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This is the first time I have been disappointed in RGIII


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Trolls and idiot fans are becoming way too common place around here.

Its pretty pathetic when no matter how much a player has done for a fanbase, its not enough. Quite honestly I'm sick of the incessant whining this fanbase does week after week, but what tonight has shown, is that no matter how good a season is, it wont stop because they'll find something to ***** about.

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I dont know, i didnt like him trying to console Romo sits to pee either... Warriors don't stick up for their enemies.

---------- Post added January-6th-2013 at 10:05 PM ----------

Like what? Ive been fair. I just don't have the homer mentality...

You have bee making crazy posts all the way back to before the Philly game. What you just said about RG3 is one of the most uneducated ludicrous things I've ever read on here. Did you ever watch a Michael Jordan press conference? Win or lose he handled himself with class. It is well documented how fierce a competitor he was but he isn't going to act like an ass during a pressed or on the field after the game.

Grow up and get a clue. You have no idea how lucky you are to have RG3 QB our team

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Doc Walker

“Because at that point, Seattle looked at him and said we don’t think he can run,” Walker continued. “He’s struggling. And at that point, you’re in a do-or-die situation. It’s not about hurting feelings, it’s about the 52 guys that need to move on. You either move on, or you’re gonna die with a guy who wants to play. It’s not his decision at that point. And Mike said he made a gut decision, and you’ve got to live with it. But he had to make one, and he made one that didn’t favor his team, obviously.”

Trevor Matich

“What happened was, he couldn’t run, ok, we get that part,” Trevor Matich said. “But at the moment when it became clear that he also could not move this team with his arm, that’s when the tipping point came and the decision could have been made to make a change at quarterback. Not that he couldn’t run, not that he couldn’t scramble, not that he couldn’t extend plays. But that he couldn’t stay in the pocket and burn a defense that was overloading the box against Alfred Morris.”

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I get that people are emotion. Some can defend the team, players, coaches, etc and some can try to hammer them. That's to be expected when a tough loss happens.

It really appeared that if RGIII was 90% we could have rolled in this game. Alas, didn't happen. When RGIII hurt himself the team did absolutely nothing. He didn't get a lot of help from the line or the receivers. But this was his worst game. He missed throws, missed reads, and just wasn't the same after his injury. Seattle has a great defense, so not taking away anything there, but after the injury everything changed.

Can't wait for year two. He should understand now more than ever that he needs to be healthy and to slide and get out of bounds. I'm not upset at him for staying in the game, but, hindsight, Shanahan should have protected RGIII and pulled him.

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If you want me to point out all the reasons im not disappointed with rg3 i can, but this topic is about disappointment with rg3. Are you guys really arguing that you feel happy with the way rg3 played? Really? I highly doubt rg3 isnt disappointed with the way he played the game.

You guys can be mad at me if you want, i just want rg3 to be more about the team. Staying in the game and congratulating opponents doesnt fit the bill to me. Its not how you play the game its if you win or loose... Imo.

Rg3 isn't jesus.

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If you want me to point out all the reasons im not disappointed with rg3 i can, but this topic is about disappointment with rg3. Are you guys really arguing that you feel happy with the way rg3 played? Really? I highly doubt rg3 isnt disappointed with the way he played the game.

You guys can be mad at me if you want, i just want rg3 to be more about the team. Staying in the game and congratulating opponents doesnt fit the bill to me. Its not how you play the game its if you win or loose... Imo.

Rg3 isn't jesus.

And you aren't Einstein.

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If you want me to point out all the reasons im not disappointed with rg3 i can, but this topic is about disappointment with rg3. Are you guys really. Arguing you feel happy with the way rg3 played? Really? I highly doubt rg3 isnt disappointed with the way he played the game.

You guys can be mad at me if you want, i just want rg3 to be more about the team. Staying in the game and congratulating opponents doesnt fit the bill to me. Its not how you play the game its if you win or loose... Imo.

Rg3 isn't jesus.

More about the team? So he should have quit on the team because he thought he was hurting and not injured? He never believed he was actually injured until the bad snap, so why would he take himself out of the game?

As for "doesnt fit the bill to me" in regards to him congratulating his opponent, go front run with LeBron. He does that all the time.

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Athlete's (well, besides jerks like Haynesworth et al.) will never take themselves out of a game or match.

That's a coach's job. Period.

*** That's why I had a problem with RG3 not being taken out in the Ravens game. I thought Shanny should have yanked him after the original injury...but obviously I am not a doctor and obviously was not in on the examination of RG3.

Sidenote: I was married to one of the top wrestlers in the nation and saw that type of decision-making & headstrong "I-am-fine-even-though-my-knee-is-completely-blown-out" behavior up close for several years (he had 3 knee blowouts during his career). Those guys are never going to take themselves out of anything. He certainly never would, wouldn't listen to orthopedic assessments, thought he could rehab at a faster pace than prescribed, etc. Not saying RG3 is like that, but a lot of athletes are. It's just a delusional type of thinking (not necessarily a conscious decision to be selfish), but it is basically ingrained in their type of personalities. It's part of what makes them great athletes, but also what makes it imperative their coaches are cognizant of this tendency to be delusional about injuries and take control when necessary...

Whatever, hindsight is 20/20 :) RG3 is going to mature and Shanahan and the other coaches are going to get used to RG3's nuances regarding his ability to judge his injuries. Hope RG3's knee just needs a few months of rest or only minor surgery this offseason. Didn't look like a complete blowout or even ACL tear the way he was walking on the sidelines and after the game...but who knows.

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If you want me to point out all the reasons im not disappointed with rg3 i can, but this topic is about disappointment with rg3. Are you guys really arguing that you feel happy with the way rg3 played? Really? I highly doubt rg3 isnt disappointed with the way he played the game.

You guys can be mad at me if you want, i just want rg3 to be more about the team. Staying in the game and congratulating opponents doesnt fit the bill to me. Its not how you play the game its if you win or loose... Imo.

Rg3 isn't jesus.

Jesus would congratulate his opponent.

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Funny reading this...yesterday Viking fans were calling an injured ponder a wuss for not playing. Hindsight is 20/20. RG3 was a warrior. He left everything on the field. Those past wins that got us to the playoffs, he wasn't 100% either. It just caught up him now. Watch out when RG3 is fully healed and has a healthy D.

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He put himself above the other 52 guys who fight their butts off. Playing through an injury is one thing, staying in when you can't play right and you consistently play bad series after series means you care more about playing then your team winning. Great leaders know when they have to step aside. There is no I in team

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He put himself above the other 52 guys who fight their butts off. Playing through an injury is one thing, staying in when you can't play right and you consistently play bad series after series means you care more about playing then your team winning. Great leaders know when they have to step aside. There is no I in team

Show me a great "leader" in sports that took himself out of a game? Plenty of QBs played hurt despite not being effective. Favre did it. Rivers did it. Big Ben did it. Hell Peyton Manning apparently did it, since he hurt his neck in the Redskins game and finished the season. I don't understand this line of thinking at all. All it comes off as, is a bunch of whining fans piling on to a 22 year old rookie as if hes a bad leader. Whether you intend that or not, that is how it reads.

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Truth be told if we had a defense we would have won that game. Yes, I agree, the defense played well this game,but not championship worthy at all. The reason why we lost, there are too many soft players on this defense that are in starting positions. Let's not forget people that this is a "rebuilding year" smh. Now I'll explain what I meant about "championship defense". We are up 14-0 and I gotta be honest, Russell Wilson was choking under the pressure. The hype had Wilson playing really timid. We had just sacked him and on a 3rd a very long, he threw a wounded duck up in the air that took about 5 minutes to get to the wide out. On this same play, the WR caught the ball damn near off the ground, then gets up off the ground,secure the catch,then runs over DB Wilson26 for the 1st down????? SMMFH Seattle went on to kick a FG making it 14-3 but it was a major momentum changing play. After watching that play I knew from this point on we might lose the game. Imagine if we just hit that guy while he is on the ground, if you don't make him drop the pass you will still tackle him forcing another 3 n out by SEA.. By then RW soul is crushed he already looked scared, SEA has now went 3 and out back to back times down 14-0, and to top it off They would've got a heavy dose of Morris meaning we probably would have gotten a FG or somthing going up 17 or possibly 21, game is over at this point. The second play was when RW fumbled in the backfield, Not only did #41 "bum" Williams let him get to the ball before him, he allowed Lynch to pick up the fumble and run up field for about 30 yards smh. Now I know that Sea has been putting up points as of late,but the Sea offense that came to Fed Ex was a scared and timid offense,our defense just dropped the ball. We will add more defensive players next season. All of the cowards like #41 will be working at Walmart next season #HTTR

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