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Would you trade RG3 back now?


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RG3 cost us three 1st round picks and a 2nd round pick. That was when he was healthy, back before he got knocked out of three of the 16 NFL games he started. We don't know how many more NFL games he'll start, nor if he'll ever again play like he did this season.

The Cardinals are picking 7th overall in 2013. If tonight they offered us three 1st round picks and a 2nd round pick for RG3, would you take it?

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I'm 38. I've been following this team for 30 years. The last time we had a player of RGIII's caliber at the most important position on the team was the year I was born, 1974. 38 years ago. 38 long, LONG years of wait for a true, franchise QB. And when we finally get one, we get a once in a generation, extra special guy.

Arizona or whomever could double the trade we made and I'd still turn them down flat without blinking an eye. Injuries are an unavoidable part of football.


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Tried to stay out of everything tonight until my emotions cleared but some of these threads are getting ridiculous. I find this one insulting and near trolling.

I'm not trolling.

I guess the fact that I'm asking the question shows which side of it I'm on. Cousins seems like a legit NFL QB, but I'm not comparing him to healthy RG3.

I'm comparing Cousins plus three 1st rounders, plus a 2nd rounder to oft-injured RG3. And I think the Cousins side wins that.

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I'm not trolling.

I guess the fact that I'm asking the question shows which side of it I'm on. Cousins seems like a legit NFL QB, but I'm not comparing him to healthy RG3.

I'm comparing Cousins plus three 1st rounders, plus a 2nd rounder to oft-injured RG3. And I think the Cousins side wins that.


Seriously, just go away. The overwhelming answer is going to be no.

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For one, it's a stupid question and anyone who would trade him back is a moron. But regardless, why would you post that on here? You know EXACTLY how everyone is going to react. And rightfully so.

Exactly. Inciting the high fevered emotions of a fanbase that just lost a home playoff game. Maybe if this thread was made 2 months from now I wouldn't be so offended.

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You know EXACTLY how everyone is going to react. And rightfully so.

I know how everyone would have reacted if Shanny had pulled RG3 up 14-0. Still woulda been the right thing to do.

Oh, and before people accuse me of being a Dallas/Eagles fan, I've been a Redskins fan since 1991. We didn't have a TV but I listened to all the games on our enormous radio. Luckily I was able to watch the SB at friends.

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Tried to stay out of everything tonight until my emotions cleared but some of these threads are getting ridiculous. I find this one insulting and near trolling.

LMFAO ME TOO! What can you say Washington fans are still trying to keep that losers mentality going here for some reason

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I know how everyone would have reacted if Shanny had pulled RG3 up 14-0. Still woulda been the right thing to do.

Oh, and before people accuse me of being a Dallas/Eagles fan, I've been a Redskins fan since 1991. We didn't have a TV but I listened to all the games on our enormous radio. Luckily I was able to watch the SB at friends.

I would never accuse you of being a fan of another team. Because everyone else on planet earth (including dallas fans) knows how terrible of an idea this is.

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RGIII is a franchise QB in this league with his arm alone. Even at 80% like he was with the Eagles he performed like a top 10 guy.

What's interesting about RGIII is that his learning curve isn't in his passing or (in the air) decision making, but rather on the ground, and how and when to take hits. Most QBs spend their first season just learning how fast the game is, learning when and where to throw the ball, etc., RGIII already had all that down, but he's going to have to learn how to run to avoid injuries.

I think he's also used to being the fastest guy on the field, and facing smaller college defenders who don't hit as hard when he takes off and runs. He knows the difference now, and I think the offense will likely evolve to protect him more as well. We'll add a RT, and he'll be forced to scramble into dangerous situations less.

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I'm 38. I've been following this team for 30 years. The last time we had a player of RGIII's caliber at the most important position on the team was the year I was born, 1974. 38 years ago. 38 long, LONG years of wait for a true, franchise QB. And when we finally get one, we get a once in a generation, extra special guy.

Arizona or whomever could double the trade we made and I'd still turn them down flat without blinking an eye. Injuries are an unavoidable part of football.


Now I know his death may have tarnish his talent value to some of the Redskins fans ,but IMO ST21 was a RGIII like player too. We just lost him too soon. smh

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I know how everyone would have reacted if Shanny had pulled RG3 up 14-0. Still woulda been the right thing to do.

It would have been the right thing to do.

But believe me when I say that in my 16 years of watching this team, I've never seen a player as talented as RG3, and I wouldn't dream of letting another team utilize those talents, for any price. RG3 may be "oft-injured," but his heart and drive (not to mention superhuman athleticism) is priceless. He will be the fearless leader of this franchise for many years.

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It would have been the right thing to do.

But believe me when I say that in my 16 years of watching this team, I've never seen a player as talented as RG3, and I wouldn't dream of letting another team utilize those talents, for any price. RG3 may be "oft-injured," but his heart and drive (not to mention superhuman athleticism) is priceless. He will be the fearless leader of this franchise for many years.

Once again ST21 was just as talented. Defensively he was our RGIII on defense

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Once again ST21 was just as talented. Defensively he was our RGIII on defense

Sean was a freak of nature, no doubt. But man, was Sean really as versatile at his position as RG3 is at his? Before his injury, RG3 had elite accuracy and speed. Just an absolute monster.

Also, RG3 has his head together now. Sean really began to apply himself and take his game up a notch in 2007, his fourth season. God, what a shame.

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