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Your Highest High and Lowest Low as a Fan


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Seriously, the worst this **** gets by the passing day, how anyone can say this isn't the lowest point in this franchises history is baffling to me.


It's not even all that close for me GHH. In 2003 we ended the season with Tim Hasselbeck at QB and we were equally brutal on the field. Spurrier had quit long before week 17. It was about as much of a joke as it is now, but with worse players.

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You know, I could kind of accept being a terrible sports franchise if they could be normal and just suck on the field. But the Redskins HAVE TO go the extra mile and start inventing ways off the field to look like a joke. It's like this is playing off of a script.


I envy Browns, Bills, and Jags fans. Yeah their teams always suck but they keep the suck on the field for the most part. They don't have to have a traveling circus around them.


Only the Redskins can make the last few games of a lost season entertaining in this way. EVERY single season ends in a ridiculous drama or scandal. It makes no sense.


I have no idea where this team is headed. I've lost faith in everyone and everything.


Mike and Griff were supposed to make us at least a competent team. Now, our HC has turned into a mad dictator while our hated owner sits on his ass and watches.




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highest high ... I remember all three super bowl wins (the first one only vaguely), but I was just a kid following a team I assumed was going to be competing for a super bowl every year.  after each victory it was more satisfaction and pride than elation.  I was just spoiled I guess.  I would have to say the most actual ELATION I've ever felt was from beating Dallas last year, simultaneously knocking them out of the playoffs and winning the division.


lowest low:  right now.  after watching every snap of every game for the last 30 years or so, and being a hardcore redskins fan all my life, I am finally on the cusp of walking away from not just this team but the whole NFL.  I don't have to tell you guys about why I'm feeling hopeless as a fan of this team, so i'll only explain the nfl side:  so much garbage and hypocrisy from the top down.  the egos of the owners matter more than the rule of law, the integrity of the game, or players' health (actual ethical values isn't even on the list).

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My Highs -  The run by the Diesel to put a nail on the SB! He would not be denied! The season with Mark Rypien at the helm.  I may be mistaken, but I think we still hold the record for point spread wins that year.  It was awesome.  Doug and the 2nd qtr is sweet too.


Lows-  Heath Scheuler.  A total waste and one of the biggest busts of all time.   The next year taking Westbrook instead of Warren Sapp.   I remember it was like yesterday screaming "you idiots".  I was right! Got to be the only pick in nfl history (4th) to only be used for punt returns.  Sucked at that too.   


This year is in the mix, but for a diff reason.  I've never seen all phases of the skins suck so bad.  Def, OF, special teams.   It's just bad! And realizing we about to embark on another rebuilding exercise what will it be, ...  ver 4.0 or 5.0 i cant keep count.  


good question!

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