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Congrats from Seattle on a great season.


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I'm a hawks fan, I registered for the forum here before the game but I saw all the anti-hawks fan posts basically saying to piss up a rope and decided not to bother.

But after the game I just want to say congrats on a great season.

I was watching the game with my family and on RG3's last play (you know the one) in my head the logic told me, good for us because it basically seals the win..but I couldn't bring myself to say anything or cheer or get too elated because I've been watching your QB play his guts out all year and be so fun to watch that it sucked to see it go down like that.

Obviously you guys don't need any pity or anything from 'the enemy' so I hope that doesn't come out that way, just want to see good luck in the future and hopefully you guys keep kicking around the Cowboys and Tonyroma for years to come because watching that has been too good this season. Hopefully sometime soon we get to see a healthy RG3 vs. Wilson.

I also think it's a shame that our teams are so chippy with each other, I hate to see that take away from a matchup of two good teams who've played their butts off all year, gives the wrong perception for both teams to have such great leaders but get so out of line.

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I know we've had our share of obnoxious Seahawks fans coming to the forum this week, but thanks for a reasonable post. While I can't say I'm fond of your defense, I like Wilson and he seems like a stand up guy similar our rookie signal caller. I think the NFC will be seeing a lot of both of them over the next few years

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No hard feelings, we are just fans not the players. Am I upset at the loss? Sure. It's heart-breaking considering how dominant the 'Skins seemed on both sides of the ball until RGIII got injured, however this really feels like the beginning of something rather then the 2005/07 losses, which felt more like a "we have to win it all now or blow this thing up" situation.

I have a feeling these teams will be seeing more of each other in the playoffs in the future.

I have a question, just out of curiosity. If RGIII doesn't re-injure his knee, how do you think the rest of the game goes? Do you think Seattle's D figures out how to stop them or do you think Morris keeps chugging along and the 'Skins solve that rugged Seattle defense? I don't mean to come off bitter, I promise I'm not, but when RGIII got hurt, it was something like 196 yards to 9.....pretty staggering, and then the opposite happened once RGIII was basically rendered ineffective.

Good luck.

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better team won today, too bad RG3 is THE team. and we went away from the run game cause nothing was working....ohh well, we had a good run. few more good pieces and we should have a good team next year. we need help with our secondary badly....

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yep, congratulations to the seahawks. Russell Wilson is a pretty good QB. to have 3 QBs in their rookie seasons make the playoffs..its pretty amazing. next season we will see a healthy RG3 vs Russell Wilson (seattle comes to FedEx Field again, but in the regular season). good luck next sunday

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I can't imagine what a Seattle fan has to cheer about. Classy post, but I'm so glad I'm not a Seahawks fan. Everything about your organization and fanbase is pretty terrible based on my experience. I guess you're the exception, but you cheer for a pretty classless and thug-like team. Wilson is standup I suppose, but whatever. Thanks? I guess. You should probably get back to your message boards LOL. Run along now.


Not in the mood

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I have a question, just out of curiosity. If RGIII doesn't re-injure his knee, how do you think the rest of the game goes? Do you think Seattle's D figures out how to stop them or do you think Morris keeps chugging along and the 'Skins solve that rugged Seattle defense? I don't mean to come off bitter, I promise I'm not, but when RGIII got hurt, it was something like 196 yards to 9.....pretty staggering, and then the opposite happened once RGIII was basically rendered ineffective.


Reasonable question and it's something that I've thought about too. It's tough to say. One thing about our team is that in general we rarely make the same mistakes twice, and we generally are a second half team with good coaches who make good adjustments, which goes hand in hand with that mentality. All of our losses have been by 7 points or less this season, and while that 14 pt deficit was our largest of the season, I also saw this same team down to tom brady by 13 pionts and still get things figured out, shut him down for several drives, and come back and win. Russell Wilson is completely unflappable.

Also, it looked early on as if Brandon Browner who's missed the past 4 games with a suspension looked a little rusty. There were some double moves he was missing on and just in general seemed slow. I'm not sure if he got this fixed or if it was the injury but that seemed to go away. For some reason it seemed like we got a handle on stopping the run.

Hard to say. We had a tough time stopping Morris early, if RG3 is healthy maybe the RB doesn't get it as much and the beginning of the game goes differently?

Knowing we deferred to the second half helps because of the way we adjust. After we got down early, my sincere thought was "lets get within 10 points by the half and we'll be ok" and I consider myself a fairly reasonable and educated seahawks fan, if that's any measuring stick. That's not meant to sound like ****iness or anything, just that getting the ball back knowing how we adjust and how little RW makes mistakes and how good the D has been it's tough for me to count us out.

At the same time, if RG3 weren't injured, I wouldn't count him out in any situation either.

Truth is, who knows? Any given Sunday I guess.

Huge season for both teams no matter what happens.

---------- Post added January-6th-2013 at 08:23 PM ----------

I can't imagine what a Seattle fan has to cheer about. Classy post, but I'm so glad I'm not a Seahawks fan. Everything about your organization and fanbase is pretty terrible based on my experience. I guess you're the exception, but you cheer for a pretty classless and thug-like team. Wilson is standup I suppose, but whatever. Thanks? I guess. You should probably get back to your message boards LOL. Run along now.


Not in the mood

fair enough. I probably wouldn't want to hear it either and wouldn't be in the mood.

But honestly watching that play happen I had a feeling I've never gotten before as a sports fan, my heart sank a little for RG3 and the fans. It was a super odd mix of sports emotion. figured it was fair to say that your average seahawk fan wasn't celebrating that particular play.

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My sister's boyfriend is a Sehawks fan originally from Seattle. He is a pretty good dude though. Good to talk football with. He pretty much acknowledged that RGIII's injury was THE factor in the game. Not that he is overly sad about it though because of course it benefit his team.

We had pretty good trash talk going, but that's how it is.

Oh and Hawknballs, a little advice. Check in from time to time to talk NFL. I think a big reason people get skeptical of visiting team fans on the board, is because in general a lot of them seem to show up, register and talk smalk out of nowhere when their team is suddenly doing well or just scored a victory over the 'Skins. If you show up, act respectfully (like this post for example) and just shoot the **** every once in awhile, you won't get lumped in with those other folks ;)

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Check in from time to time to talk NFL. I think a big reason people get skeptical of visiting team fans on the board, is because in general a lot of them seem to show up, register and talk smalk out of nowhere when their team is suddenly doing well or just scored a victory over the 'Skins. If you show up, act respectfully (like this post for example) and just shoot the **** every once in awhile, you won't get lumped in with those other folks ;)

I usually show up to opponents board to discuss the game, it's good to get some insight and have a good conversation. I don't have any tolerance for trash talk, it's pointless, our guys are going to settle it on the field with eachother regardless of the posturing we do on the internet or in the stands.

one thing about the game though - the last week people here were talking about how cruddy the field is there, and all week long I just rolled my eyes because it all sounded like making early excuses if we lost. my POV was the other team has to play on it too. We saw RG3 go down today, here in Seattle we also lost our DE Clemons, what's the reason they haven't improved the playing surface there? Seems like a bad deal for both teams. I don't like the idea of everyone playing on completely element-free sterile surfaces in perfect weather but that field just looked terrible.

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Congratulations. You've got a great QB -great story.

We were up 14-13 going into the fourth quarter in 2008, lost 35-14. Up 14-13 going into the fourth quarter this year, loose 28-14. Pretty bitter stuff. So may be difficult to be all that gracious. Not a fan of the approach to the game shown by some of your players (e.g. the cheap shot on Griffin following the TD --seriously, that was one of the worst I've seen in a long time). But you have had an incredible year and are to be congratulated on your success, both current and, I bet, lots of future success as well. Good luck.

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I'm a hawks fan, I registered for the forum here before the game but I saw all the anti-hawks fan posts basically saying to piss up a rope and decided not to bother.

But after the game I just want to say congrats on a great season.

I was watching the game with my family and on RG3's last play (you know the one) in my head the logic told me, good for us because it basically seals the win..but I couldn't bring myself to say anything or cheer or get too elated because I've been watching your QB play his guts out all year and be so fun to watch that it sucked to see it go down like that.

Obviously you guys don't need any pity or anything from 'the enemy' so I hope that doesn't come out that way, just want to see good luck in the future and hopefully you guys keep kicking around the Cowboys and Tonyroma for years to come because watching that has been too good this season. Hopefully sometime soon we get to see a healthy RG3 vs. Wilson.

I also think it's a shame that our teams are so chippy with each other, I hate to see that take away from a matchup of two good teams who've played their butts off all year, gives the wrong perception for both teams to have such great leaders but get so out of line.

Congratulations on the win and good luck the rest of the way.

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Hope Sherman brought enough blow for Carrol on plane ride home. Team is lead by a crook and evident on the field today. Only regret for me is Skins got sucked into Sea lousy sportsmanship. You're team is lead by a LOSER, caps all the way across. Players manifested it. No different than his NCAA teams. If NFL sanctioned, Sea would be leading league. Don't want you 'congrats'. But, I feel bad for R. Wilson, because he seems like good kid.

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(e.g. the cheap shot on Griffin following the TD --seriously, that was one of the worst I've seen in a long time).

That was really disappointing. Stupid kid taking his frustration out in a really classless way I will agree. Like I said, it sucked to see that happening on both sides. Kinda sad because that garbage going on plus the injury situation really detracted from what should have been a really great game.

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But, I feel bad for R. Wilson, because he seems like good kid.

Sounds like there's no need to pity Russ....

Seattle Seahawks ‏@Seahawks

Wilson: "I'm blessed to be a Seattle Seahawk. And that's all that matters to me."


Congrats on a great season Redskins fans.

I truly hope RGIII will be OK ... and that our teams will meet again sometime in the near future with both at full strength (with no excuses or asterisks)

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Thanks Hawknballs, once RG3 was hurt our offense was not the same and you Wilson and Lynch did what they do best. A lot of the anti-Seahawks attitude on this board comes from the 2007 Wild Card Game and all the disrespectful stuff that was said about Sean Taylor. I live in the Seattle Area and have a lot of friends who are Seahawks Fans and I respect them as fans. Just did not like some of their attitudes after I told them what happened of “you would get that anywhere” or “he was a thug” when I told them of my experience.

Congrats on the win and this will be the first of a few Redskins / Seahawks Playoffs Games to come.

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I dont recall anything said about Sean Taylor, any Seahawk fans I know wouldn't have said anything that classless. I suppose that's the token answer you're going to get though from any hawks fan. Still sucks.

Like I said, trash talk is pointless, the game is played on the field no reason to fight about it as fans.

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