****ing course

But he won't tho. You know that


Wonder what is going through Snyder's mind right now.


He though he had this thing figured out in 2010 when he hired Allen as GM and Shanahan to lead this team. Now, just 5 seasons later, we're right back to the debacle we were in when Allen got here.


Does Snyder have enough balls to admit this is a mistake and just totally clean house?

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The 8 players the Rams got in exchange for the right to draft Griffin. 


They got all that, and they are still the 4th best team in their division.  


I think when the book is closed on this deal, neither team will really get the value out of it that they thought they would.  


NOTE: I don't put this on Bruce, this was a Shanahan move.

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This "new" regime is not off to a good start.

I find it especially troubling that the first move, the very first move of the new regime is off to a shaky start. They hired a HC "QB guru" to ostensibly develop the potential franchise QB and the other (then) potential starting caliber in Kirk Cousins. Not only has the new HC failed in the most important to for which he was hired but he appeared to have no interest in accomplishing the task from the start.That to me is damning. The biggest task for which the HC was hired is over in ~20 quarters of football. If you believe the reports it was over in AUGUST at the beginning of training camp!

But not only did the new HC fail/was never interested in develop the potential franchise QB made the franchise look bad with the public ugliness. And oh btw, he also devalued Kirk Cousins. We started the season with 2 QBs with league wide value and the new HC has diminished both.



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I just can't pin much on Jay until he's been here a year or two and has his own guts in place

Sure he could have handled things a bit differently but that's been overstated Imo. I think he knows the culture here is toxic and is trying to change it.

Sad thing is that hes gonna have to rely on help from Bruce Allen to do so...this we are ****ed per usual

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Wonder what is going through Snyder's mind right now.


He though he had this thing figured out in 2010 when he hired Allen as GM and Shanahan to lead this team. Now, just 5 seasons later, we're right back to the debacle we were in when Allen got here.


Does Snyder have enough balls to admit this is a mistake and just totally clean house?

I agree, but I also think Dan needs to look at himself and see what he did to contribute to this mess.


I'm one of the few that takes a slightly different approach to Dan's involvement.  I DON'T think that he should be completely hands off.  I think he should, as the ultimate decision maker and owner, who's money is on the line, be involved in some ways.  


I also think that players are treated differently depending on who they are in every organization.  The key is that I think we give privileges to players before they earn it.  Do you honestly think that Brady/Manning/Brees/Rodgers/Rothlisburger don't have some special privs that some of the other players, like the backup MLB, don't have?  Of course they do.  The difference is that NOBODY on any of those teams can be jealous of those guys.  They've all earned it.  And the owners, while they are giving special privs, don't get in the way of the coaches.


We tend to draft guys or sign FAs and then all of a sudden they're vacationing with the owner.  

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I still think the whole Dan Snyder affect is overblown.


Snyder's problem seems to be hiring the wrong person. Vinny was a bad hire of course, and Allen doesn't look to be much better.


What Snyder should have done was hire a young up and coming personnel guy from a winning organization and let that guy completely clean house back in 2010. Instead every year we get half assed rebuilding efforts.

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This "new" regime is not off to a good start.

I find it especially troubling that the first move, the very first move of the new regime is off to a shaky start. They hired a HC "QB guru" to ostensibly develop the potential franchise QB and the other (then) potential starting caliber in Kirk Cousins. Not only has the new HC failed in the most important to for which he was hired but he appeared to have no interest in accomplishing the task from the start.That to me is damning. The biggest task for which the HC was hired is over in ~20 quarters of football. If you believe the reports it was over in AUGUST at the beginning of training camp!

But not only did the new HC fail/was never interested in develop the potential franchise QB made the franchise look bad with the public ugliness. And oh btw, he also devalued Kirk Cousins. We started the season with 2 QBs with league wide value and the new HC has diminished both.



I'm not sure that he was or wasn't interested in developing Griffin.  There's no way to know that. 


Here's the thing that I find MOST damning about the beginning of Gruden's tenure.  In his opening press conference, he said, ostensibly that he wasn't going to make Griffin into a drop back passer, that he wasn't going to force him to be something he's not.  Not 48 hours later he was rolling that back. SOMEBODY got to him.  To me there's no question.  Whether it was Griffin, Allen, Dan, somebody told Gruden to roll that back.  Because the story changed dramatically.  And I personally believe that's because Griffin only wants to be a drop back passer, and not a dual threat QB.  And SOMEBODY got to Gruden and told him Griffin was not going to be a running QB.  Then you look at the Texans gameplan. No R/O, no designed QBs runs, etc.  


So now you have a HC who probably thought he could use Griffin the way Kyle did in 2012, and the QB/GM/Owner/Father saying no.  And then the HC has to develop the guy into a pocket passer.  Then he sees in mini-camps and TC that he's just not very good at that. 


So, he might have known from TC that this wasn't going to work.  But he gave it a shot. Griffin has failed miserably the last 2 weeks, and there was no real indication things were going to get better.


Griffin has now managed to get benched by 2 different coaching staffs. 

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I can't fathom a scenario in which this team can rightfully keep ANYONE beyond this year from the front office. Rationally, maybe you justify another year of Gruden. But I would rather just admit our faults, do what the Browns did when they brought in a new GM under new ownership, and just start from scratch. At least at that point you have an aura of a new era to sell the fans so that we can be dooped into holding hope and supporting the team for another 3-4 years until we start this over again. 

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Last year it was all Shanny's fault.  This year it's all Gruden's fault.  Using simple logic, to think an NFL coach wants his starting QB to FAIL is LUDICROUS.


This is speculation, but I think that it's pretty simple:


1. The knee injury completely broke Griffin's psyche.  

2. Griffin told Dan/Bruce that he was not going to be a dual threat QB

3. Dan/Bruce told Shanahan (both) that Griffin wasn't going to be a dual threat QB.

4. Shanahan (both) knew that this was going to implode, because neither are stupid.

5. Shanahan gave it a shot, it didn't work.  He got tired of Griffin going to Dan/Allen. Started leaking stuff to Shefter to tear down Griffin. (NOTE: This was a childish move, was the wrong move, unsavory, and rightfully got him fired.)

6. Gruden is hired.  Thinks he can use Griffin as a dual threat QB.  

7. Gruden is told by Dan/Bruce that Griffin IS NOT going to be used a dual threat QB.  Hence the rolling back of the initial press conference quotes.

8. Gruden recognizes that was going to implode, because he's not stupid.  

9. Gruden gives it a shot.  It implodes.  Griffin gets WORSE game by game because as teams get a little more film on him, they know what he's going to do before he does. 

10. Gruden finally convinces Dan/Bruce that Griffin can't do what they need him to do.  

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This is speculation, but I think that it's pretty simple:

5. Started leaking stuff to Shefter to tear down Griffin. (NOTE: This was a childish move, was the wrong move, unsavory, and rightfully got him fired.)


This is your only point I disagree with.  There have been leaks for a long time coming out of this organization.  It continues today with Shanny gone.  Shanny may have leaked some, but there are plenty of other culprits.

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This is your only point I disagree with.  There have been leaks for a long time coming out of this organization.  It continues today with Shanny gone.  Shanny may have leaked some, but there are plenty of other culprits.

You're right, but I think that some of the leaks were from him.  I don't think it was Kyle.


I think Kyle was in the middle of a mess.  Pitty, he's a damn good OC.  Half the league is copying what he did in 2012.  

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I'm not sure that he was or wasn't interested in developing Griffin.  There's no way to know that.

Developing a QB isn't easy there are ups and downs there are sub 100 yard passing games there will bad games filled with mistakes. Jay knows its a process he knows development takes time.

But listen to Jay's own comments have you EVER heard a HC/OC talk about a QB the way he did? nor find a coach/QB that agrees with how Jay handled it? And now Griffin's development is over merely ~20 quarters into that 'process'? Yeah that's enough for, the fact that Griffin's development is over and Jay's comments clearly demonstrate that Gruden wasn't interested in developing Griffin. (nevermind that reports are that Gruden felt this way in TRAINING CAMP)


Here's the thing that I find MOST damning about the beginning of Gruden's tenure.  In his opening press conference, he said, ostensibly that he wasn't going to make Griffin into a drop back passer, that he wasn't going to force him to be something he's not.  Not 48 hours later he was rolling that back. SOMEBODY got to him.  To me there's no question.  Whether it was Griffin, Allen, Dan, somebody told Gruden to roll that back.  Because the story changed dramatically.  And I personally believe that's because Griffin only wants to be a drop back passer, and not a dual threat QB.  And SOMEBODY got to Gruden and told him Griffin was not going to be a running QB.  Then you look at the Texans gameplan. No R/O, no designed QBs runs, etc.  


So now you have a HC who probably thought he could use Griffin the way Kyle did in 2012, and the QB/GM/Owner/Father saying no.  And then the HC has to develop the guy into a pocket passer. ...

I remember that press conference you refer to above and I don't buy that drivel for a second.


Sometimes (I should stop) I listen to ESPN 980 and I remember then pushing that story hard. But all that is conjecture, speculation based and the only tangible evidence people use to support that are words in an article that I'm sure Griffin's father wishes he could take back. Since then how many times have heard Griffin say he ready to do/play however the coaches want.

And if you watched the Bengals game you know Gruden barely runs read-option anyway. As Trent Dilfer said he doesn't know how. His offense is not like Mike/Kyle offense. And we have watched Griffin in read-option this year and last year so it not like its been stricken from the offense. I don't buy that Griffin dictating the offense for one single solitary second and I guarantee if Griffin was dictating the offense it would look way more like the Eagles then anything Mike/Kyle/Jay have done.



...Then he sees in mini-camps and TC that he's just not very good at that....So, he might have known from TC that this wasn't going to work.  But he gave it a shot. Griffin has failed miserably the last 2 weeks, and there was no real indication things were going to get better.

Do you believe that in a new regime Griffin should get a blank slate? Wouldn't Griffin have a larger base to develop then a rookie spread zone-read QB?




New GM Mandate 1: Find a HC that can help develop our potential franchise QB and the other QBs on the roster 



The first HC hire of the Bruce Allen regime has already failed (and quickly) at QB development.


Not only did the QB 'guru' fail to develop the QBs he devalued them and made the process publicly embarrassing for the franchise.

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