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It's about the Process


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There is a lot of negativity around here. And, to be quite honest, it should be expected. Redskin fans have endured over twenty years of floundering, with a few successful seasons sprinkled in simply to tease us. We fired Marty after one 8-8 season. Then Spurrier, Gibbs, Zorn and Shanahan. Gibbs gave us more to cheer for than many of the others, but since our last Lombardi in 1991 and the subsequent season, this team has been overall poor.


To provide statistical proof, since the 1993 regular season through 2013 our franchise's record is: 141-195. That's a win percentage of just 41%. As much as many don't like to admit it, the franchise's problems began long before Dan Snyder purchased the franchise, and his early years certainly didn't help us.


However, much has changed within that timeframe. Snyder has tried everything that a fan could do. One mediocre season with Marty? The quick trigger strikes and down he goes. Now what? Hire Steve Spurrier who lit the NFL on fire in the preseason only to show his teams weren't anywhere near as good. In the meantime, we had Vinny Cerrato at the helm and we re-hired the franchise's savior, Joe Jackson Gibbs. Gibbs, with Cerrato heavily influencing the team spent all the money he could. Afterall, free agency was virtually new to him. And yet, he still somehow managed to be the only coach since, well, Joe Gibbs, to bring the team to the playoffs more than once. But a tragedy and a sickness forced Gibbs away one year early. With Cerrato still on board, the Redskins hired Jim Zorn to be the OC. Once it was learned that practically no one wanted to coach under Cerrato, Zorn was hired as the head coach, after the entire staff had already been hired. Zorn was immediately put in a perfect situation to fail, and he still got off to a hot start. But, like with all things Redskins, that fizzled away and Zorn looked lost.


The deal with Shanahan came next, and by all accounts, Shanahan chose Bruce Allen to be his GM. But one thing was clear, Shanahan was in charge of personnel. He was the real GM. Bruce would be used to help navigate issues in regards to the cap. However, the cap penalty hit us, which is the second time Shanahan has had issues in that regard. We know the rest of the story.


So why am I making this post?


The negativity, while justified, doesn't help the team. If you think media outlets don't read this site, then I have news for you. Very good reporters check in here to see what we're saying here. Many people wanted a new structure in the FO, and when they got it people were quick to point out it wasn't exactly what they wanted. But, how do we have any idea what the best scenario is? Many people wanted a hierarchy similar to this:


Snyder (Owner) --> Allen (VP) --> (GM) --> (Head Coach) --> (Coordinators)


What we got was similar, but not exactly that.


Snyder (Owner) --> Allen (GM) --> (Head Coach) --> (Coordinators)


The primary difference between the two is that there is no titled "VP" in this current scenario. Now the obvious concern here is that Bruce Allen wasn't great in Tampa and he's not a personnel guy. None of us really know how much Bruce knows about personnel, but what we do know is that we have two guys under him who are very good personnel people.


Many here have no idea who Morocco Brown or Scott Campbell are except simply by their names. Many had no idea how good they are, and still question it. Some have even said, "If they're so good, why aren't other teams trying to lure them away?" Well... They are. There are rumors that Tampa is looking to add Morocco Brown to their scouting staff. It sure sounds like Brown is pretty respected in NFL circles.


So now, what's the real point:


We as fans know virtually nothing about what's going on with this whole process. Some people are more in the know than others, but as a whole, no one, that I know of, is on the brain trust of the Washington Redskins. So while talking about the possible candidates is natural, and trying to figure out what kind of traits they bring to the table is essential for we as fans to understand, I do think and hope that our fanbase will attempt to have an open mind in regards to the whole process. A guy who we may not think is a great HC may emerge from the interviews and show to be an excellent choice. A head coach isn't just about X's and O's. It's about charisma. It's about being a leader. It's about being organized. It's about putting the proper people in place to be successful.


We can't know a lot of that stuff. We can see perceptions, and hear through the grapevine about each of these traits, but each situation is different. No organization is the same as another. We as fans can do something here. We can be supportive of what's going on. That doesn't mean you can't question the team's direction, or be worried, or nervous, or whatever emotion you feel like having. But what I think we should be is more open. We don't have all the answers, and until we see failure, this new regime, whoever it may be, should be an opportunity to prove their worth or their failure.


I for one am going to trust the process. I don't care if the new head coach is an offensive guy, a defensive guy, or a special teams guy. I want a head coach that is going to have a plan to right this ship and is going to lead this team back from the doldrums. I want a guy who is going to hire coordinators that he trusts. And I want a guy who is fine with working with our personnel department on developing a roster. Those traits are important, and I can't know which guys possess those traits.


Retread, "college coach", young blood. None of that matters. What matters is the Washington Redskins and I want the team to hire the guy that they feel fits best.


If we flop, I'll be right among all of you with a pitchfork. If we succeed, I'll be throwing confetti, too. But all I'm asking for, as a fan, is for the new regime to be given a chance.





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The organization has quite a bit to prove, in particular after the past 4 years.


I agree, the process and structure is important. As well as keeping good FO talent in house (remember this org once had Baalke, Schnieder and DeCosta working for it)


I think we will know more about how much the org values the process and the infrastructure if we see upgrades to the scouting staff, the training staff, the S&C staff, and utilizing data analytics. Infrastructure items where there is no salary cap and where the org should pour resources into.


I am in wait and see mode here 

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Great post KDawg. Thinking back to Allen being GM in Tampa Bay. The Buc's ownership was considered tight with their money. I don't know what kind of scouting system the Buc's had at the time either. Although this move might not be what everyone wanted, at the minimum, it's a step in the right direction. I am happy with any improvement at this point.



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KDawg, nice post and glad you are going to trust the process.  Until we hire a legitimate GM in charge of player personnel and coaching I will not like the process.  Trusting the process is kind of an odd premise to me.  I would trust the process if the front office hadn't proven over and over again that they don't run the front office the right way.


As far as media members reading the site, it doesn't take reading this site to know the franchise is a train wreck.

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I'm extremely encouraged with the process so far. It seems open-minded, measured and calculated. During his press conference on Monday, Allen also described great qualities to look for in a leader. He's casting a wide net and not making any rushed decisions or excluding anyone. That's a fantastic process and much better than having someone in mind and attacking.


As you mentioned, we don't know what's best. As smart as we think we are, Bruce Allen knows more about running a football organization than we do. It's easy to build a coaching staff on a message board and project that it would be great. In real life, you have to learn about the type of manager, leader, listener, decision-maker, organizer, etc. someone is before handing him a job. His team's offensive and defensive rankings are secondary to the type of individual he is.


Great thread!

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I am in wait and see mode here 


Not that I'm any kind of authority, but I think that mindset is a good one to have. Nothing wrong with wanting the organization to prove itself. As a fan, to a bunch of other fans, I just ask that we give them the chance to do it.

KDawg, nice post and glad you are going to trust the process.  Until we hire a legitimate GM in charge of player personnel and coaching I will not like the process.  Trusting the process is kind of an odd premise to me.  I would trust the process if the front office hadn't proven over and over again that they don't run the front office the right way.


As far as media members reading the site, it doesn't take reading this site to know the franchise is a train wreck.


Here's what I'm saying though, chip, and I don't know if you missed it in the OP so I'll reiterate...


You don't know if Allen is a legitimate general manager or not. So why poo poo him before he's given a chance. He was NOT the GM under Shanahan, despite his title. Shanahan was the general manager and that's a pretty well acknowledged piece of information.

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Shanahan is gone and we have a GM now. It's a different scenario. We're hiring a head coach via a process from the GM now, not a GM via the HC.


I will stay wait and see as well.  Your quote from the other thread should be wait and see as well.  If the process churns out Art Briles I will again feel betrayed.

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Bruce Allen seems like a smart, competent manager. I think he's going to put the decision making for player personnel in the hands of Brown and Campbell, and get out of their way, only coming in to defend them or offer advice if asked. That is a strategy for success IMHO.


I also think he's going to run a systematic, measured HC search.


I'm optimistic.



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I will stay wait and see as well.  Your quote from the other thread should be wait and see as well.  If the process churns out Art Briles I will again feel betrayed.


What quote? I am in, and have been in, an optimistic point of view. I like our direction. Things seem to be going well. But it can still go wrong. But I don't think you have ANY idea if Art Briles would be a good candidate or not. I like him. I do. But if the team decides he's not worthy, then I'll have to trust in the process. If the team decides he is, then I'll trust in the process. I'll let the product of the current regime be what I judge them on, and so far the product their churning out is a much better product than we've had in decades. But a lot remains to be seen. I'll withhold final judgement as well, just as many others. 

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why not give Allen a shot before just assuming he can't do it or isn't qualified?


This is the crux of it. Let's see what happens. To be honest, I have a few reservations as well, but I see all the positive (a real structure, even if it isn't "traditional" [although many teams have similar set ups], a real coaching search, ect) and I'm more optimistic than I ever have been in regards to the "process". It could still go wrong, I acknowledge that. There's a LOT left on the table that has to take place. But in the very, very small sample size there are signs for optimism.

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Brilliant and well put.


Patience - This is where I am.  I don't see how we can go anywhere but up from here.


I was numb, but I'm starting to get a tingly feeling.  It could be that I stopped sitting on my foot, or that a new coach/regime is starting.  Not sure yet.


Thanks Coach.



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What quote? I am in, and have been in, an optimistic point of view. I like our direction. Things seem to be going well. But it can still go wrong. But I don't think you have ANY idea if Art Briles would be a good candidate or not. I like him. I do. But if the team decides he's not worthy, then I'll have to trust in the process. If the team decides he is, then I'll trust in the process. I'll let the product of the current regime be what I judge them on, and so far the product their churning out is a much better product than we've had in decades. But a lot remains to be seen. I'll withhold final judgement as well, just as many others. 


If Art Briles is the head coach, then the leaks to this board have been correct all along and the front office is the same mess it has always been under Snyder.

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Well the Bucs hired Lovie despite firing their GM. For all the talk about people wanting a chain of command, the Redskins weren't the only team that decided every year they wouldn't follow it. A lot of NFL owners make those kinds of decisions.


I think right now Allen gets to prove if hes really a good GM. Its almost surprising that after everything happened with Shanahan, people were surprised Allen was still keeping the job he was technically given at the beginning before Shanny was given that power. I'm sure Allen will get a couple seasons to show what he can do and if this fails Snyder will fire him and the coach.


I like that Snyder didn't completely clean house in the front office yet because imagine that off-season. Snyder would be looking for a new GM right now (even if he was leaning towards promoting Morocco). It may not seem like a big deal but if it took awhile to get the right GM in here, it might be another extra 2-3 weeks before the team got a coach. After all the drama with the team this year, that would have been even worse. 


Hopefully Allen finds the right guy, they bring in some good players via FA that don't break the bank, and they nab a great player with that 34th pick.

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I am always optimistic about the future.  I like the way the FO is structured as it resembles what EVERY fan has wanted (just not the names everyone has wanted).  Too early to judge but I am cautiously optimistic.  As to the hiring of the next HC, I will support and stand behind anyone they hire, hell, I supported Steve Spurrier even though I despised him at Florida (I am a Florida State fan). 


Whomever they hire, I trust it will be for the right reasons and the right qualifications. Of course, it doesn't really matter, whomever it is, I am a Redskins fan first and will put 100% trust in the decision makers.   For now!

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Good thread, KDawg....


I'm in the wait and see approach as well.  Sure, there's a chance that Allen botches it.  BUT, you know what - there IS a chance he gets it right!  At the very least, unlike in the past, we are not flying in people to eat at Morton's w/ Dan, hahaha. 


So, far it seems that Allen is casting a wide net, and doing well vetting prospects.  Will also be interesting to see what NFL assistants from playoff teams are brought in (from the WC grouping) as their teams lose and what college coaches are contacted as the bowl season comes to a close.

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If Art Briles is the head coach, then the leaks to this board have been correct all along and the front office is the same mess it has always been under Snyder.


Or - the FO thinks that Griffin's previous coach can muster him to greatness, the likes of which we haven't seen from him in the BnG - yet.  Just sayin' :P

I'm going to have faith in the FO, Dan isn't picking, Shannahan isn't picking, the guys hired to do that job are....and it is a refreshing idea.  If they pick Briles, so be it.



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If Art Briles is the head coach, then the leaks to this board have been correct all along and the front office is the same mess it has always been under Snyder.

I'm almost convinced that you have to have something negative to say. It doesn't take Stephen Hawking to link Briles to DC. Griffin is certainly a major reason why. But, what leaks? Since this search officially began, not a word has been said about Briles through any "leak". We've discussed it, but again, is it that far fetched to see the connection?

Come on, man. It's okay to admit you are unsure of the future and that you really have no idea. It's even cool to admit that you don't like Briles as a candidate. But at the end, what does either of us know?

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If Art Briles is the head coach, then the leaks to this board have been correct all along and the front office is the same mess it has always been under Snyder.

Damn, I was trying to stay positive!!  Unfortunately, I agree 100% with your statement.  If Briles is hired though, as much as I would disagree (unfortunately, Snyder has yet to call me for my opinion........I am waiting though) with the hire, I would again be optimistic and hope they saw something (besides RGIII and his father sitting next to him during the interview) they liked.

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Damn, I was trying to stay positive!! Unfortunately, I agree 100% with your statement. If Briles is hired though, as much as I would disagree (unfortunately, Snyder has yet to call me for my opinion........I am waiting though) with the hire, I would again be optimistic and hope they saw something (besides RGIII and his father sitting next to him during the interview) they liked.

No problem with this point of view, either. :)

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Why does anyone just blindly believe the Media that this front office is just setup to fail. What real insights do they have on this front office structure and how it will work. I'll make my judgements once they start making actual moves instead of assuming the worst because Jason Reid or any other writer,fan wants to throw a hissy fit because the guy they wanted wasn't given the GM title. 

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Great point Sekhmet, seems like ownership at least in Tampa had the say on who the coach will be.  People here would go nuts if that happens.  The Glazers hired Lovie with no GM in place meaning that they and only they made the decision, not some grizzled 'football guy'.  I like the idea of Allen finding the proper coach as our representative of ownership, does that mean he is just a puppet of Dan Snyder, I have no idea, but at face value it looks like Snyder is staying out of it.  I'm sure Dan has input as to what he would like but the ultimate decision lies with Bruce Allen.


Furthermore, I do believe he will let the team of Brown/Campbell do their thing in terms of personnel.  Campbell will be the college guy and run the draft room while Brown will continue in his role as the NFL guy (free agents etc...).  I will give the process a shot.

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