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ZSKINS Celebrating A Milestone - Reaching 10,000 posts. :)


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I remember when people use to start threads saying they have reached 1000 posts. For me that didn't seem like a very huge accomplishment. :pfft: I had set my goal to be at 10,000 posts. And 5+ years later here I am. :)

Anyways, I just want to thank the ES community for having me around here - I know I use to give some fits to the Mods back in the days and even got an NNT once or was that twice.... :ols:

I do love the fact that there are some very smart fans here who are able to explain the X and the O and I have learned a lot from them.

I was a football fan first and Redskins fan later. I had lived in WY, NM, AZ, MD, AZ, MI and back to MD. When I got married and had my son I knew it was time to pick a team that I can pass on to my kid (kids now) and wanted a home team. I did live in Baltimore at the time and I am so glad the Ravens hadn't moved in town yet. I am very glad to have become a Redskins fan and all 3 of my kids are born Skins fan. :)

I have gone to other football sites and I must say ES is the best one out there even if you don't agree with the mods from time to time. I think they do a pretty damn good job for being volunteers. If you don't think so then I dare you to go to the cowboys site - the kind of threads that they start there and the lack of knowledge their fans have had me dumbfounded the other day. :ols:

:cheers: Happy Holidays and can't wait for Sunday night! GO SKINS!!! :beavisnbutthead:


<--- I like how RG3 is pointing to my new status - Ring Of Fame. :)

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I love this new tradition Burgold started and H21ST, myself and I forget who else has carried on. And zskins story. It's becoming an ES staple. :)

Welcome to the club bro'. :cheers:

The airs more refined up here away from the peasants. :silly:. Just watch out for the Boss Man. If he offers you the the key for the executive bathroom, and say's it's at the bottom of those steps ..... clench and run my friend. Clench and run.


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Congrats. Welcome to the club, I'm not sure, but I don't think I've ever started a thread about my post count that I can recall. I was happy to get to 10K to have my pick of avetars. I've always loved seeing the Posse on some of the other posters, so that's the one I went with. I'm coming up in 25K. Either I have too much to say or too much time on my hands....or both.

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