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Unsung Hero - Sav Rocca


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No need for a big long explanation. Just a quick thread listing the facts;

Sav Rocca - 5 punts, a long of 58, 2 inside the 20.

However, what the stats sheet doesn't show you?

Two undeniable touchdown saving tackles.

Sure, one was a horse collar... but still.

He deserves a huge shout out.

Hail Sav.

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I was going to make a thread because I was sure no one would have done it yet. I am glad that I was wrong. :)

Sav Rocca deserves a lot of credit.

The touchdown he saved against the cowboys on Thanksgiving, and the touchdown he saved today. He is the most underrated player on the Redskins by far. He is a big reason why we can call our Redskins the NFC East Champions!


Thanks Sav Rocca!!!

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I actually celebrated after the penalty, the best penalty of the season

Yeah me too. I didn't want Harris hurt on that play but he HAD TO BE STOPPED. I'm actually surprised guys don't just take penalties more often to save a score but I guess you have to be near the ball carrier to even be in that position.

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The guy was an Aussie rules football player. He laughs at our tackling "rules".

Take it from me, as an Australian who is also a die-hard fan of the AFL team he used to play for here in Australia - he's big, and he can both tackle, and take a hit.

Love him.

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I didn't mind the horsecollar not only because it saved a TD, but also because he's a punter. Bring the ball carrier down anyway you can when you're probably the smallest guy out there and definitely the least experienced with tackling.

Rocca is bigger than most linebackers. He's like 6'5 265lbs. He might be the first punter to get fined by the league. Great momentum saving play though! HTTR

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I wasn't sure where to put this and don't think it deserves its own thread so I'm gonna ask Rocca to share.

Another unsung hero today is one of the guys Redskins love to kick. Reed Doughty. With an extremely thin safety group, he played well. That play where he submarined the fullback and got the runner at the same time for a three yard loss was exceptional!

Way to go Doughty!!!

And yes, Rocca's two tackles were HUGE. He also boomed a few when we needed him to in order to keep the field position reasonable esp. in the first half.

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Rocca looked like a beast when he stood up the guy on this first tackle.

The second tackle he flat out destroyed the guy which was fine, he cannot let him get past him. One hand on the facemask or chin, it sure looked like he also grabbed the dreds - a legal play of course. But I have seen that called a horsecollar - Dallas vs Cinn IIRC.

Unsung hero consolation may go to our no name DB's - Pugh Crawford Murphy Johnson

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I wasn't sure where to put this and don't think it deserves its own thread so I'm gonna ask Rocca to share.

Another unsung hero today is one of the guys Redskins love to kick. Reed Doughty. With an extremely thin safety group, he played well. That play where he submarined the fullback and got the runner at the same time for a three yard loss was exceptional!

Way to go Doughty!!!

And yes, Rocca's two tackles were HUGE. He also boomed a few when we needed him to in order to keep the field position reasonable esp. in the first half.

Yes, I noticed Reed had a good game as well; really stepped up.

I'm going to take a page out of your book here, and also congratulate whichever player of ours made the amazing spear tackle on one the very last plays of the night. Don't know who it was, but what a perfect end to that game, absolute exclamation point.

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Sav did what you're supposed to do; stop the touchdown. Because of that play, we took some crucial time off the clock, even if they scored. Sav deserves tons of props, and hopefully next season after he rests his meniscus (he's playing hurt, mind you) he'll be back to Pro Bowl punting form.

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Yes, I noticed Reed had a good game as well; really stepped up.

I'm going to take a page out of your book here, and also congratulate whichever player of ours made the amazing spear tackle on one the very last plays of the night. Don't know who it was, but what a perfect end to that game, absolute exclamation point.

Pretty sure that was Perry Riley.

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