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It's about the Process


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So, where are all the people who argued with me on this topic?


Negativity breeds negativity.


I saw some issues as well, but I trusted the process. You can't judge a new regime and treat it as the same ol' same ol'. It's new. It's different. You have to give it an opportunity to thrive.


Could the execution still flop? Sure. I understand that. But if you're not on board with the direction at this point, I don't know what else to say.

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On paper, it worked out really well.  By being prudent, even frugal towards the beginning, when something jumped out that they really wanted they had the flexibility to go out and get it.  The next step is seeing how it all gels.  Does what works well on paper work well on grass?

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So, where are all the people who argued with me on this topic?


Negativity breeds negativity.


I saw some issues as well, but I trusted the process. You can't judge a new regime and treat it as the same ol' same ol'. It's new. It's different. You have to give it an opportunity to thrive.


Could the execution still flop? Sure. I understand that. But if you're not on board with the direction at this point, I don't know what else to say.


One thing I hate is the peddling of that old adage "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time" every time the Redskins make a big splash. People who use that rarely seem to understand what it means. Yes, if you set all of the variables exactly the same it is true. But what we have seen this offseason is not exactly the same and it can't be.


From a scientific perspective, you can arrive at your desired result by tweaking what you've done before. You might not change a lot, but a small change can make a surprising and pleasing difference. You can also give up on making those tweaks, take a leap of faith and set everything completely differently and still end up with the desired result. On the contrary, you could try exclusively one, exclusively the other or a mixture of both forever and still never get there. That's the nature of the beast.


Overall, there have been some exciting moves this offseason, some that leave me indifferent and others that leave me concerned. I'm excited, but I also know that things don't always go according to plan, don't pan out the way you expect them to. So, rather than make any bold predictions, I'll leave it all to fate.

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This was a thread I thought of when I saw the news this morning, not any one move but the overall pattern of moves (and sometimes the moves not made) tell us something important about this incarnation of the FO. Bruce Allen has spent his entire life in and around pro football and now genuinely gets to do it "his way". I am liking what I'm seeing so far, although that is strictly from the outside looking in.

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. So, rather than make any bold predictions, I'll leave it all to fate.


I have no problem with this. But the filling of needs and the way we've done it is much different than what we're used to. I'm talking about the plan itself, the process itself. Not so much the evaluation. It's entirely too early to talk about how good we are, or how our new guys are great fits. They haven't played together yet. It could go VERY well, or flame out incredibly badly. We'll find out on that end. But man the plan is refreshing!


This was a thread I thought of when I saw the news this morning, not any one move but the overall pattern of moves (and sometimes the moves not made) tell us something important about this incarnation of the FO. Bruce Allen has spent his entire life in and around pro football and now genuinely gets to do it "his way". I am liking what I'm seeing so far, although that is strictly from the outside looking in.


Hit the nail on the head. It's going to be fun to see how this translates to on the field actions.

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