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Kilmer17's roadmap to fix the GOP


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The GOP made some changes in their nominating process, they hope will give them a better shot of winning in 2016.

Well, I've got to say, their last two candidates basically made themselves unelectable, during the primaries.

But I don't think the GOP's problem is the Romney and McCain's primaries were too long. Their problem was that the Republican voters kept voting against them.

If Romney had WON his first four primaries, it would have been all over. He didn't HAVE to become Romney, extreme right winger, until after losing primary after primary to "anybody but Romney".

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Unfortunately the right wing base won't accept a candidate until all the "real conservatives" i.e. nutjobs have eliminated themselves. By then an otherwise decent, centrist guy like McCain or RMoney has pretty much made himself unelectable by pandering to the far right.

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Well ya'll haven't elected Al Gore lately.....so maybe there is hope


Was just talking today about how much better off we'd have been if he won.  Between climate change, foreign policy, and what the GOP laughed at in his "rainy day fund," we would have been so much better equipped to handle the messes that came our way.

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Well, for one....nobody in the GOP should come to the defense of Bob McDonnell. http://www.wtop.com/120/3550802/McDonnell-defense-Attack-motive-of-ex-staffer


Or get on board with this new "plan" to replace the ACA http://n.pr/1d5ePEy 



Or even acknowledge the existence of Mike Huckabee http://slate.me/1iEmfqt


Or Trey Radel http://wapo.st/1jCkbzl


Meanwhile this is a golden opportunity to evolve into the GOP of this century. They are only 13+ years behind. Obama is weak weak weak. Short of going full on Bullworth at the SOTU, he's going to be more and more tuned out. 


Who am I kidding? Nothing is changing. Hilary will probably be the next President. Only question is will the traditional GOPers take back their party? Or will the fringe continue to skull**** it into dust?

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prove it

Total employment (seasonally adjusted) up by 4 million jobs.

(Private sector employment up by 4.5 million jobs.)

Unemployment rate down by 20%.

GDP (inflation adjusted) up by 4.2%

Federal Deficit (inflation adjusted) down by 56%. (That's as of FY13, the most recent non-estimated year.)

(Down by 58%, if compared to GDP)

Wars: Down 1.

(Wars started: Down 2.)


Now, some (many?) of those metrics don't necessarily rate a ticker tape parade.  But every single one of them is "better". 


Now, your turn.  Prove your point. 

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Now, some (many?) of those metrics don't necessarily rate a ticker tape parade.  But every single one of them is "better". 


Now, your turn.  Prove your point.

Better than it could have been?  :)

What has he done to improve things that would not have been done by McCain or anyone?

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Better than it could have been? :)

What has he done to improve things that would not have been done by McCain or anyone?

Ah. I understand. You were discussing your fantasy. (And using the fact that your fantasy didn't come true, to attack some other poster's credibility).

I apologize for responding with reality.

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How does someone prove that the current administration is better/worse than what could have been?

In twa la la land, the people who created this mess would have magically waved a wand and fixed it too.

It's funny he's arguing this considering the Republican Party has lost its ****ing mind ever since 2008. The level of self destruction has been epic.

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When did the GOP take the Senate :)


And Ramuessen has a generic ballot 41% D 35% R today.


1/2 of 1/3 of gov't is hardly much control. The fact that they were able to maximize that 1/2 of 1/3 from 2011-2013 is really the fault of those who controlled the WH and the Senate :)


Patience grasshopper.....tis more than a flesh wound I suspect





With Democrats’ grasp on the Senate increasingly tenuous — and the House all but beyond reach — some top party donors and strategists are moving to do something in the midterm election as painful as it is coldblooded: Admit the House can’t be won and go all in to save the Senate.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/democrats-2014-election-strategy-102832.html#ixzz2rwJFps8Z


maybe they will get their money back from the turn Texas blue effort.  :lol: 

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Mainline GOP will do a better job of controlling the foolish "hate the immigrant" type of rhetoric, latinos will come back into play to some degree, and the "GOP death" will be over.  Its that simple.


not to mention, how long mus the GOP wait before the Dems majorly step on their own crank, and draw attention away from the latest GOP gaffs??  Never underestimate the democratic talent to fumble advantages and to steal defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Mainline GOP will do a better job of controlling the foolish "hate the immigrant" type of rhetoric, latinos will come back into play to some degree, and the "GOP death" will be over.  Its that simple.


not to mention, how long mus the GOP wait before the Dems majorly step on their own crank, and draw attention away from the latest GOP gaffs??  Never underestimate the democratic talent to fumble advantages and to steal defeat from the jaws of victory.

This may be true but only up until they win. If they manage to retake the Senate by a slim margin, the TeaKlan will immediately assume it's a mandate from the whole country for their far right agenda and start spewing their nonsense again. Besides, they have to control themselves all the way through the next election. My money says that as the primary season ramps up they'll be in full "I'm the real conservative in this race because I support [insert racist/sexist/conspiracy theory/generally stupid comment here]" and toes will again be shot off. It's inevitable from the party of Barney Fife so all the Dems have to do is wait until cousin Andy gives Barney his bullet back.

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