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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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"After all, Trump’s supporters on the web are definitely what I would describe as “high-energy” people who are more than capable of doing something like this on their own"


It costs like $6/year to buy a domain and probably 5 button clicks and some keyboards strokes to do it.


Yeah man, gotta be that high energy person to make that happen.


Well, higher energy than Trump's Apprentices.  :)

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Morning Again in An America.


Not necessarily this America.





Though I suppose Rubio might be hinting at annexing Canada.  Maybe helping Ted out with his birther problem :P

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I have yet to see Trump crush anybody "on the issues."

Well Dan then you haven't been watching the debates. Trump crushed Kassich who's entire campaign was about him being a good experienced fiscally responsible manager.. Experienced hands... Trump was the only candidate who brought up that Kassich was the managing partner of Lehmann's brothers when they blinked out of existence, were helping undermine the global economy, and their actions ended in a multi billion dollar fine.

Carly Fiorina was making headway in the polls, largely based upon her business success at HP. Trump pointed out that she was a disaster at HP. That the company's stock price when she left was a fraction of it when she took over. That she left the company with huge debt and smaller than when she found it.

George Bush touts his brother and father along with his successful governorship as his creditability to be president. Trump has savaged George W's Presidency and the mistake which was the Iraq war. Even Jeb had to come out and proclaim the Iraq war a mistake. Problem is it took Jeb six weeks to do it as he fumbled with that question out of the gate. Trump has hung that around Jeb's neck and made everybody aware of it. Trump has also savaged Jeb's handling of the Florida economy, left florida with a larger government and in more debt.

Trump on Cruz. Trump has called Cruz a liar which is very personal, but Trump has explained and given specific instances which is pretty good politics. Cruz is lying about Donalds positions on the second amendment and the Affordable Care Act. Trump has a carry permit and has said he would not object if any of his employees carried guns at work as he does. Trump is pretty hard core 2nd amendment and Cruz must know that.. Trump is also consistently against the Affordable Care Act, and Cruz has tried to paint Donald as being in favor of it in SC which is another example of Cruz's dishonesty. Cruz also lied famously in winning the Iowa Caucus, telling Ben Carson supporters that he was pulling out of the race. I also think Trump pointing out their is a constitutional challenge to Cruz's eligibility is fair game since Cruz would almost certainly face such a legal challenge if he got the nomination. Prominent Republican Senators have said as much, as well as some very credentialed Congressional Scholars.

On Rubio, Trump has criticized him on both the issues (1) Poorly informed, (2) Poorly prepared (3) Favors Amnesty for illegals. and personally... "sweats more than any young person I've ever seen".... so that's another tweener.

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Well Dan then you haven't been watching the debates. Trump crushed Kassich who's entire campaign was about him being a good experienced fiscally responsible manager.. Experienced hands... Trump was the only candidate who brought up that Kassich was the managing partner of Lehmann's brothers when they blinked out of existence, were helping undermine the global economy, and their actions ended in a multi billion dollar fine.

Carly Fiorina was making headway in the polls, largely based upon her business success at HP. Trump pointed out that she was a disaster at HP. That the company's stock price when she left was a fraction of it when she took over. That she left the company with huge debt and smaller than when she found it.

George Bush touts his brother and father along with his successful governorship as his creditability to be president. Trump has savaged George W's Presidency and the mistake which was the Iraq war. Even Jeb had to come out and proclaim the Iraq war a mistake. Problem is it took Jeb six weeks to do it as he fumbled with that question out of the gate. Trump has hung that around Jeb's neck and made everybody aware of it. Trump has also savaged Jeb's handling of the Florida economy, left florida with a larger government and in more debt.

Trump on Cruz. Trump has called Cruz a liar which is very personal, but Trump has explained and given specific instances which is pretty good politics. Cruz is lying about Donalds positions on the second amendment and the Affordable Care Act. Trump has a carry permit and has said he would not object if any of his employees carried guns at work as he does. Trump is pretty hard core 2nd amendment and Cruz must know that.. Trump is also consistently against the Affordable Care Act, and Cruz has tried to paint Donald as being in favor of it in SC which is another example of Cruz's dishonesty. Cruz also lied famously in winning the Iowa Caucus, telling Ben Carson supporters that he was pulling out of the race. I also think Trump pointing out their is a constitutional challenge to Cruz's eligibility is fair game since Cruz would almost certainly face such a legal challenge if he got the nomination. Prominent Republican Senators have said as much, as well as some very credentialed Congressional Scholars.

On Rubio, Trump has criticized him on both the issues (1) Poorly informed, (2) Poorly prepared (3) Favors Amnesty for illegals. and personally... "sweats more than any young person I've ever seen".... so that's another tweener.


I will say that Trump's statements on GWB and the War have not exactly been a huge hit with Republicans.  They have been received much more positively from the Left and this could result in a huge mistake by Trump.  I am not saying they will because up to this point, the guy seems to be bullet proof but, those statements were not received well in any quarter and show that his knowledge of events, surrounding the subject, could be damaging.


His attacks on Rubio are pretty much baseless IMO.  He is attacking him for things that he, himself, has shown worse on.  Trumps preparedness on issues is worse.  He seems to be very poorly informed in the area of Foreign Policy.  I think he has shown to be a very effective counter puncher but in those two areas, I don't believe he's done very well and I believe that he will eventually pay for it. 

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You couldn;t do what he does on stage.   Neither could I.   Neither could cruz, clinton, bernie, jeb or rubio.   



Trump has real talents ...... you may view his talents as being on par with lighting farts, or burping the alphabet ... but he has real talents. 

Only talents is that he's a reality TV show star; so he knows his audience and plays to that.


I know some here and I've listen to on the radio say Trump will broaden the Republican party. No he won't.  His supporters for the most part are about him. He runs as a Dem, they will go there. He runs as an independent; they will go there.  Their support is for him and only him.  He drops out or is defeated, they go home.  He's not running, they aren't voting.


The Republicans have themselves to blame as to why their nomination race has been usurped by a demagogue populist.  The Dems if Bernie gets the nomination, only have themselves to blame.

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I still think it. I have said many time that I believe History will be much kinder to President Bush then Modern History has. Regardless of if the Left wants to admit it or not, many of Bush's policies have been enacted by the current administration and some of his predictions have come to realization. I don't expect the left to love Bush any time soon though.

Do you realize the disaster that Iraq is? The rise of Iran, arms race throughout the region, power vacuum leading to ISIS, etc. Just a complete **** show that's going to continue for a long while. The strategy was retarded at best and criminal at worst. That's pretty accepted across the spectrum. That's what W is going to be remembered for. So how exactly is that going to get better for him?

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I will say that Trump's statements on GWB and the War have not exactly been a huge hit with Republicans.  They have been received much more positively from the Left and this could result in a huge mistake by Trump.  I am not saying they will because up to this point, the guy seems to be bullet proof but, those statements were not received well in any quarter and show that his knowledge of events, surrounding the subject, could be damaging.

I disagree. Trump has consistently opposed the Iraq war calling it a disaster in the first debate. He's also consistently been very critical of the George W administration. There are a lot of republicans who don't like him, but he's by far and away got most of the GOP supporting him.. He's also crossed over and is already claiming 25% of likely democratic voters in a head to head against Hillary.

Trump is expanding the appeal of the republican party.


His attacks on Rubio are pretty much baseless IMO.  He is attacking him for things that he, himself, has shown worse on.  Trumps preparedness on issues is worse.  He seems to be very poorly informed in the area of Foreign Policy.

Actually that's not true.. If Trump's attacks weren't true they wouldn't have legs and Trump would be penalized for using them as Cruz has been penalized. Rubio did it to himself in the NH debate when he was called on the carpet by Christi for being entirely reliant on memorized speach-ettes; to which Rubio repeated the same speech-tete like five more times as the crowd howled.

Rubio when taken off message, can't talk. Being smart was a Rubio asset before NH's 9th debate.. Christi really exposed him and Trumps not letting anybody forget that.


I think he has shown to be a very effective counter puncher but in those two areas, I don't believe he's done very well and I believe that he will eventually pay for it.

Trumps most outrageous and risky statements come when he's attacked. He's a vicious counter puncher. So far it's worked for him. I thought the last debate was an incredible display of this when he went way over any line he had previously gone.. And frankly I've had that same feeling before. He's fearless in going after those who attack him. Responding to Jeb's invocation of his mother Barbara as one of the most admired and trusted women in the country, Trump said.. well she should be running for president then... was classic.

Anyway I think Trump is at his best when responding to difficult questions. He does something that is nearly unheard of in American politics. He tells the truth and brings the people to his position. HE's done that again and again in this campaign and it's still striking to see. He takes hard questions which would sink most peoples campaign and he doesn't dodge or side step them.. he hits them head on. That's what I like about him.

I frankly also think he's elevated the discourse in the GOP debates.. The attacks have been more personal across the board and that's likely due to trump.. But I would argue we are dealing with issues more intensely and with more scrutiny also and largely because of the points and issues Trump has brought up.

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No he won't. His supporters for the most part are about him. He runs as a Dem, they will go there. He runs as an independent; they will go there. Their support is for him and only him. He drops out or is defeated, they go home. He's not running, they aren't voting.

Absolutely correct. If the GOP screws trump he will take his voters elsewhere. he will take his 25% of likely democratic voters and he will take his 50% of GOP voters too.

However, if the GOP does nominate him, and adopt his positions those voters may very well stay in the GOP as Reagan Democrats did in 1988.

If the GOP had screwed Reagan in 1980, they too would have lost Reagan supporters. Because Regan supporters in 1980 and 84 were very much a Reagan cult too.

Do you realize the disaster that Iraq is? The rise of Iran, arms race throughout the region, power vacuum leading to ISIS, etc. Just a complete **** show that's going to continue for a long while. The strategy was retarded at best and criminal at worst. That's pretty accepted across the spectrum. That's what W is going to be remembered for. So how exactly is that going to get better for him?

Most people do understand that.. Even Jeb Bush ultimately had to come out and call Iraq a mistake in the first debate.. He just looked so weak and nuanced in admitting it.


and of coarse Jeb looks horrible in trying to hit Donald now as picking on his brother for taking us into a mistaken war.

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The Dems if Bernie gets the nomination, only have themselves to blame.

I don't know.. Bernie head to head against Trump will be a show.. They are both very strong true believers in what they are selling.

That's ultimately why Trump has been so successful. The other folks on stage don't have the confidence in their convictions that Donald does, and that really shows. They sound convincing but they equivocate and lye when pressed. Donald doesn't equivocate.

Neither does Bernie. And Bernie has clear and supportable facts behind him too.

Frankly they are both on stage due to the same anger in the country and largely over some of the same things. Trumps coming at it from the right and Bernie is coming at it from the left. I don't think Trump can work his magic on Bernie supporters or Bernie.

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Trumps a wuss, threatening a lawsuit if ya don't quit being mean ROTLMO


Empty suit and a LOSER .



have I elevated the debate?  :rolleyes:

It's a tactic.. Cruz is a lair. He lied about Carson in Iowa, and now he's sending out mailers and TV commercials mischaracterizing Trumps record. Unfortunately for Cruz that is against the law and Trump loves to make money on folks who liable him.

Someone should tell Cruz that when you use dirty tricks they are most effective if your face isn't on the add saying you approved this spot.

Although I have to imagine that Cruz's blatant mischaracterization of Trumps positions might have exposed a flaw in Trump's formula. Trump is a billionaire, but he's mr el cheapo on the campaign trail spending significantly less than the other front runners. Bush spent 40+ million in both Iowa and NH. Cruz spent 20+ million in both Iowa and NH. Trump has only spent 3 million per primary so far.

Maybe Cruz can roll Trump with false positions and dirty tactics and drown out Trumps response with superior Cruz spending. Maybe.. unlikely, but Cruz has to try something.

and yet according to the GOP, he's the best ya got.

Naw.. the GOP hates both Trump and Cruz. The GOP candidates are Bush, Katich, and Rubio. The GOP are desperate to stop both Cruz and Trump.

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and yet according to the GOP, he's the best ya got.


No, according to less than a third  he is preferable .....see?...he's a LOSER 




It's a tactic.. Cruz is a lair. He lied about Carson in Iowa, and now he's sending out mailers and TV commercials mischaracterizing Trumps record. Unfortunately for Cruz that is against the law and Trump loves to make money on folks who liable him.




So Trump is wimpy loser liar that is afraid he will lose YET AGAIN???


Did I mention he is a idiot as far as law as well?



He probably can't even spell or tell the difference between liar and libel.




btw you are wrong on Cruz vs Trump spending in Iowa and NH.....but at least you are not a LOSER like Trump.

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Naw.. the GOP hates both Trump and Cruz. The GOP candidates are Bush, Katich, and Rubio. The GOP are desperate to stop both Cruz and Trump.

Have to disagree. Based on National polls and the first two primaries. Trump and Cruz are who the GOP want and love.


It's like sports. You are your record.

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He probably can't even spell or tell the difference between liar and libel.

? Libel is publishing false information about someone in writing.  And it is against the law and subject to suit.

And it doesn't help Cruz's case that he's had to apologize for lying already in Iowa about Ben Carson.


I think Trump drops lawsuits like people eat tic tacs.   That doesn't make Trump wrong, its all his tactic to keep people off guard.  Cruz or anybody Trump is thus threatening should take Trump seriously.   It's what Trump does.   Don't want to get sued,  don't lye about him and hit him on his positions.





How Bernie Sanders Can Win the Black Vote in South Carolina and Beyond 

He has the platform, but it's all about communicating it.

If we know anything about [/size]Bernie Sanders’ campaigning prowess it’s that he can make up ground quickly. And there’s no better candidate to do that against than [/size]Hillary Clinton, whose approval or favorability numbers have never strengthened after announcing a candidacy bid for any public office. That said, the Clintons have generally high popularity numbers with African Americans and it’s going to be an uphill climb once again for Sanders to capture a large swath of that support.[/size]



Bernie Sanders: 'Bernie Sanders Endorses Rev. Jesse Jackson'


back in 1988


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Do you realize the disaster that Iraq is? The rise of Iran, arms race throughout the region, power vacuum leading to ISIS, etc. Just a complete **** show that's going to continue for a long while. The strategy was retarded at best and criminal at worst. That's pretty accepted across the spectrum. That's what W is going to be remembered for. So how exactly is that going to get better for him?


The disaster that is Iraq is certainly debatable as it's current status.  The rise of Iran is, in large part, facilitated by the agreements that have been put in place by the current administration.  It depends on which strategy you are talking about.  If you are talking about the strategy, prior to the surge, I would agree.  If you are talking about he change of strategy or "Surge", then I would not agree.  That proved to be very effective.  That is not accepted, across the spectrum.  It is accepted on the Left.  We have different views of this and that's OK.  That is why History will be the ultimate judge.

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Have to disagree. Based on National polls and the first two primaries. Trump and Cruz are who the GOP want and love.


It's like sports. You are your record.

Nope.. The GOP has lost control and the grass roots are taking over the asylum. Cruz is hated inside the GOP. Not a single senator has endorsed him for President. Sen. Ricard Burr (R-NC) actually told his supporters in a public fundraiser that he would vote for Bernie Sanders if Cruz get's the GOP nomination. GOP despises Cruz. Let's say that again, a conservative party leader from N Carolina would vote for a socialist rather than vote for Cruz. That's stunning.

It's not clear who the GOP despises more.. however. Trump is also disliked intensely.

This was notable apparent in the last debate in SC when the GOP stacked the audience with their party insiders, who boo'd both Trump and Cruz every time they answered questions. It was pretty incredible. it was also obvious who the crowed favored.. Bush, Kasich, and Rubio.

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Trump flirts with suggestion that Scalia was murdered


Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump during a radio interview appeared to question the circumstances surrounding Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death.


During a call on Monday with talk show host Michael Savage, Trump said it was “pretty unusual” that Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head on Saturday.


“Donald, I need to come back to the topic we’ve all been screaming about here, which is Scalia, was he murdered?” Savage asked Trump. “I know it’s pretty brutal to say that, and I’m not wanting to drag you into this, but this is going to be bigger and bigger and bigger."


“I went on air and said we need the equivalent of a Warren Commission, we need an immediate autopsy before the body is disposed of. What do you think of that?” Savage continued.


“I just landed and I’m hearing it’s a big topic,” Trump responded. “But they say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow."


“I can’t tell you — I can’t give you an answer,” Trump added.

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And it doesn't help Cruz's case that he's had to apologize for lying already in Iowa about Ben Carson.



That is false, he apologized for his help not correcting a previous press release.


But that is about as close to the truth or facts Trump can manage  :P


Trump sure seems on edge lately  :D

Nope.. The GOP has lost control and the grass roots are taking over the asylum. Cruz is hated inside the GOP. Not a single senator has endorsed him for President. Sen. Ricard Burr (R-NC) actually told his supporters in a public fundraiser that he would vote for Bernie Sanders if Cruz get's the GOP nomination. GOP despises Cruz. Let's say that again, a conservative party leader from N Carolina would vote for a socialist rather than vote for Cruz. That's stunning.

It's not clear who the GOP despises more.. however. Trump is also disliked intensely.

This was notable apparent in the last debate in SC when the GOP stacked the audience with their party insiders, who boo'd both Trump and Cruz every time they answered questions. It was pretty incredible. it was also obvious who the crowed favored.. Bush, Kasich, and Rubio.


Burr retracted that comment ....like the wimpy loser he is.


Let's say that again.....Coward from Carolina

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The disaster that is Iraq is certainly debatable as it's current status.  The rise of Iran is, in large part, facilitated by the agreements that have been put in place by the current administration.  It depends on which strategy you are talking about.  If you are talking about the strategy, prior to the surge, I would agree.  If you are talking about he change of strategy or "Surge", then I would not agree.  That proved to be very effective.  That is not accepted, across the spectrum.  It is accepted on the Left.  We have different views of this and that's OK.  That is why History will be the ultimate judge.

When you instal a democracy in a majority Shia country, you dramatically increase the ability to Iran the largest Shia country neighbor's influence in the region. The Rise of Iran is all about the strategic failure republicans like Brent Snowcroft, and James Webb were talking about prior to the war.

And talking about the war in General.. what do you want man? Jeb Bush has called the war in Iraq a mistake. George W. Bush has called the war in Iraq a mistake. The GOP front runner in this election has savaged G. W Bush and his administration and his poll numbers went up. Then we have the reality which is the destabilized middle east. Their is NO DEBATE. IRAQ WAS A MISTAKE.. The worst foreign policy mistake possible in American history.


First President George Bush Swings at Son’s Aides, Rattling Clan



Burr retracted that comment ....like the wimpy loser he is.


Let's say that again.....Coward from Carolina


Burr denied making that comment.. But he did it on front of a bunch of witnesses who confirmed he said it.

Associated Press refused to rescind the story and stood by it.

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That is false, he apologized for his help not correcting a previous press release.


But that is about as close to the truth or facts Trump can manage   :P


Trump sure seems on edge lately 


Cruz's campaign falsely claimed in writing, and in robo calls Carson was dropping out of the race, and then recruited his supporters the result was Cruz won Iowa and took about half of Carson's  pre caucus supporters away from him.. according to the Polls.


Then Cruz lied about  CNN's coverage in his apology on the national debate.




Ted Cruz is wrong about CNN's reporting

Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN)Sen. Ted Cruz knowingly misstated CNN's reporting during Saturday's Republican primary debate, despite the fact that CNN's reporting was correct all along.

Cruz blamed CNN for a message his campaign sent to supporters the night of the Iowa caucuses suggesting Carson was going to suspend his campaign.

"My political team saw CNN's report breaking news and they forwarded that news to our volunteers, it was being covered on live television," Cruz said during the debate.

Cruz also claimed CNN had inaccurately reported that Carson was suspending his campaign "from 6:30 p.m. to 9:15," and "didn't correct that story until 9:15 that night."

That is false. CNN never reported that Carson was suspending his campaign and never issued a correction, because there was no need to do so.

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