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Holder Justice Department Also Tapped House of Representatives Cloak Room


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Sounds like one of those stories where we're going to know a lot more about it, in 24 hours.

(When I visit the link, there's an ad on the page offering to tell me the REAL reason Obama wants to take your guns away from you. :) )

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Seems hard to believe. I'm not even saying that I wouldn't believe they would do it, but if Holder had been caught doing that I have a really tough time believing this is how they would break the news as an incidental aside on a minor show with a reasonably undistinguished House Member doing it.

This would be enormous. Also, doesn't help that the title of the article starts out like a George Takei joke.

If true, "Oh my!" would be the mildest reaction I could come up with.

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Yeah, I do wish we could be 100% certain that it's BS, as opposed to being only 99% certain.

(I also wish I wasn't certain that, by the time the truth comes out, thousands of people won't have already been convinced that it's true.)

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it will be interesting to see if congresscritters conversations were recorded during the AP tap.

which is what he is speaking of I believe


That makes much more sense and actually I'd be shocked if they fished the AP and over that time period reporters hadn't talked to Congressmen who wound up included. Still, not pleased about the way Justice went after AP, but it is more than likely that AP bureaus were talking to Congressmen in cloakrooms and elsewhere.

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Yes, that's right Congressmen are special. They get to have special rights and shouldn't be tapped by the executive branch with a legal order to do so.

The rest of us, we're second class citizens with second class rights. The ordinary Dick, Jane, and Joe that had records their records swept up as part of this don't matter. Only the Congress.

I'm sure Congress will pass a law with a special exception written into for themselves.

(twa seems to be right, he's talking about the idea some of the calls from the AP mght have been from Congress and even the Cloak room, but why should those records be the exception?

And just to be clear, they didn't "tap" anything based on what is being reported because that normally is used to insinuate that you have the actual conversations.)

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And just to be clear, they didn't "tap" anything based on what is being reported because that normally is used to insinuate that you have the actual conversations.)

based on what is being reported doesn't mean much.:evilg: :ols:

btw congresscritters are special already,and certainly priviliged


the House has already asserted immunity under the Speech or Debate Clause (and I'm sure others)


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Congressman, I'm curious as to how you happen to know that the classified material was leaked from this public phone in the cloak room?

(In case people can't tell, I'm just throwing **** out. Seems appropriate, on this topic.)

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If this is referring to the AP story, then it's totally misleading. There was no "tap.". There was a subpoena of phone records, and I'm sure some of them showed the AP calling both democrat and republican congressman.

Let's stop manufacturing fake scandals, e.g. Benghazi cover up, and let's start solving sequestration, immigration, gun control, etc etc. you know, actual problems.

---------- Post added May-16th-2013 at 08:57 AM ----------

If this is referring to the AP story, then it's totally misleading. There was no "tap.". There was a subpoena of phone records, and I'm sure some of them showed the AP calling both democrat and republican congressman.

Let's stop manufacturing fake scandals, e.g. Benghazi cover up, and let's start solving sequestration, immigration, gun control, etc etc. you know, actual problems.

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Yeah, it's only a few sentences, and he clearly calls going after phone records a "tap".. which it is not.

But, this is how it goes when you get your news from sites who rely on page clicks for income.


by Bull McFishstory

And now we have our story, which doesn't match the headline. But we do use "if" a lot in here, which means it might be true IF we could only prove it. Sort of like UFOs and Bigfoot and such.

But thanks for the click, and we now expect you to take our bull**** and run with it as truth,, after all we said "IF this was true".. which makes it true.

Run rabble! You've been roused again!


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If this is referring to the AP story, then it's totally misleading. There was no "tap.". There was a subpoena of phone records, and I'm sure some of them showed the AP calling both democrat and republican congressman.

Let's stop manufacturing fake scandals, e.g. Benghazi cover up, and let's start solving sequestration, immigration, gun control, etc etc. you know, actual problems.

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If this is referring to the AP story, then it's totally misleading. There was no "tap.". There was a subpoena of phone records, and I'm sure some of them showed the AP calling both democrat and republican congressman.

you know that for sure?

records only take you so far,the next step is usually a tap

we could ask Holder but he is in Sgt Schutz mode

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