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This is the first time I have been disappointed in RGIII


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Even the Seahawks were praising him for staying in the game, with Richard Sherman even saying its going to get him into the HoF one day. Whether or not you agree with it, the will of a player to keep playing is a trait that players look for in their leaders, so if RGIII had pulled a Cutler, he would have had a hard time attracting guys to him.

Like it or not, its decisions like that that will have guys fawning over the chance to play with RGIII for years to come. Its the Coaches job to take him out when he can't do enough to help his team. RGIII's job is to always be ready to play.

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He put himself above the other 52 guys who fight their butts off. Playing through an injury is one thing, staying in when you can't play right and you consistently play bad series after series means you care more about playing then your team winning. Great leaders know when they have to step aside. There is no I in team

Listen to what the players said about him. They wanted him out there and believe in him. I think it's safe to say you and me and just about every one else here is not an elite athlete playing at this level. We couldn't possibly understand, but I have never seen great players take themselves out of the game before.

he tried and it didn't work. That's the bottom line, but he wanted to help the team and thought he could play, that's not selfish to play through pain and get pounded by Seattle trying to help the team. It would have been selfish had he called it a day to spare himself more pain and say this one isn't on me guys. He's not that kind of guy, he is a competitor and leader and I love it

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This thread is sucking the life out of me.

Monday morning quarterbacking at its finest.

Noone here can question Robert's toughness and his want to win. Noone here is qualified to second guess Shanny - he felt that Rob could go and he was our best chance - regardless of the hindsight. Enough said. If Robert won this thread would read "I have never been prouder...." Since it didn't work out, we are subjected to the nonsense I read in here, and we have to put up with mediots and even our own fans second guessing our team?

Get real. We overachieved this season IMO. We will be better next season. Go back to your armchair and try again.


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We saw early in the thire quarter that RGIII wasn't getting it done. I don't want to get into the bricks with this, but it was on RGIII to take himself out at that point. He couldn't move, he couldn't set and throw and he just left too much on his shoulders that didn't have to be there had he given the green light to Cousins, to come in and compete.

Not being a hater and I don't think I will come across that way. Just stating what everyone in the room THOUGHT a winner like RGIII would do. We thought he would not let ego take over a decision that was so obvious. Please let me know how you feel.

Doughty was a beast though. Gotta love the Doughty.


I kind of agree. Although a fierce competitor, he was injured and not effective, therefore, TEAM being first, he should have given the TEAM the best chance to win, and that was, allowing Cousins to come in. A 50% RGIII is not better than a 100% Cousins. I did not feel he was being truthful in the postgame interview when he said the injury was not affecting his throwing. Clearly he could not push off his right leg and underthrew people and his accuracy suffered. However, having played ball, I know what he was thinking and why he wanted to stay on the field. I also was a bit shocked by his postgame comment where he said that even though he was injured, he was the best option for the team and that's why he's the starter. He may feel like he's Superman, but, he isn't. I am disappointed in Shanny more than anyone as he should have made the call to pull RGIII for two reasons...1) Cousins, at that point, being that RGIII was ineffective and obviously hurt, gave the TEAM a better chance to win, and 2 Why would you allow him in there to possibly further hurt his knee (which happened) and worse, possibly ruin the young man's career. Of course, it is what it is, it happened, and we'll never know if Shanny made the right decision or not. RGIII is a warrior, but, tonight, IMO, it would have been better for him to come out, either voluntarily or by the coach. Tough decision.

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Not the time.

RG3 IS the team. He played his heart out all year, put the team ahead of himself and managed to win big games on one ******* leg.

The playoffs, Seattle, was a level to far to be less than 100%, less than others 50%.

Don't knock the kid down, not now.

Yeah, he sucked tonight but we know why.

Can we cut him some slack and shelf the "disappointed" junk? :)

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RG3 said he was the Best Option at that time.. I would say No...100 yards? He's either has a head of Doe doe bird, or he just THINKs no one but himself can get the job done...

OR he still thought he was just hurting and not injured? OR he still thought he was capable of playing well? Just because we watch him and notice his limping, doesn't mean hes really thinking about it and believes he can't go.

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If you want me to point out all the reasons im not disappointed with rg3 i can, but this topic is about disappointment with rg3. Are you guys really arguing that you feel happy with the way rg3 played? Really? I highly doubt rg3 isnt disappointed with the way he played the game.

You guys can be mad at me if you want, i just want rg3 to be more about the team. Staying in the game and congratulating opponents doesnt fit the bill to me. Its not how you play the game its if you win or loose... Imo.

No buddy, just the opposite...most people pity you.

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What'd he say?

Although people think he's invincible, the kid does have a bit of ego/arrogance. It's not uncommon in sporting greats, but he needs to nip that in the bud.

Snyder, Shanahan, and Allen need to show Griffin the Redskins logo and remind him that nobody, including himself, are bigger or more important than the organization. There is a difference between competitiveness and ignorance, and if in his heart of hearts he knows that his knee was affecting simple throws, etc, he needs to look in the mirror and remember that the REDSKINS come before him.

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What'd he say?

The gist of it...The injury did not affect his throwing. Despite being hurt, he was the best option for the team and that's why he's the starter. He was not coming out and if Shanny would have pulled him, he would have gone out on the field anyway.

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Although people think he's invincible, the kid does have a bit of ego/arrogance. It's not uncommon in sporting greats, but he needs to nip that in the bud.

Snyder, Shanahan, and Allen need to show Griffin the Redskins logo and remind him that nobody, including himself, are bigger or more important than the organization. There is a difference between competitiveness and ignorance, and if in his heart of hearts he knows that his knee was affecting simple throws, etc, he needs to look in the mirror and remember that the REDSKINS come before him.

This post is so lame brained I had to quote it just so people would suffer the same headache I just got.

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Although people think he's invincible, the kid does have a bit of ego/arrogance. It's not uncommon in sporting greats, but he needs to nip that in the bud.

Snyder, Shanahan, and Allen need to show Griffin the Redskins logo and remind him that nobody, including himself, are bigger or more important than the organization. There is a difference between competitiveness and ignorance, and if in his heart of hearts he knows that his knee was affecting simple throws, etc, he needs to look in the mirror and remember that the REDSKINS come before him.

Yeah, I'm glad Michael Jordan's, Larry Bird's et all coaches took that ego/arrogance out of their players because that never would have given them the edge to be better than anyone else.

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This post is so lame brained I had to quote it just so people would suffer the same headache I just got.

The post doesn't mean I don't commend his bravery and commitment, because if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be where we are. But I'm not going to disregard the fact that, IF, deep down he knows his knee was prohibiting him from being the effective player we needed him to be, he still stayed in the game - sorry, team comes before I.

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RG3 is doing a lot of chest-beating tonight. Whatever. He's trying to prove that he isn't a little ***** like Cutler, at the expense of his considerable intellect and various ligaments.

This is what has been really bugging me.

Cutler tries to play on a bad MCL, gets benched by his coach, whole world calls him a wuss, a coward, he doesn't have the heart, yadda-yadda-yadda...

RG3 tries to play on a bad LCL, doesn't get benched, fans and mediots immediately begin to imply he's selfish, a liar, should've known when to quit, yadda-yadda-yadda...

I'd say the only way to win is not to play, but just last night, Ponder didn't play because he physically couldn't AND his coaches benched him...and he gets called a wuss, a coward, doesn't have the heart, injury history, yadda-yadda-yadda.

I'd hate being a quarterback in the NFL. Seems like it's the least fun job there is.

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Yeah, I'm glad Michael Jordan's, Larry Bird's et all coaches took that ego/arrogance out of their players because that never would have given them the edge to be better than anyone else.

To clarify my comment further, I did not intend that we should try to remove his 'competitive edge'. What I meant, probably not clearly, was that his post-game comments could have been delivered/communicated a little smoother (my post was in response to others questioning why he was being brash in his post-game presser).

It's understandable that right after the game he was super-pissed, which led to the press conference delivery after the game.

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