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Your Highest High and Lowest Low as a Fan


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Highest was probably that second quarter in the Doug Williams Super Bowl.

Runner up: that whole season including the Rypien Super Bowl.

Lowest: Raiders Super Bowl

Yeah, I'd agree with that, though the 1st SB win might take the high point for me.

Lowest point in the Snyder era: Schotferbrains. Couldn't believe Danny was stupid enough to hire him. Couldn't believe he passed up Dilfer for Tony Banks, and took Gardner over Moss or Hutchinson. Mostly I couldn't believe he was such an arrogant prick he refused to run the ball or pass farther than 5 yards for the first 5 games. That year's loss to KC was a hundred times worse than this one, because they were one of the worst teams in the NFL, and they humiliated us. Thank heaven we got rid of that ass-clown- I can't believe there are people here who wax nostalgic for that dope just because he gave Dano the middle finger. Games that year were unwatchable, and his personnel and assistant choices sucked.

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It's not too original but I also have to go with Super Bowl XXII as my high point. The first Redskin season that I really followed religiously was 1985. That was a year of turnover and we reloaded quickly. We were awesome in 1986 and only the Giants kept us from winning it all that year. Knowing what I knew from being aware of the Gibbs teams from 1982-1984, it seemed like an eternity since we won a Super Bowl, but 1987 didn't seem like it would be the year. It was so out-of-nowhere and magical (to me) that it was easily my favorite memory.


For a low, I have a couple. I was absolutely devastated that we didn't just continue with our run in 1993 under Petitbone. I wasn't quite old enough to see the writing on the wall with our old team, so I just assumed that there were good teams and bad teams. Teams like the Cardinals, Eagles, etc. were there to just play antagonist to our Redskins. Then, we come out firing on opening day vs. Dallas and I think I just envisioned another decade of great football.


My second low had to be 2006. As you can tell, I followed the Gibbskins from the age of 5-14 and when he couldn't build a consistent competitive team it proved to me that we were broken as an organization and that his methods wouldn't really translate to the modern NFL. We had no real reason to struggle that year, but we did.


The Zorn and now Shanahan lows aren't killing me. They are irritating and I want a contender again, but I'm able to view it from 10,000 feet. In fact, I'm not even sure a Super Bowl will ever feel like it did when I was a kid. My Redskins are Theismann, Riggins, The Posse, The Hogs, Manley, Mann, Coleman, Marshall, Green, etc. As a 36-year old man, I don't really see how it can mean as much to me today as it did back then when those guys were heroes.

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Highest: The last superbowl season. My best friend and I spent almost every weekend at his house (he and his wife cleared a guest room just for me - I was like a brother to them) in '91 drinking pony kegs, grilling, and looking forward to games we KNEW the Redskins would likely dominate (and they did).


Lowest: Last Sunday. Seriously. I don't think I've ever been this depressed and hopeless as a fan. I truly believe that it will take another five years just to right the ship. And I don't even believe that's enough time. :(

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When we scored that TD this past week, I started getting that warm feeling. Trent Green was saying how he scored on 6 straight drives once as a Redskin and came back from a huge deficit. I felt great. Then they returned the ****ing kick and I just dropped inside. That was a rough one for sure.


I'm not surprised to see so many people mention that MNF Giants game though. That was a serious soul crusher.

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The Zorn and now Shanahan lows aren't killing me. They are irritating and I want a contender again, but I'm able to view it from 10,000 feet. In fact, I'm not even sure a Super Bowl will ever feel like it did when I was a kid. My Redskins are Theismann, Riggins, The Posse, The Hogs, Manley, Mann, Coleman, Marshall, Green, etc. As a 36-year old man, I don't really see how it can mean as much to me today as it did back then when those guys were heroes.

Trust me bro', it's just as good.

The only thing I can equate is soccer and the European Cup, now Champions League final. The single biggest one off sporting event on the planet outside of the SB. Dwarfs even the WC. I've been fortunate enough to see my team live in 4 of the them, being too young to attend the first three in person. And I can tell you the high I got in Istanbul in 2005 when we won our 5th after a 21 year gap was the single biggest live high I've EVER had at a sporting event. It was every bit as awesome as the childhood street party memory's from Paris in '81 and my first in Rome in '84.

I also think the gap and all the suffering we've been through will make it all the sweeter too.


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Trust me bro', it's just as good.

The only thing I can equate is soccer and the European Cup, now Champions League final. The single biggest one off sporting event on the planet outside of the SB. Dwarfs even the WC. I've been fortunate enough to see my team live in 4 of the them, being too young to attend the first three in person. And I can tell you the high I got in Istanbul in 2005 when we won our 5th after a 21 year gap was the single biggest live high I've EVER had at a sporting event. It was every bit as awesome as the childhood street party memory's from Paris in '81 and my first in Rome in '84.

I also think the gap and all the suffering we've been through will make it all the sweeter too.



I have no doubt that it will be satisfying and feel great. I just can't imagine how it will feel as magical as it did when I was 10 and 14. I'd love to be wrong (both to follow a championship team and be as elated as I was as a child).

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Highest high: '87 I was 20 years old in the prime of party life, watching the game in cowboy country and it was awesome!


Lowest low: Tom Cruise.  I still cringe thinking of it and those same cowboy fans had a field day with me (and I couldn't say **** because they were right to give me grief).  It's the humiliating representation of Zorn/Haynesworth/Cerrato in my mind.  Awful times that went way beyond just losing.


I might look back one day and reconsider the low keeping this season in mind.  But right now apathy is what I'm feeling.

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Speaking broadly.... The 1991 season is an obvious answer. It was just so fun. Felt so good every Friday getting ready for the game and even better Monday after another win.

Specifically.... The 1987 NFCC game when Gibbs went to his knees--- a thrilling moment and as happy as I've ever been with a victory. Still probably my single greatest Skins memory.

Another specific high would be the win over Dallas at RFK in 1992 on the miracle end zone fumble play. That remains my all time favorite regular season win/moment.

There were plenty of "highs" throughout Gibbs I and a small handful of others since, but those are the top dogs to me.

Lowest lows? geeze, where to start? I guess you'd have to define "low." If you mean my level of hopelessness in the franchise, I'd still probably give the end of the 2003 season a slight nod over 2009 and right now. The end of the Spurrier era was worse for me than where we are now. That 2003 roster was about the worst I've ever seen. Significantly worse than now.

If you are talking painful losses, then the divisional loss at SF in 1992 always comes to mind. That muffed hand off was essentially the final play of the first Gibbs era and it was a sad end for me because I thought we had that game.

The back to back dreadful ends to the 96 and 97 seasons also rank high for me.

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Highest Highs - 1991 all year.  There was no chance we weren't winning it all.  1999 playoffs vs Tampa Bay after BMitch's TD.  I was camping and we were listening to it on the radio, I went nuts.  It didn't last.  2012 vs Seattle after going up 14-0... even though something wouldn't let me buy in. 


Lowest Lows - this is difficult to describe, because I have been apathetic, I've been upset, and I've been letdown.


Apathy?  2009 and this season (of late).  I watch the games and talk to you guys, but it's more of an approach with a sense of humor.  You can't get too serious.

-2013... that is all.


Upset?  1991 vs Dallas at home.  I cried, and I remember watching this game at my Grandpa's house with him.  He was screaming at the tv and after the game he looked at me and said, "Adam... that's what they do.  They let you down!  Don't ever forget that!" :lol:

-And I was devestated after the FG that wasn't vs Tampa.  We didn't even get a chance to kick it!  And don't get me started on the pass interference.  There was venom in my eyes after that one.

-I was also upset that Los dropped the pick six in 2005 vs Seattle.  Call me crazy... if he picks that off we win the Super Bowl.  That was my favorite defense of all time on this team.


Let down? I look at let downs as seasons that could've been but weren't. 

-1997 I lived in Georgia and I think that's the year we started 7-1... your boy was letting his feathers pea**** out a bit at middle school.  My tail was between my legs shortly after. 

-2008 was hard after such a good start... but predictable after watching the Steelers game.  Zorn just never adjusted.

-2013, one day we'll know what happened to this season.  It probably won't be for 20 years or so, but one day we'll know.  This isn't a 3-10 football team and I still believe that.

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For a low, I have a couple. I was absolutely devastated that we didn't just continue with our run in 1993 under Petitbone. I wasn't quite old enough to see the writing on the wall with our old team, so I just assumed that there were good teams and bad teams. Teams like the Cardinals, Eagles, etc. were there to just play antagonist to our Redskins. Then, we come out firing on opening day vs. Dallas and I think I just envisioned another decade of great football.


That is EXACTLY how I felt during those days.  And I also thought everyone was a Redskins fan save for a few people.

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Being a fan of the team for 40 years now, I have to separate my highs and lows into two periods, probably covering the first 20 years (coinciding with the end of Gibbs 1) and the more recent 20 years to the present.


For the first 20 years, the low was the loss to Dallas at the end of 1979 35-34, blowing a 13-point lead and losing out on the division and the playoffs. Was living in NJ by that time (12 years old) but was on the phone with a fellow Skins fan for a four-hour "conversation" (if you want to call it that) with a fellow Skins fan of my age that featured a lot of sighs and "I can't believe it." It still will be hard to top the devastation of that loss.  The high was the magical 1982 run to the playoffs, as the opener at Philly was my first ever live NFL regular season game, then Moseley setting the consecutive FG record in the snow at RFK, then the playoff run dominating Detroit, Riggo shredding the Vikes, Dexter to Darryl to finish off the Cowboys, and Riggo again on 4th and 1 in Pasadena. Skins got two other Lombardis, but the first will always be the most magical.


For the second 20 years, like others who have listed playoff losses like SB 18, I think the loss to the Bucs in early 2000 was the gut punch. After the nice 20-year run with Allen and Gibbs we had gone into rebuild mode but in Snyder's first year as owner and Norv, Brad, and the receivers being in sync, we did just enough to pretty much lead wire-to-wire that year.  I didn't think we'd beat the Rams if we had played them, but the way we were in control of that game well into the 3rd quarter and to see it slip away was wrenching. Especially with the way the game ended on a botched snap, must like we had been unable to finish the Cowboys in the opener that year because of the same thing happening.


The high point had to be the announcement of the return of Joe Gibbs in early 2004.  Obviously everyone has mixed feelings about how it turned out at the end, but when the announcement was made, you can say the fanbase was at somewhat of a low point with the coaching void, and I think any Redskins fans would have to admit.....initially, at least, that they were giddy when they heard the news.


Now, bringing this full circle to the present, we are within a month of the 10-year anniversary of Snyder hiring Joe Gibbs. Again, we've had debates on this board about how it all turned out, and perhaps early next month we can have another discussion on the merits of the hire.  After stepping back from the initial elation, I had my doubts about how long Joe would wind up sticking around, given that he was already 63-64 years old, and thus how much of an impact he would have. I also wasn't naive enough to think that the 2004-13 would be all peaches and cream. 


However, one of the things we hoped for when Joe came back was that the culture was going to change and that he was going to "teach" Dan.  And look where we are now. Two crappy years of Jim Zorn, a man who became our coach by default, and briefly not allowing fans to bring signs into the stadium. And now Shanahan, who appeared to be righting the ship but whose tenure now appears to be heading to a close due to a pissing contest with Snyder.


Again, in 2004 when Joe came back, did you think we'd be on our 4th head coach (including Gibbs) by the beginning of 2014?  That is beyond ridiculous and just goes to show what kind of clown show this organization continues to be. But what's done is done.


I remember back in early 2004, before the Gibbs bombshell, that we were staring at Denny Green, Ray Rhodes, or Jim Fassel as our next head coach. Seeing Snyder pursuing another retread or another big name this go-around (if the expected Shanny departure does indeed happen) will be vomit-inducing.  This team can do a lot better.

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High- Defeating the Dolphins in Superbowl 17, our 1st victory in the big game, Riggo became my all-time favorite Redskin.

Low- Sean Taylor's death, enough said.


If I could pick one single game in our history to be at live it would be to of been in Pasadena to witness the first. 


Same with the earlier soccer European Cups/ SB's I was equating to TD_w. I've been to 4 of the 7 finals my teams played in. I've got memory's that money can't buy from those experiences. But man alive, I'd of given ANYTHING to of been in Rome in 1977 for the first. Sadly, I was 2 at the time that May. 


Can't beat being in on the first. 



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Doesn't anyone remember this game?  I was there in the snow, sleet and freezing rain.  I've never experienced a low like that.




They've Got Nothing Washington Manages 161 Yards and Six Turnovers


By Mark Maske

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 15, 2003; Page D01


The Washington Redskins called it their Super Bowl and vowed to give their fans just a little bit of solace near the end of a trying season by beating the Dallas Cowboys. Instead, they provided a performance as pitiable and listless as they come and were overwhelmed by the Cowboys, 27-0, on a miserably wet and chilly day at rapidly emptying FedEx Field.


Quarterback Tim Hasselbeck threw four interceptions -- three by Cowboys rookie cornerback Terence Newman -- while completing only 6 of 26 passes for 56 yards. He finished with an almost unthinkable passer rating of 0.0.


A few fans who remained near the end of the game threw snowballs at the home team, according to Redskins players.

"They should have thrown a glacier out there," Smoot said. "We stunk. We stunk the place up. They're tired of it. I'm tired of it."

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