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Good game.

BTW we were only dicks to your fans because they were being dicks themselves.

We don't just blindly hate around here.

There sure was no shortage of ****y and obnoxious ‘hawk fans all over the internet.

But we actually do plenty of "blind hate" here, no matter how anyone wants to pretend otherwise. I sure see it. We even do it on each other at times, as does every other message board. The mods have banned more Redskins fans this week (today especially) for acting out to each other than we had with "problem" 'hawk fans. Hell, the worst troll we had this week was that dumbass cowpie troll earlier tonight in the Trent/Sherman shove" thread.

The OP gets his share of “dick” replies (understandably enough) right here, but the fact it’s “understandable” doesn't make it any less dickish---just because "it's expected" and "normal" for some folks in some cases doesn't make it anything other than what it is. Call a spade a spade. I have been dickish at times. I’m human. But I make a serious effort to govern it and to admit openly when I do it and try to avoid doing the same thing over an over again, or repeatedly trying to justify it

Lisa Twelve (hawk fan posting here this week) was always gracious and still had crap flung out of the nonsense than so many here like to think as just “a justified part of the deal"

HawknBalls, NoCal gave good input to you, and when you remain within the rules (contrary to what it may have seemed like to some recently) you are fine to post here---we were very quick to call “trolling“ this week and were pretty intolerant due to some specific bad history with ‘hawk fans and some other factors.

I have mainly lived in the Puget Sound area for 25 years, been a Redskins fan for 50, and a mod here for 7, and don't remember seeing so much stupid here about an opponent, or their city etc,. as this week. But there really was some bad blood over some pretty extreme ’hawk fans-to-’skins fans incidents in the past---05 & 07.

It needs to be put in the past, IMO, until/unless it’s repeated, and then it’s just the people doing it that should be held accountable IMO. I don’t see much fundamental difference in thinking between this kind of ****, when it gets deep enough (as it did here---beyond the kind of “anti-cowboy-fan” smack talk we do regularly for instance) and other kinds of serious prejudice towards a specific and large demographic.

Additionally, today has been another grand example of Redskins fans on this forum being just as ridiculous and unpleasant with other Redskins fans as they can be with rival fans.

It's the nature of people. Especially people on the internet, and NFL message boards everywhere, to one degree or another. Any differences of degree of such between one group to another is usually too damn small to matter much. I know I saw a ton of stupid on hawk sites, too, this week. Like I say, it’s all pretty much the same in all such places despite every fan base’s particular posturing and self-delusion.

Most of it’s pretty typical and expected, which doesn’t make it one iota less mindless in my book.

I hate the hawks won and that we lost, and I think the hawk fanbase is more obnoxious than they used to be 10 years ago (to broadly generalize myself) but I have no “hate” for the players or the fans that aren’t *******s. And I feel the same about my team and fanbase. Currently, I don’t think we have any real *******s on the team, but we have plenty of great fans and plenty of ******* fans, pretty much like anywhere else.

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I dont recall anything said about Sean Taylor, any Seahawk fans I know wouldn't have said anything that classless. I suppose that's the token answer you're going to get though from any hawks fan. Still sucks.

Like I said, trash talk is pointless, the game is played on the field no reason to fight about it as fans.

It was pretty bad in 2007 here is my post from back then http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?231979-Seattle-Fans-are-Classless

Every fan base has idiot fans, except Jacksonville because they don't have that many fans. :pfft: We have a Redskins Fan Club that meets at Pioneer Square and as I left today with my friends a couple of Hawks Fans outside said "good game". Some punk kid in a Raiders Hat tried talking smack on Light Rail saying he was a Seahawks Fan, I kept telling him the Raiders did not make the playoffs and go get JaMarcus Russell Jersey. It was actually funny he kept saying the Seahawks were closer to the Super Bowl than the Redskins and I just kept saying the Raiders aren't in the playoffs. Most Seahawks Fans would not wear a Raiders Hat.

My co workers were pretty cool this week and it was more friendly razzing than anything else.

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There sure was no shortage of ****y and obnoxious ‘hawk fans all over the internet.

But we actually do plenty of "blind hate" here, no matter how anyone wants to pretend otherwise. I sure see it. We even do it on each other at times, as does every other message board. The mods have banned more Redskins fans this week (today especially) for acting out to each other than we had with "problem" 'hawk fans. Hell, the worst troll we had this week was that dumbass cowpie troll earlier tonight in the Trent/Sherman shove" thread.

The OP gets his share of “dick” replies (understandably enough) right here, but the fact it’s “understandable” doesn't make it any less dickish---just because "it's expected" and "normal" for some folks in some cases doesn't make it anything other than what it is. Call a spade a spade. I have been dickish at times. I’m human. But I make a serious effort to govern it and to admit openly when I do it and try to avoid doing the same thing over an over again, or repeatedly trying to justify it

Lisa Twelve (hawk fan posting here this week) was always gracious and still had crap flung out of the nonsense than so many here like to think as just “a justified part of the deal"

HawknBalls, NoCal gave good input to you, and when you remain within the rules (contrary to what it may have been like for some recently) you are fine to post here---we were very quick to call “trolling“ this week and were pretty intolerant due to some specific bad history with ‘hawk fans and some other factors.

I have mainly lived in the Puget Sound area for 25 years, been a Redskins fan for 50, and a mod here for 7, and don't remember seeing so much stupid here about an opponent, or their city etc,. as this week. But there really was some bad blood over some pretty extreme ’hawk fans-to-’skins fans incidents in the past---05 & 07.

It needs to be put in the past, IMO, until/unless it’s repeated, and then it’s just the people doing it that should be held accountable IMO. I don’t see much fundamental difference in thinking between this kind of ****, when it gets deep enough (as it did here---beyond the kind of “anti-cowboy-fan” smack talk we do regularly for instance) and other kinds of serious prejudice towards a specific and large demographic.

Additionally, today has been another grand example of Redskins fans on this forum being just as ridiculous and unpleasant with other Redskins fans as they can be with rival fans.

It's the nature of people. Especially people on the internet, and NFL message boards everywhere, to one degree or another. Any differences of degree of such between one group to another is usually too damn small to matter much. I know I saw a ton of stupid on hawk sites, too, this week. Like I say, it’s all pretty much the same in all such places despite every fan base’s particular posturing and self-delusion.

Most of it’s pretty typical and expected, which doesn’t make it one iota less mindless in my book.

I hate the hawks won and that we lost, and I think the hawk fanbase is more obnoxious than they used to be 10 years ago (to broadly generalize myself) but I have no “hate” for the players or the fans that aren’t *******s. And I feel the same about my team and fanbase. Currently, I don’t think we have any real *******s on the team, but we have plenty of great fans and plenty of ******* fans, pretty much like anywhere else.

You put it very well. I've had to hold myself from replying to this thread because it was going to fall on the dickish side of the spectrum so I felt it was best to just censor myself especially because it's just someone trying to be a good sport and I'm still in ticked off mode knowing that we were shafted in a few areas tonight, but that is not the OP's fault so there is really no need to take my anger out on I'm.

I will say that us Redskin fans need to start getting along better because there are far too many angry arguments that breakout on this site.

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You put it very well. I've had to hold myself from replying to this thread because it was going to fall on the dickish side of the spectrum so I felt it was best to just censor myself especially because it's just someone trying to be a good sport and I'm still in ticked off mode knowing that we were shafted in a few areas tonight, but that is not the OP's fault so there is really no need to take my anger out on I'm.

I will say that us Redskin fans need to start getting along better because there are far too many angry arguments that breakout on this site.

I also think it's perfectly reasonable to not want to engage in any "well meaning" opponent talk at any time, or question why they even drop by, and anyone is free to not like seeing them here, but none of those positions (in my book) is some "righteous license" to jump into a non-trolling conversation and just be obnoxious or stupid. It is allowed, and people do get to be fairly dickish here without consequence other than maybe a few of us calling them out on it, but it's when you go too far in that (often childish) self-indulgence that you actually get mod trouble.

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Football is a game filled with passion, emotion, and at times nastiness. All three were shown in one way or the other during this game but that's what Playoff football is all about and I tip my hat to you my good sir. Congrats on the win and good luck the rest of the way. No one enjoys losing in the playoffs but a classy post deserves a classy response and even in defeat, I hold no bitterness what so ever.

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I'm a hawks fan, I registered for the forum here before the game but I saw all the anti-hawks fan posts basically saying to piss up a rope and decided not to bother.

But after the game I just want to say congrats on a great season.

I was watching the game with my family and on RG3's last play (you know the one) in my head the logic told me, good for us because it basically seals the win..but I couldn't bring myself to say anything or cheer or get too elated because I've been watching your QB play his guts out all year and be so fun to watch that it sucked to see it go down like that.

Obviously you guys don't need any pity or anything from 'the enemy' so I hope that doesn't come out that way, just want to see good luck in the future and hopefully you guys keep kicking around the Cowboys and Tonyroma for years to come because watching that has been too good this season. Hopefully sometime soon we get to see a healthy RG3 vs. Wilson.

I also think it's a shame that our teams are so chippy with each other, I hate to see that take away from a matchup of two good teams who've played their butts off all year, gives the wrong perception for both teams to have such great leaders but get so out of line.

Thank you for your post, you certainly seem like a decent fan and human being :)

Congratulations on your win, enjoy your victory and be happy. Good luck to an injury-free remainder of your playoff games.

And FYI, as a long time poster on this board, we don't (for the most part, although admittedly, there are a fair amount of absurd posters here as there are on every team message board) automatically hate opposing teams' fans. There are several well-liked posters on this board from every divisionl rival (Tom Giant's Fan and Royallypwned -- RIP) are just a couple who come to mind. These posters have added a lot to this board (and there are many other posters like them, I just can't think of them at this late hour) and we receive them well around here. So the dislike is not automatic, nor arbitrary...

While I know there are many fans from your team who are great football fans and classy people, there have certainly been several run-ins with Seahawks fans ES members here have experienced (and discussed on this message board) in previous playoff games. In general, the assessment of your fanbase has not been overly positive and much of the fanbase is perceived as a bunch of drunk, ****y bullies. This dislike of your fanbase has been exacerbated by many of us being rubbed the wrong way by trash talk from some of your team's players as well as a few of your team's players avoiding fines and suspensions due to Adderall usage. There are several other reasons related to player character issues (not your QB by the way, I've seen nothing but respect for him around here :) ) that have just annoyed and in some cases, ticked off many Skins fans. Finally, of course, there is a bitterness many of us hold against your team having gotten knocked out of the playoffs in 2005 and 2007 by you guys. We certainly have developed quite the playoff rivalry.

So, that's just my view of why you might not feel immediately welcomed around here. Also, signing up as a Hawks fan in Jan of 2013 just gets you off on the wrong foot becuase most people are going to assume you are here to troll...like so many of your predecessors.

Anyway, I'm going to bed, but I thought I'd explain at least a little bit, why you might not be feeling all the warm fuzzies from us upon signing up to this site.

All that said, congrats on the win. All the best to you :)

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Best thing I learned when I joined years back after a loss is.....take 24 hours. Do not post in here after a loss. I rarely come in here until I've had a night of sleep and can rationalize my posts better.

But I still am not sure why an opposing fan feels the need to come in just hours after a defeat to tell us "good game." Even if the intentions are not malicious (which Hawknballs was NOT), I'm just not sure why you would want to poke a stick at the beehive when the queen is in an uproar. I know some Seahawk fans were told to come back in victory or defeat, but waiting until the next day would have probably been more appropriate.

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The Hawks be the Skins far and square, they were the better team yesterday. Wish RG3 woulda been 100% because I feel the outcome of the game would be been drastically different. Hopefully there are multiple opportunities in the future to play in games like this for the Skins.

That said I'm hoping Atlanta pounds yer boys into the ground next game.

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The Hawks be the Skins far and square, they were the better team yesterday. Wish RG3 woulda been 100% because I feel the outcome of the game would be been drastically different. Hopefully there are multiple opportunities in the future to play in games like this for the Skins.

That said I'm hoping Atlanta pounds yer boys into the ground next game.

We were rolling with a somewhat healthy RG3. I can't imagine what the score would have been if he were 100%

Agreed about Atlanta beating that ass though. Matty Ice is due for his first playoff win

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Seattle Seahawks- the low-class trailer park denizens of the NFL. The team and its fan base (with possible few exceptions) are examples of everything that is wrong with people. I could muster a congrats even to Dallas or Giants fans if they beat us, but not to your Adderall-abusing, dirty players and their near-criminal coach (USC fans will agree with that one). I don't wish the Seachickens luck, and will be cheering lustily for the Atlanta Falcons to expose and embarass them on national TV next weekend. Hope Wilson tosses 5 picks, Marshawn has 3 fumbles, and you lose by the same (or greater) margin than we did.

And I hope to God that when the Skins meet Seattle again, we beat the pants off of them.

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I guess everything is in the eye of the beholder but as a lifelong NFL fan who lived in Cleveland during the Brown's (almost) glory days in the late 80' and early 90's and who was born a Redskins fan, Seattle stacks up just fine when it comes to "class." Sure, they have a loudmouth or two but show me an NFL team that doesn't. One man's ****y and obnoxious is another man's smash-mouth football. The Seahawks are young and still searching for their identity but I'd say that hard-nosed and aggressive D isn't a bad start. I don't get the "thug-like" criticism Statement like that strike me as something that would come from a team that got man-handled. Had the shoe been on the other foot my guess is that Redskins fans would have been waxing poetic about how tough and intimidating their team was.

RG3 and crew looked really good against the Seahawks D for about 8 minutes of the first quarter. But other teams this year looked just as good against the Seahawks for periods of time. More often than not the Seahawks D figured things out and stopped their opponents. A mediocre defense doesn't lead the NFL in points allowed (despite one of the toughest schedules) by accident. The Skins would have put up a stronger fight had the QB been healthy but Seattle would have probably won anyway IMHO.

Also, regarding class of fans, I followed the Extremeskins.com forums pretty closely over the last week and saw a reasonable about of trash-talking and self-denial about how good the Seahawks are. There are more than enough doofs among both team's fan-bases. The Seahawks don't have anything close to the great tradition, history of success and fervent fan-base of the Redskins and the Seattle fan-base is generally less knowledgeable and mature as the Skins but winning helps.

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Every team has a load of fans who totally hate the team they are playing, especially when they are losing. Seen it on the Seahawk boards for years and any other boards I have visited. I expect that. We're just fans though, some of us since the Hawks were created in 1976. Like any other fans, we have seen our team change identities over the years. From finesse to physical, thuggish to Boy Scouts.

I will never forget the Dexter Manley era Skins teams. They were kind of thuggish themselves, physical and loaded with talent. Like Charles Mann and Darrell Green (who was physical even though he was pretty short) LOL, the "Hogs" were anything but Boy Scouts. There weren't dirty, they just played really physical football.

Who knows what would have happened if Griffin was healthy? I got to looking at that game and it was almost like the Hawks defense was trying to get a feel for how the Skins would play and before they knew it, the score was 14-0. I figured that Hawks would be able to score at some point and get things going, but those two drives to start the game are not typical. Not three and outs, even on the road. That goes for both sides, in fact the score at 14-0 is the most the Hawks have been down all year long.

I really like RG3, Snyder needs to get him some support quickly though, not that there is a bunch of holes on offense, but the defense needs to be re-worked a little so that Griffin doesn't have to play like the Super-Hero he is all the time. Dang that guy is the REAL DEAL. Known it since he played in the bowl game against UW in 2011. Very special player and probably the greatest ever if he can stay healthy. Good luck and I hope he recovers quickly.

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Also, regarding class of fans, I followed the Extremeskins.com forums pretty closely over the last week and saw a reasonable about of trash-talking and self-denial about how good the Seahawks are. There are more than enough doofs among both team's fan-bases. The Seahawks don't have anything close to the great tradition, history of success and fervent fan-base of the Redskins and the Seattle fan-base is generally less knowledgeable and mature as the Skins but winning helps.

I live in the Seattle / Tacoma Area and have seen the Ugly Seahawks Fans at the 2007 NFC Wild Card Game but today at work there was no razzing or trash talking from my coworker. Just a lot of good games, you has us worried early on and praise and concern for RG3. Every fanbase has their good and bad fans and beer does not help the situation out.

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Congrats to the Hawks for their win. I won't say a good win because that would include not grabbing the opponents receivers helmet and shaking it around. The turning point for me was after we scored 14 and our defense had Wilson near your endzone. The crowd was going nuts because we had you at 3rd and 12. Another stop, you punt, and we're back in your yard for another TD or FG. What happens?... RW pumps one and you just BARELY get the first down. That's when I saw Wilson start to come alive as he heads back into the huddle. At that point I knew we were going to have a long day, as he becomes recharged. If he is voted ROY, I'm not going to complain. Oh yeah, and sorry... I hate to tell you this, but even IF you make it to the SB I can pretty much guarantee you that your in for another loss. Why? Because if you win that would mean that RW would share an unbroken record with one of our own Sammy Baugh... the only rookie QB in NFL history to win it all.

And that just simply AIN'T happenin'

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The healthy team won today.

Agree. But if things were reversed, Id be happy with the win so after having some time to reflect and cool down I can offer a "congrats" to the Seahawks and their fans. I will say that over the course of the past week in reading the Seahawks forums and knowing about some of the classless actions of some in the past has really caused a lot of dislike for that organization. This is only intensified by the fact the Seahawks have knocked out my Skins the past 3 times they have made the playoffs. Im not ready to place them above the Giants, Cowboys or Eagles.. but they are there right after. I hope they lose a bitter and ugly loss to Atlanta.

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