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Gut check time for the Washington Redskins. Carolina is a MUST WIN game!!

Commander PK

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They didnt quit yesterday.

They just didnt bother to show up.

Rothlisberger had time to do his weekly shopping on drop backs. Who cares about the run when Every QB they have played against has passed for 300+ yards. Its a painfully bad defense and I never wanted a game to end quicker than yesterday (maybe the 2010 philly nightmare).

As for Carolina... well, the Skins are famous for helping crappy teams regain their footing... and like in the last few games, Newton will light up the D and Skins lose 38-20. Season done.

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They had the Bears beat. How can we even stay in this game? We'll make Newton look like a stud just like every other QB we've seen this year.
This is what worries me, I feel we will put some points on the board this week, but the question is how many will Cam put on our lousy defense. Damn you Jim Haslett for screwing up a defense that was top 10 for many years.
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If those fans were such loyal Redskins fans, they wouldn't have switched teams. That's something about Homerism I'll never get. I know a guy who has moved a few times over the last 15 years, and he becomes a fan of whatever city he moves in to.

This sort of thing isn't for me because I'm a huge Redskins fan like everyone else here but I could see it making sense for the casual fan. Nothing wrong with rooting for your city if you don't have a strong relationship with a particular team.

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This team is such a complete disappoint to me on so many levels. I understand that the BS cap hit depleted our secondary, but that does not excuse the piss poor play that has infected the vast majority of this team. The only 3 players working at a high level are Morris, RG3, and Kerrigan. The O-Line is holding it together, but only slightly better than expected.

Trent Williams has played very well; in fact, our oline has been pretty good.

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Six and one or we're done ;)

LOL true. I forgot we're 3-5, but hey let's hop on this train!!! 6-1 or we don't go!!!!!

I don't think the defense has "guts" to check.

We'll still win, though. Carolina defense is arguably as bad as ours is, and we have the better QB. Gotta defend home field at the very least.

That's been a lot to ask for these days.

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Let's receive the dang ball first for once. Tired of starting off trailing, lol.

That's a good point. Shanahan said he takes the ball second because he saw a stat that showed teams who get the ball first in the 2nd half win 60% of the time. He should probably factor in that our defense is historically bad and that it might not be a good idea for us lol.

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That's a good point. Shanahan said he takes the ball second because he saw a stat that showed teams who get the ball first in the 2nd half win 60% of the time. He should probably factor in that our defense is historically bad and that it might not be a good idea for us lol.

I know it's illogical, but I do like the idea of getting the ball to start the third quarter. It sets up the only opportunity in a football game where you can gain possession of the ball twice in a row (to end the first half and begin the second half). Given our defense, that could come in pretty handy for us.

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Reading some of these posts makes me believe that some of you would be happier cheering for a new team.

The Ravens are always taking in new fans.

Oh don't start with that crap. Give people a day to rant and if it continues tomorrow, it can be a little aggravating, but some people deal with losses different from others. I've never been one to call out someone's fandom just because they're mad after a loss. I know Redskin fans are very loyal to their teams and that's why I think our fanbase takes losses a little harder than other fanbases. Just give everyone a day to blow off some steam and stop trying to be "the" superfan.

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I see that the season may have caught up with our Skins. Once such a awesome offense early on has gone to crap a bit. Just a bit Add that to special teams inconsistencies and a extremely flawed defensive output, add a deficient pass rush. The Panthers game is not a gimme.
LOL skins have'nt had a gimme in years!!
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Which ones? Everyone posting here is doing so because they care about this team. You can be down on the Redskins and still be a fan.
Oh don't start with that crap. Give people a day to rant and if it continues tomorrow, it can be a little aggravating, but some people deal with losses different from others. I've never been one to call out someone's fandom just because they're mad after a loss. I know Redskin fans are very loyal to their teams and that's why I think our fanbase takes losses a little harder than other fanbases. Just give everyone a day to blow off some steam and stop trying to be "the" superfan.

Haha I ain't no supa fan, and I don't play one on TV. :)

Am I disappointed about yesterday? Sure, I really wanted that game especially because I was there with my Steeler in-laws. But some posters on this board (not necessarily this thread) are posting crap like "oh the season is over, 3-13 here we come" or "Fire Mike Shanahan!" or "I'm sick of this team!"

Are those are knee-jerk reactions? Perhaps, but when i see those same posts almost 24 hours after the game I'm lead to believe that some people on here have miserable lives when it comes to fandom.

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