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That awkward moment when.....


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The awkward moment when

The defending NFC East champs are going 3-13 and have been healthy the whole season. Not to mention they couldn't compete to defend their title in the weakest division in football.

A division that was tougher last season.



Well, RGIII hasn't been healthy the entire year, so there's that.


Then there's not having our de facto returner out for the year.  And a number of other injuries.


Ah, **** it, nah, we just suck.  FML

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That awkward moment when...   you stick you finger in a hole in your leg even though you know it hurts.

Ouch, that hurt.

let me do it again.

Ouch. that hurt.

If i do it again, it will feel better.

Ouch. that didn't work.



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That awkward moment when the Jaguars allow a divisional opponent to nab Bridgewater instead of them.


How did Bridgewater look last night? I saw that crazy play for the TD but nothing else. People on twitter were saying he did not look that good.

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the jags have won 3 of 4.

aside from the chargers game that was handed to us by their horrid play calling at the goalline, we have beaten the raiders led by matt flynn and the bears led by josh mccown.

we are not good. at all.

It's depressing to wrap your mind around it. We're Blessed to have 3 wins. Sad when you think about the draft implications. We wanted this to happen in 2010 not 2013-2014.

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the jags have won 3 of 4.


aside from the chargers game that was handed to us by their horrid play calling at the goalline, we have beaten the raiders led by matt flynn and the bears led by josh mccown.


we are not good.  at all.


Maaaaaaan....why you gotta tell it how it is?

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The collapse of Atlanta, Houston and the Redskins. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around that whole scenario. I have a better understanding of why the Skins are playing like ****, but Atlanta's performance has been a head scratcher. Julio Jones is a phenomenal player, but he certainly wasn't the whole team. Maybe the Falcon's player has given up on Mike Smith? I feel like Mike Shanny has lost his locker room.


Hello, 3-13. To think I believed the Skins would be going 12-4 this season is really mind blowing.



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It really is unbelievable.  I thought that we would have a winning record this season, but also realized that it was possible for us to take a step back due to RG3s injury, tougher schedule, etc.. I thought if we did take a step back, it would be an 8-8 or at worst, 7-9 step back.  Even fans of teams who hate us probably didn't see this coming.  Wow.  I can't believe the collapse we've seen.  Just typing that, I really can't see Shanahan being our coach next season.

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The awkward moment when

The defending NFC East champs are going 3-13 and have been healthy the whole season. Not to mention they couldn't compete to defend their title in the weakest division in football.

A division that was tougher last season.


Ouch that really hurts when you put it like that.  You can also had the fact the jacksonville jaguars are having a better season than the Skins.  I think I will jump now!!!!

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That depressing moment when you start a new job, put up some of your personal stuff on your desk (Redskins gear, among other things), and people poke their head in and are like "you're a Redskins fan?"  and then chuckle to themselves as they walk away. 


That just happened about 2 hours ago.  :(

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Realizing how many people on this board earlier in the season were saying - "At least the Skins aren't as bad as the Giants, Jaguars or Bucs"


And now all 3 of those teams are arguably better than the Skins.  


It's sad when realizing a Skins team that was the NFC East last season hasn't played ONE complete game in all 3 phases so far this year. 


They haven't won 2 straight games at any point this season which is hard to believe.


And the Skins are in the worst possible position for their record this season ---


At least teams like the Texans and Vikings have consolation in knowing their awful record will result in a higher 1st round draft pick.


All the Skins have to show for their horrid season is getting a better draft pick for the Rams...

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