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The Legend of the Lucky Beer


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The folks sitting in Section 431 around row 17 (my seat was 10) on Monday night can attest to the veracity of this claim:

When I get my Lucky Beer, good things happen to the 'Skins. Look, it's science. Not a passing statistic but a real, bonifide fact. Lucky Beers = Touchdowns. After I purchased my Lucky Beer on Monday night the Redskins scored their first touchdown two plays later. FACT. Before purchasing said beer, I let everyone know I was going to get it. I'm like Nostradamus.

Then, in the second half, things were kind of stagnant. Well, I had to go get rid of the Unlucky Pee. Did it, and we scored a touchdown. Guys, I can't make this up. It's what happened. It was the Unlucky Pee from my Second Lucky Beer.

The Lucky Beer has only failed me once, and that was the last time I went to a Redskins game. For the record, the 'Skins are now 7-1 when I attend.

That's because of the Lucky Beer.

It even works at home. If you see some incredible feat on TV (Brunell/Moss in the Cowboys game in 2005, Campbell/Moss in the Saints game in 2008, etc.) it's normally because I told my wife "...Holy cow! I've got to get my Lucky Beer!" Even my 8-year old knows it, and was worried about me going to the game because he didn't think I would be able to get a Lucky Beer.

What good luck omens do you have that work for the Redskins? Genuinely interested so I can add to my arsenal of "Awesome Things that Make the Redskins Awesome." Other than, you know, the players and coaches and, of course, the cheerleaders.

Remember, "It's only wierd if it doesn't work". ;-)


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It kills me to have to do it because im such a big fan, but i absolutley can't wear redskins gear on sundays or it completley jinxs the team. When i wear the opposing teams colors (not jerseys just colors) we always win. It has been a source of entertainment with me and my friends over the years but works waaaaay more often than it has any right to.

For the record i dont usually go out of my way to give into the superstition but because of how crazy important these past couple weeks have been for us in terms of playoffs, ive gone out of my way the past three weekends in a row to wear a green tee shirt, a blue and white flannel shirt on thanksgiving, and a red and blue shirt that i threw on as soon as i got off work last night (just in time for the second half lol)

You all can thank me in February :insane:

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I walk under ladders, run my nails across blackboards (as if there are still blackboards), break mirrors on purpose and speed up to run over black cats. I do all this on Sundays that I need a win. So no, it is not you, it is me, I am the juxtastipoint. (made up word)

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After the Carolina game, my 2012 Draft Redskins New Era hat arrived from the USA.

I've worn it every game since - Eagles, Cowboys, Giants.


This could, in fact, be a major contributor to the success of the Redskins this season. I'd email Mike and Kyle Shanahan and let them know to game-plan with your hat in mind.

---------- Post added December-4th-2012 at 08:47 PM ----------

Is this some scam to get us to buy you tickets?

Dude... you have to do what you think is right. Deep down inside ask yourself this question:

Man... what if this guy is RIGHT?!

Please note that I have both history and math on my side.

Do the right thing.

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When I get my Lucky Beer, good things happen to the 'Skins. Look, it's science. Not a passing statistic but a real, bonifide fact. Lucky Beers = Touchdowns.

You need to drink at least six lucky beers the next four Sundays. After that, at least nine. One can never be too cautious when it comes to science.

My wife wears her lucky hat. It started with the Eagles game and has worked ever since.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So guys, check it:

My neighbor has an NFL party. She's a Cowboys fan. Me and my son (8 years old) post for a bit, him in his #10 jersey, me in my #21... eat some meats and cheeses... I drink a couple of brew-doggies... and then I say it's time to go (we want to watch the game at OUR house). I tell them all before I leave (1 'Skins fan, the rest 'Boys fans) that when the 'Skins start doing poorly, you'll see all of a sudden they do well. That was ME drinking my Lucky Beer.

Guess what-the-hell-happened. Dallas scores. I tell me son: "This is it. Get me my Lucky Beer." You know what? That drive = TOUCHDOWN, BABY!!!!! I drank 2 Lucky Beers in this game, 3 the Eagles Game. Guys,,, we CAN'T LOSE this year when I have my Lucky Beers!!! I got 4 in the 'fridge (Sam Adams Boston Lager) saved up for this weekend!!!

...You're Welcome!!!


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So guys, check it:

My neighbor has an NFL party. She's a Cowboys fan. Me and my son (8 years old) post for a bit, him in his #10 jersey, me in my #21... eat some meats and cheeses... I drink a couple of brew-doggies... and then I say it's time to go (we want to watch the game at OUR house). I tell them all before I leave (1 'Skins fan, the rest 'Boys fans) that when the 'Skins start doing poorly, you'll see all of a sudden they do well. That was ME drinking my Lucky Beer.

Guess what-the-hell-happened. Dallas scores. I tell me son: "This is it. Get me my Lucky Beer." You know what? That drive = TOUCHDOWN, BABY!!!!! I drank 2 Lucky Beers in this game, 3 the Eagles Game. Guys,,, we CAN'T LOSE this year when I have my Lucky Beers!!! I got 4 in the 'fridge (Sam Adams Boston Lager) saved up for this weekend!!!

...You're Welcome!!!


Stay thirsty, my friend.

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You guys are all crazy.

The real reason we are on a winning streak is because my cousin gave me a box of his crap before he moved to Florida earlier this year. Well... being a busy dude, I didn't open said box until I had a free weekend (the bye week).

Inside was a ton of Redskins crap from when we were teenagers. And what did I see? The ole' #94 Dana Stubblefield jersey... Logo 7 and all!

I thought to myself, huh, I've got all of this nice crap and all of these good players jerseys' that I wear and we don't play well. Why not try a jersey of a guy who really sucked?

7 in a row.

You're welcome.

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