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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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The Arizona Republic reported Friday that some members of the Zuni Pueblo tribe in New Mexico and the Navajo tribe in Arizona would be attending Sunday’s Redskins-Cardinals game in Arizona as guests of the Redskins.





The Navajo group Snyder is hosting on Sunday includes students from Red Mesa High School, which uses the Redskins mascot.



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Am I the only one that sees this ???


Sal, that is what therapists and doctors are for.


Obsessive is not good, nor is depression.


Fix you before you try to fix anything else.


Therapists cost money and Doctors sponsored by BigPharma are drug pushers

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Everything costs. It is the dividends that are important.

I hear that...


Of all things the name of a ****ing team has you getting anxious ?

It's not the name, it's the debate. Don't get me wrong i'm not an axe-murderer or domestic abuser, I just get a little growly and that's a disservice to my children. Don't need to continue that cycle.

You're from Canada right?  Just pull for the Bills already.  


Tell that to ~ Bang

besides, I'm a Seahawk fan, and at the moment we're Winning (that was for you, Larry ;))

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Are you even a Redskins fan? Just asking, cause you have zero post count and your post history seems to be only in this particular thread. I didn't read any of your earlier posts and don't plan to, so in advance, pardon me for my laziness.

He's a Native American Seahawks fan from Canada. He joined for this discussion in particular. He is not in favor of the name because it has been used against him in a racist manner.

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All you haters are hilarious. How many bandwagoners joined Redskins nation in '82?

Hater?  I will call it like I see it.  I think you're a troll and I don't believe a word you say.  I could tell you I'm 100% Native American, been called a Redskin to my face, etc.   and still support the team name.  Would you believe me?  


I personally think you are a troll trying to stir up **** on our message board.  Nothing will make me believe otherwise.


If the others want to entertain you, so be it, let your trolling commence. 

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I just want to go on record that I am angry.


In essence it has nothing to do with the name of a football team, or racists I've met, or bigots I read in popular media.


I'm angry because I have emotionally abusive and distant parents that didn't prepare me adequately to deal with the **** I would have to face on a regular basis. I'm angry because a sizable majority of my family and community have substance abuse problems and don't have the emotional or psychological strength to pull themselves out of it. I'm angry because I've been asked to explain the apparent inferiority of my people to others that have no idea the lengths historical governments went to oppressing an entire continent of people, so they could prosper and build nations in their own image. I'm angry because there doesn't appear to be any substantive restitution available for these grave injustices.


I am angry about those things; very, very angry. But I don't like expressing that anger because it can consume me, and all I want to do is hulk smash (figuratively) whatever is nearest and that typically is the people closest to me. This last little escalation tempted the hulk to show his ugly head and it took a couple days for me to regain my balance. I think it would be in my best interest to remove myself from the debate for a while to seek an objective distance.


As I replied to Kosher, I'm glad there are people that don't carry this anger, that can find a grain of happiness in this struggle we call life. And all I wish for is that everyone can share in that happiness.




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Hater?  I will call it like I see it.  I think you're a troll and I don't believe a word you say.  I could tell you I'm 100% Native American, been called a Redskin to my face, etc.   and still support the team name.  Would you believe me?  


I personally think you are a troll trying to stir up **** on our message board.  Nothing will make me believe otherwise.


If the others want to entertain you, so be it, let your trolling commence.

1) I see no reason at all to jump to all of those assumptions.

2) Even if all of those assumptions are true, I'll still engage him, anyway. Because he does represent (even if he's just playing a role) a segment of people who I am quite certain do exist, and whose opinions do count.


Yeah, maybe he has never once been called "redskin" by a racist. 


I am absolutely 100% certain that, somewhere out there in the USA, there are numerous people who have had that experience. 


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1. Not sure I buy any of Maury's story.

2. Larry: Slavery a net positive for black folks

I see you decided to ignore my response, the first time you made up something I didn't say, and instead simply make the untrue claim a second time.

I'm shocked.

Maybe you should try it a third time. After all, if you claim it three times, then it magically becomes true. Right?

Or is this you attempting to do Jedi Mind Trick?

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a 3-D Native recently told me that "offended" is somewhat of a misnomer when defining his feelings about the Redskins. He'd rather employ the term 'micro aggression' to better describe his discomfort. Dude lives inside the Beltway, so he inevitably absorbs a lot of what we do on a daily basis.

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I haven't posted to ES in some time, so let me say that after reading back several hundred posts I am pleased to say that the posts on this thread are intelligent, well written and respectful on all sides, just as I expected.  I would like to hear your thoughts on a solution that I will lay out below, a solution that I have arrived at after months of research and writing and battling in various newspaper forums.  The quick summary about me:  Born in Georgetown Hospital 62 years ago, grew up in Falls Church, graduated from GMU, season ticket holder.


I would like to lay this out without preface and be as concise as possible.  I have thought it out in much greater detail, but more about that later.


I believe that the Washington Redskins should do the following three things:


  • Transition the focus of the team to honoring the men and women who serve in our Country's Armed Services today.  The Washington area is full of men and women who serve our Armed Forces either directly as uniformed participants or indirectly as Civil Servants or contractors.  As the NFL team representing our Nation's Capital it is entirely appropriate to honor our Nation's warriors.  The team already honors in many ways those who serve and through many charitable partnerships with our military.  It is a natural connection to this area and to this fan base.


  • Respectfully retire the American Indian imagery.  It really doesn't make sense for the NFL team in our Nation's Capital to be honoring the past warriors of other Nations.  We should be honoring the warriors of our own Nation, while never forgetting the first warriors of this land.  Although many of the arguments put forth by a group of American Indians are faulty at best, there is one argument that is poignant.  Amanda Blackhorse in her filings in the trademark case says "In general, Petitioner is offended whenever Native Americans are portrayed as being brave warriors, or being fierce and war-like".  There are an increasing number of Indians who see the dominant old warlike images as being a hindrance to creating a new and better future which they believe is something their children desperately need.  Let the American Indian community determine the proper manner and context to remember their warriors of the past.  How could the non-indigenous folks who run the team and fans who love it possibly do this correctly?  Replace the imagery with imagery that honors the men and woman who serve in the five branches of OUR Armed Services of OUR Nation, including the many American Indians who serve.


  • Keep the Washington Redskins team name.  Cultures all over the planet going back thousands of years have had gods of war who had red skin and warriors who painted their skin red.  The Roman god of war Mars had red skin.  When the Roman armies came back into Rome in their Triumphal parades both the soldiers and the generals painted their skin red to show their bond with the red god of war.  The same connection to red warriors is true in ancient cultures representing every race on the planet.  Red has a common theme representing strength, courage, integrity and victory.  Ancient Egyptian men 4000 years ago painted their skin red to celebrate victories.  There are Chinese gods of war who were red and African warriors who painted their skin red.  The American Indians tapped into this universal red warrior thing but they don't own it.  Painting the skin red is a universal warrior's ritual that was used in many scattered cultures that had no obvious connections to each other.  The Washington Redskins should adopt this universal theme of red skinned warriors and employ it to honor our own present day warriors.


I would be honored to read any and all comments.  Thanks in advance, j.















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I believe that the Washington Redskins should do the following three things:



I would be honored to read any and all comments.  Thanks in advance, j. 

So, keep the name, change the logo and instead of honoring Native Americans, honor the military?  So basically, have a new logo but keep the name that has nothing to do with the new logo.  


Not sure that is the best thing to do, imo.  I posted my stance early on in here.  I'm against the name change.  I don't find it offensive and taking into consideration the origin of the word being created by Native Americans themselves, to describe themselves, my opinion will not change.  


With that said, if or when the name is changed, I will not be in the majority of people butt hurt about it.  I pull for the franchise that is in Washington, DC.  If it is the Washington Redskins, Washington Warriors or Washington [insert name here], I will pull for this team.  I will also continue to wear my Redskins gear while doing so.  

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I don't think that honoring people who are trained to kill evil doers is all that great.

Don't get me wrong, I truly respect the military men and women. This country's love affair with the military is almost over the top though. Honoring the military through team worship is a turn off to me. Our kids should aspire to be more.

Yes, 100% chance somebody isn't going to like the above opinion.

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