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Jim Haslett : Time For Him To Show Something ?

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Norv always is up in the booth as an OC, except when he's HC. Say what you want about the guy as a HC, he's a heck of an OC. And he always says that it's harder to call a game from the sidelines.

I think Dom Capers on the DC side for GB also stays in the booth.

I'm sure there are examples on both sides, good and bad coordinators who are on the sideline or in the booth.

Interestingly, Martz was up in the booth for greatest show on turf as in OC, but he never went back up to the booth after his HC stint.

Seems like it's preference to me.

Which is not to say Haslet didn't have alterior motives....

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Raheem was a better communicator/motivator with the players.  That was the biggest reason imo.  I wouldn't doubt that he didn't want to be next to Shanahan, though. 


That makes sense but the fact that there was clearly a division among the coaching staff last season was indicative of the dysfunction on the team. That along with other obvious issues leads to 3-13.

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The 64 dollar question is why?


 IF that is the case, why was Mike 'meddling' with the defense to begin with? Sorry, but I just cannot buy into the idea of Mike being so paranoid and cynical as to sabotage his own team to save face or for a power trip.

I'm sure Mike may have had issues to some degree, hell, who doesn't !


So, the only thing that I myself can find as an explanation is Mike wasn't happy with the defensive performance and felt compelled to intervene, thus making a bigger mess of a poorly run defense. It would be a natural reaction to any of us; if we asked our kid to wash the car, and he was missing spots, especially if the car was a Corvette, you'd want the car spotless, so you would step in and take over or at least show your kid how to properly wash the car.


With that being said, its quite possible that my car washing skills are not much better than my kid's, thus resulting in a dirty car, an incompetent father, and a pissed off kid, so by Haslett going up in the booth was him making a statement that he didn't want to be told how to do things.


Actually, it shows that Haslett's 'car washing skills' was the reason this whole fiasco started. Turns out, Haslett was adopted, and was in other homes as well, and was never able to wash any cars in the other households he was a part of.

 N.O., STL, Pitt, and Washington, were all homes to this kid, and if he doesn't learn how to wash a car this year, then he needs to be taken out of this home and left to fend for himself; because the car has been dirty for quite awhile now...



















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Perhaps it was a simple sign of protest, to distance himself literally and figuratively. Sure he was still on the headset and in comms with the other coaches, but the statement was made, for all to see, including fans. And Allen.


Actions speak louder than words. 


Totally going up there next week. I can't take being micromanaged anymore as the team collapses. And the damn twins. That's it. I will say I see the field better. Classic. No one will doubt it.


This fan will.



Here's the thing... he was asked to be interviewed as a HC by a couple of teams after the 2012 season and he also was up there in the Pre-season.... so being that we were 4-0 in the pre-season and coming off of a Division Championship season with "the deepest roster since 1991" I doubt he'd want to distance himself that far from Mike.


Maybe a couple of games into the season... but not during the pre-season.

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The 64 dollar question is why?


 IF that is the case, why was Mike 'meddling' with the defense to begin with? Sorry, but I just cannot buy into the idea of Mike being so paranoid and cynical as to sabotage his own team to save face or for a power trip.

I'm sure Mike may have had issues to some degree, hell, who doesn't !


So, the only thing that I myself can find as an explanation is Mike wasn't happy with the defensive performance and felt compelled to intervene, thus making a bigger mess of a poorly run defense. It would be a natural reaction to any of us; if we asked our kid to wash the car, and he was missing spots, especially if the car was a Corvette, you'd want the car spotless, so you would step in and take over or at least show your kid how to properly wash the car.


With that being said, its quite possible that my car washing skills are not much better than my kid's, thus resulting in a dirty car, an incompetent father, and a pissed off kid, so by Haslett going up in the booth was him making a statement that he didn't want to be told how to do things.


Actually, it shows that Haslett's 'car washing skills' was the reason this whole fiasco started. Turns out, Haslett was adopted, and was in other homes as well, and was never able to wash any cars in the other households he was a part of.

 N.O., STL, Pitt, and Washington, were all homes to this kid, and if he doesn't learn how to wash a car this year, then he needs to be taken out of this home and left to fend for himself; because the car has been dirty for quite awhile now...


Haz doesn't make adjustments very well if at all. That's been his knock. He can't adjust to the game. Kyle was bad, too.


But the answer to your question is Shanny had Bob Slowick with him in Denver and Slowick is probably the reason he was fired at the end of the day. They're boys. Slowick coached the secondary with Rogers, Hall, Atogwe, Landry and other decent to talented players in it and they sucked.


Then we got Raheem... and Spanos went to UCLA... so where can I put my boy Slowick where he can't **** up? Hmmm... how about (what I considered) the 3rd best LB corps in the league? Surely he can't **** that up.


He did.


Mike: Why do we suck on defense, Bobby?

Slowick: Well... Haz is off his rocker up there in the booth.

Mike: What's the word on that?

Slowick: We have a philosphical difference of opinion on _________.

Mike: I'll talk to him about it. Start gameplanning for next week.


Also, when it's the city and their franchise QB against you and your son, you start to fall back on familiarity and Slowick was familiar.


I'll say again, as others have, unless there is MARKED improvement this year, Haz is gone. I just hope we hire Spanos or another top candidate next year instead of going with Raheem. Good dude, not necissarily who I want running my defense.

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Haz doesn't make adjustments very well if at all. That's been his knock. He can't adjust to the game. Kyle was bad, too.

But the answer to your question is Shanny had Bob Slowick with him in Denver and Slowick is probably the reason he was fired at the end of the day. They're boys. Slowick coached the secondary with Rogers, Hall, Atogwe, Landry and other decent to talented players in it and they sucked.

Then we got Raheem... and Spanos went to UCLA... so where can I put my boy Slowick where he can't **** up? Hmmm... how about (what I considered) the 3rd best LB corps in the league? Surely he can't **** that up.

He did.

Mike: Why do we suck on defense, Bobby?

Slowick: Well... Haz is off his rocker up there in the booth.

Mike: What's the word on that?

Slowick: We have a philosphical difference of opinion on _________.

Mike: I'll talk to him about it. Start gameplanning for next week.

Also, when it's the city and their franchise QB against you and your son, you start to fall back on familiarity and Slowick was familiar.

I'll say again, as others have, unless there is MARKED improvement this year, Haz is gone. I just hope we hire Spanos or another top candidate next year instead of going with Raheem. Good dude, not necissarily who I want running my defense.

There is literally not one word on this post I don't agree with.

Woot woot

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I was recently watching our games this year and it was shocking how terrible our defense looked compared to other defenses. Josh Wilson looked absolutely LOST on a lot of occasions and I was surprisingly shocked seeing Amerson played better in my opinion.


Our defense was so soft especially in that broncos game, watching manning pick apart our secondary like they weren't even on the field was alarming to watch. 


I'm praying the reports of Shanny sabotaging the defense are true because after re-watching the secondary look lost against the broncos, bears (with Mccown not cutler),Eagles, Chargers, Vikings (yea I was confused watching Cassell and Ponder light us up :huh:  :angry: I stopped after that game and fell asleep  ) my hope for the defense is sooooooo low because our talent on that side of the ball is just bottom of the barrel it feels like. 

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Ok, so I think we're saying roughly the same thing.

My thing is that I don't really care to judge the defense independently.

*Shrugs* Then we're not really saying the same thing. I do care about judging the defense independently. When I look at an area of the team I want to isolate it independent of other factors. PPG is a useful metric, as I've previously stated, but for me FBO's, YPP, QB rating against etc..are metrics that do a better job of isolating the defense.


Let's bring this back to the thread topic: let's say the Skins ST are bad (they HAVE to be better) and the Skins offense still turns the ball over. And the Skins give up 27ppg.

I still think that should cost Haslet his job.

Now, if the same scenario was true and the skins gave up 24ppg, I'd say he did a pretty good job making the best of a bad situation. And he should keep his job.


Regardless I agree the PPG for this defense needs to go up.

I hope for 20th or better or around 24 PPG or less.



My stance on Haslett is unlikely to change. So even if he exceeds my previously posted expectations for the defense he wouldn't be immune from replacement for me. I have always stated that Haslett should be replaced because he's just an average DC and whenever possible the team should look to get the best and brightest whenever possible. Coaching staff is no difference. I think there are better 34 coaches out on the street right now. But I understand why Haslett was retained even if I don't agree with the decision.



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*Shrugs* Then we're not really saying the same thing. I do care about judging the defense independently. When I look at an area of the team I want to isolate it independent of other factors. PPG is a useful metric, as I've previously stated, but for me FBO's, YPP, QB rating against etc..are metrics that do a better job of isolating the defense.

My stance on Haslett is unlikely to change. So even if he exceeds my previously posted expectations for the defense he wouldn't be immune from replacement for me. I have always stated that Haslett should be replaced because he's just an average DC and whenever possible the team should look to get the best and brightest whenever possible. Coaching staff is no difference. I think there are better 34 coaches out on the street right now. But I understand why Haslett was retained even if I don't agree with the decision.

Here's why I don't care about separating defense out.

I have been in consulting for a very long time. Sometimes you get a client who's terrific, and everything runs smoothly. Sometimes you get a wack job, and you've got to be creative and find a way.

At the end of the day, nobody cares about how good or bad the client was, they just care that you executed the project on time and on budget.

Thus I see DCs job as to keep points off the board. I don't honestly really care about the position he's put in to do it. He's got to find a way, or you bring somebody else in to do it.

And as I've said, I would have replaced Haslet after the season also. Basically for failure to do the one thing he's paid to do: keep points off the board.

I understand his circumstance, and understand why the are giving him another shot. I don't agree.

That said, if he can get the defense to ~24 PPG, I'll say he's roughly average at his job, and doesn't need to be immediately replaced. Though, being average doesn't guarantee you a job, so if be cool of they decided to make a change.

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The Redskins would have surrendered about a touchdown or so less per game had their special teams performed in-line with Seattle's.  If you rank defense by PPG, this means you think our defense is a middle of the pack defense, maybe sniffing the top ten.  Can't really agree that we were a decent defense in 2013, much less an above average one.

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Here's why I don't care about separating defense out...Thus I see DCs job as to keep points off the board.

I feel like we're going round and round in circles.

I'm not sure why you seem so intent on arguing a point you've already affirmed? PPG is a team stat and if you judge the defense based on a team state your not really judging the defense your judging the offense, defense and special teams contributions to the PPG. You've already admitted this is true. I don't even know what this argument is about.

The 1st 3 games of the 2013 season the team scored 2 TDs.

The PPQ (for) would be 4.66 but if you attributed them to the offense you would be wrong.

DeAngelo Hall scored the only 2 TDs in the 1st QTR of those 3 games.

PPG (for/against) are a team stats: offense, defense and specials teams not true 'offense' or 'defense' stat.



Imo Haslett is who he is. Whether he reaffirms it this year or not I already feel like Haslett is a known commodity and he's average. To win SBs the organization has to be above average in as many places as possible and DC is no different.

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Perhaps not failing, can be considered success. Compete. Make Norv proud.


The ultimate failure for me, is watching teams drive down the field on us, over and over, all the while in a passive defense, with no adjustments attempted. Giving up 9 yards on first, over and over, corners off the screen. And no, predictably blitzing when they inevitably get inside our 20 every single drive, is not an adjustment. Regardless if our offense needs our defense to win the game for us or not, we do the same predictable thing, over and over. Another long slow painful to watch loss. Deep breaths.


A new approach to grading the defense, the eye test, but grade game by game and using reasonable expectations. Pass or Fail by game, maybe add no grade. Say in a single game, we face a top offense on the road, maybe lose a key starter on D to injury in the first, and our offense cannot get off the ground the entire game. Of course, we end up getting shelled. Grade on Haslett, Pass, Fail, or No Grade? 9 Pass 7 Fail = Success for Haslett, a winning record.


I feel like waiting until the end of the year and then looking at few stats, doesn't always tell the story. In one game we may give up 50 points / 500 yards but you don't fault Haslett for that, lets say. RG3 threw a bunch of picks, field position, injuries, and special teams mega fail. 2 starters KO themselves in warmups. Yet those stats at the end of the year will be heavily swayed in a shelling you really found no direct fault of Haslett's.


Perhaps the season could be split up like a report card in school, 4 - 4 game grading periods. A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 F 0 = Average it out.


I would be elated if Haslett pulls a solid B.

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3:33 in the video below is a bad sign.  The fact that other coaches were perplexed by what Haslett was thinking with some of his calls is pretty embarrassing:




The rest of the video is actually somewhat positive in regards to our team and a somewhat refreshing perspective after the same ol' ESPN and NFLN talking heads I usually have to listen to when it comes to the national media's opinion on the Skins.

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Les takes Seattle's D and put it on the Skins of 2013. Let's assume exactly the same situations, ST, offensive turnovers, etc. Seattle gave up ~14 points per game. Skins gave up ~30.


And thats what seperates the champions from the rest of the teams.How many teams have won the Lombardi because of a stout defense, Chicago, NY, Ravens, all those offenses were mediocre at best, but 2 of those teams won easily because of great defense. We need our D to step it up, and if they do, this team will go far into post season.

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3:33 in the video below is a bad sign.  The fact that other coaches were perplexed by what Haslett was thinking with some of his calls is pretty embarrassing:




The rest of the video is actually somewhat positive in regards to our team and a somewhat refreshing perspective after the same ol' ESPN and NFLN talking heads I usually have to listen to when it comes to the national media's opinion on the Skins.

Very embarrassing! Do I think it's because of Mike Shanahan interfering? No I don't. I think Mike did interfere because of piss poor decisions and coaching by Haz. There are no more excuses or scape goats for Haz, either put up this season or get out, it's that plain and simple.

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..........either put up this season or get out, it's that plain and simple.

Maybe you've stated it already and I haven't seen it. If so disregard this question............


What would you consider success or 'putting up' for this defense this season? What statistical level do you think this defense needs to reach? PPG? YPG? Or some other stats?

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Here's the thing... he was asked to be interviewed as a HC by a couple of teams after the 2012 season and he also was up there in the Pre-season.... so being that we were 4-0 in the pre-season and coming off of a Division Championship season with "the deepest roster since 1991" I doubt he'd want to distance himself that far from Mike.

Maybe a couple of games into the season... but not during the pre-season.

Didnt the team deny requests to interview haztard? Maybe he was just butthurt about that?

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Didnt the team deny requests to interview haztard? Maybe he was just butthurt about that?


No, you don't put good staffs together with that approach.  Would you go work for someone who gave you no chance of advancement?


But I also don't remember any specific teams he interviewed with or if he indeed did interview.

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3:33 in the video below is a bad sign.  The fact that other coaches were perplexed by what Haslett was thinking with some of his calls is pretty embarrassing:


"Alfred Morris needs to be the man again" - Jay Glazer


This is why I have a hard time listening to analysis by news breakers.  WTF were you watching last year Jay? :lol:


That said, we've been hearing **** like that about Haz for years.  Heck, in 2012 Jay Gruden was on NFL Sirius and he said they ran that first play where Hawkins threw a TD out of the wildcat because he knew that Haz always used Cover Zero against the wildcat.


I just hope if this offense gets hot we're good enough to compete. 

Very embarrassing! Do I think it's because of Mike Shanahan interfering?



Careful of the video quoting, Steve. ;)

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