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Im really nervous about next week.


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This team just has a different feel to it. We're playing great as a team and I don't see the Cowboys and certainly don't see the Eagles posing a threat.

They are both division opponents, so they are a threat. We have definitely beat their squads in the past when we were complete garbage and hurt their cause. I agree with you, though, in that we have a different feel and should win both.

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Looking at the standings if the Ravens beat the Giants this Eagles game doesn't matter. Cause no matter what the Cowboys game would be for the division.

I'd still like to take business into our own hands. These are two very winnable games the way we have been playing. Our defense needs to step up in addition to our OL... whoever that will be (Compton at RT?!?!)

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I can't wait to hear the chants this Sunday at the Linc in the 4th quarter:

We want Dallas... We want Dallas... We want Dallas... :pfft:


Okay, you just pumped me up! i was nervous for the game, now I can't wait to hear that, hopefully it comes through the TV!!!

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One at a time. Any given Sunday, we need to continue to approach each game as a playoff game. Take care of business and we are in, Starts in Philly, regardless of record, they want some revenge and to play spoilers...at thier house, very dangerous. Not looking past them to Dallas until after we take care of business at the vet
You ment to say The linc. Its all good. I agree 100%
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Hell, I'm nervous about every game. It usually takes me one half of football just to get my nerves calm. If the second half is a nailbiter, I can't even write down fantasy football stats as my hand is shaking.

I've sat at Redskins games (specifically the Ravens game) with my hands over my eyes looking through cracks in my fingers I was so nervous...

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You're nervous? Well I'm really glad that you're not playing for the Redskins then, because we can't afford non-believers on the field.

Thank god you don't control any single bit of this teams destiny. So why did you make this thread?

Rule of life, focus on the negative, attract the negative, be the negative.

Why don't you try being positive?

And if anyone thinks any game is a given then they're ridiculous. Like the guy who just said last week the Cardinals won't win another game. Truth is, when we made our 2005 run, the Eagles were in our way in week 17, they were on a GAME WINNING DRIVE, they had a backup to a backup playing QB. It wasn't until Sean Taylor returned the fumble where we put the game away. How long have you been a fan? Because you should remember this stuff, keep it in your mind, and never take anything for granted.

It's perfectly fine for fans to look ahead, that has no impact on anything. We're understanding the mathematics of a situation.

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I tend to be nervous about every game and certainly never overlook any team but if the Redskins can keep up the way they have been playing since after the bye week they shouldn't have too much trouble against Nick Foles and the Eagles. McCoy coming back will definitly help the Eagles although Bryce Brown has looked pretty good at RB to, other than last week. I just hope the Eagles play like they did last time out, there offensive line is horrible and for all the money they have invested in that secondary it looks awful too. I hope the Redskins can get some turnovers and get a lead early and just pound Morris the rest of the game. The Redskins will win and hopefully Baltimore and New Orleans can help us out with Dallas and New York.

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Ive been reading a lot of these threads lately and it really feels like everyone is assuming we beat the eagles.

Sure they look horrible, but even when we were 5 - 11 division games were close and theres no reason to believe that the eagles wont put up a fight, especially with a rookie quarterback with something to prove. A few bad calls or defensive missteps could put us out of the playoff race.

We're gonna feel really gross if we wake up monday morning with an L.

Ive felt the same feeling many times...here comes the let down game right? Dude we are for real. Granted I don't know where our ceiling its but this I'd a different team. Great play can elevate the most mundane players. They are playing with inspiration, because of great play. The last time I saw this was the run we had after 21's passing.

I'm telling you if and IF RG3 comes back this game. He will have a few things working for him.

1 he will be thinking Cousins showed him up.

2 Cousins bested his rookie record on his first start.

3 he had the extra rest

4 hrs not done being the leader of this once proud franchise.

I for one feel bad for the Beagles next week.


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I understand being nervous, as bad as things have been here for years. You should be concerned about every game, there are no givens. But the Browns are better than Philly. They still have some fight in them, they wanted that game last week. They scratched and clawed and fought for that game and in the second half we imposed our will on them and ground them up. Philly doesn't have that kind of fight left in them anymore. If we can get up on them early they will fold.

How many years did we have to watch home games late in the year against Philly that were meaningless for us; with FedEx filled with Philly fans cheering and jeering while McNabb and crew torched us? Now it is our turn. :eaglesuck

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