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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

One week left of this game's life. Double XP through the week. Played the living hell out of this COD. The friendliness of lightweight and dexterity suited my style mightily well. This COD might surpass MW2 as having the most cheap ****, but it was so fast paced, which is what I play for.

Breaking news about COD Ghosts is that it has a new survival mode against aliens. Also, you can level up against bots for multiplayer now. Both of those additions sound like crap, but if the gameplay rocks, what the hell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone played Ghosts yet? What did you guys think of it?

I like it. Playing it on PS3.  The one thing thats different is the smaller multiplayer spots, it only allows a total of 12 players online.  Most of the maps its fine on, but a couple are kinda bigger, so I feel like Im running forever trying to find peeps to kill.  No clue why they couldn't make it 18 or 24, but thats just me.   


Other than that, its fun as hell.  :D

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The maps don't seem huge to me so far.  A lot of medium and small maps.  i've played mostly TDM so far, and the maps that keep coming up seem to be similar in size to Hardhat from MW3.  If they are a little bigger, the action clearly takes place in a centralized area of the map.  Maps can be big in cod, as long as there is a central place where everyone comes together it doesnt really matter.


There are a lot less people running around with SMGs spraying and praying, which is excellent.  Unfortunately BO2 was mostly about high-rate of fire, sprinting around the map and unloading your magazine as quickly as possible.  That doesn't take skill to be good at, so it's refreshing to see this game rewarding players for accuracy and recoil control.  There seems to be more recoil to the AR and SUB guns I've used.  Currently rolling with the AK-12 with silencer and grip.  It's effecient.


Starting pistol is garbage, I will miss the pistols from BO2.


Spawns sucked in the only domination game ive played.  No lag issues day 1 which is remarkable, especially considering how bad BO2 was.  Will report more once I've played.


Not thrilled with any map yet, but that always takes time to weed out the good from the bad.

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I WISH Black Ops 2 was about SMGs. Shotguns and snipers were completely overpowered in that game, and LMGs owned HARD. Target finders on those bad boys were a camper's delight. Also, the slower firing SMGs were better than the faster ones. That's why the PDW and MSMC got nerfed so much. The Skorpion was good, the MP7 was good, not great. If anything, it was dexterity that was a must. You still had little chance against someone decent with an R870 shotgun.

Don't get me wrong, I had to stop playing BO2 core modes. Those things I listed made me sick. I loved Demolition in that game, but just had to give it up getting something like quickscoped from 10 feet away fast as lightning. Over and over and over again.

Hardhat was deceptively small, I've heard from commentators that the maps are larger than normal. I think map size plays a huge roll in whether a map is good or not. There is definitely a correlation. There are a few exceptions like Nuketown sucking and Overgrown being good, but a good ole medium sized map, like the slew of maps from COD4, THAT'S where it's at. Put a couple large maps in (like Bloc and Overgrown) put a really small map in (like Shipment), and everyone is happy. Make a 24/7 playlist for the small map too, keep it out of the regular lobbies. They did that at launch last year and it was great. Make it 1/2 XP for the small map playlist if you don't want people using it to level up.

Guess I'll get the game, but I'm seriously just sick of playing COD at the moment. Will be fun to get my ass handed to me from people that have already learned the maps.

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What's different in Ghosts? I'm waiting for my PS4 and Ghosts preorder to play it and I kinda wanna know what's coming. Even a brief bullet point review would be awesome. Thanks!

I havent played that much, game play is pretty fluid, similar to MW2 or cod4. 


Perks system is huge/complicated looking, I'm not a fan of any perks at all, So I don't really have anything good to say about it.


You have 10 soldiers, you start out with one unlocked.  upgrades to guns come from tokens, which function as a form of currency.  You earn them as you play.  High scores, completing challenges, stuff like that earns you the tokens.  I can unlock any gun in the game as long as I have enough tokens.


It seems like ive been earning 3-5 tokens per round, and thats pretty much coming is 1st place every time(TDM).  Havent completed too many challenges or actually payed attention to the rewards from what I have completed.


the cost for some of the unlocks is


Another character  7 Tokens

Silencer 3


Assault rifle 7-9


Perks are unlocked as you level up


When you unlock a character you pick his specialty (Assault, Stealth, marksman, a couple others).  This decided which perks you start out with.  I reccomend starting as the stealth class so you can have dead silence and ghost.  Everyone is sound whoring right now ( no one knows the maps) and using UAVs because thats all anyone has unlocked.  You don't unlock ghost until level 52 I think.

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I have both Ghosts and BF4 and both are good in their own respective ways.  The maps in CoD are not too big, but there are a few that seem way to big for the max amount of players they allow online which is 12.  That is my biggest complaint about Ghosts, only 12 max people in multiplayer.  That's horrible if you ask me and it makes no sense as to why they would take it down from 18 (BO2), which was still less than BF3 and BF4 (24 max players).  


BF4, its a good game too, different playstyle as its slower paced than Ghosts.  I honestly can do without Rush and Conquest and those extremely large maps.  TDM and Squad DM are the only modes I really like and both have a 20 player limit.  My biggest beef with BF4 is no free-for-all or regular deathmatch.  Why wouldn't you have a 20 player FFA?  Game is also slower to rank/progress in than Ghosts.  But, that's not necessarily a bad thing.  The great thing about the entire BF series is the sniper.  They make the class/maps playable for all classes.  And correct me if Im wrong, but I dont think you can quick scope in BF4, I dont know how and dont really care to anyhow.  


The maps are well laid out where you can find legit sniper spots unlike CoD, with the exception to the first three releases (CoD, CoD2, CoD3).  CoD is designed as a zerg, fast paced adrenaline rush.  BF4 while, people rush, is still medium paced with more to offer based on the class you pick (support, assault/medic, etc.).  


Here is how I would rank them (winner being listed for each category):

Maps - BF4

Customization (weapons) - Wash - both have different systems, but offer a lot

Realism - BF4

Pace of game - Ghosts (faster) - BF4 (slower)

Game Modes - Ghosts

Re-play Ability - Ghosts (because of prestige mode)

Ease of Ranking/Leveling - Ghosts

Contribution in Game (i.e. second duties) - BF4 (can play as a medic and heal/revive, support and restock ammo, etc.) 

Number of Targets/Players - BF4 

Co-Op - cant rank, never tried it on either


Missions within game/Achievements - Ghosts (Ghosts - have the briefcases with missions to do while in multiplayer which is neat, BF4 has the missions you just do anytime like do this with that, etc.) 


In-Game Perks/secondary weapons/etc. - Ghosts (with the kill streaks, it really makes the game interesting and BF does not offer anything like this, which is not a bad thing either)


So right now, BF4 has the edge in my eyes (yes I can count, but again, it depends on what categories are most important to you).  But, it depends mainly on your preferred choice of playstyle and game speed. 


I'll play the **** out of both of them, always have.  Sometimes I'm in the mood to snipe, so I'll fire up BF.  Sometimes I'm in the mood to just kill, I fire up CoD.  Feel free to re-rank or add to or comment.

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I'm excited to play bf4 on the next gen consoles  I wont waste any time with the current gens limitations.  Bf4 seems to be in shambles currently due to glitches and the game not being all that stable, but these problems are expected with BF, and every release I can remember had pretty bad issues on launch and always took a while to be patched (1942 and BF2 especially)  that game will certainly get better on the next gen, and the game on the current gen will actually benefit us all as it's basically another Beta test.


Ghosts is getting better every time I load it up (I almost didnt get this game, and wanted to stick to BF4).  I had no idea this game was limited to 12 people until yesterday, but to me its not that big of a deal.  I always thought ground war was pretty crappy due to the limitations of P2P hosting, the 6v6 and team tactical play types are what keep me having fun in CoD.


Blitz is a new gametype that has been really fun so far.  It's CTF, but you dont actually return a flag to your base.  You have to sneak into the opponents base, once you make it in you score a point and are teleported back to your base.  The scores are higher than CTF and the game is faster paced.


I actually like the changes to the new Search and Destroy (rescue).  I didnt think I would due to always being a SnD fan since the original CoD.  It's the same, except when you die your dog dag is left where you were, and if a team mate picks it up, you respawn.


Gameplay has been very smooth, and I've hardly noticed ANY lag in two days of playing.  Unheard of in a CoD release.  Hit detection is superb, Headshots feel more rewarding in this game, I thought BO2 lost that a bit.


Dogs are incredibly annoying, absorb a million bullets, and kill you from 10 feet away (think knife lunge from MW2).  That kill streak needs to be removed from the game.


I've only tried two kill streaks, Hind and Maniac jugg (faster knifer with jugg armor).  both are pretty effective.


UAVs are scaled back a bit.  If you put one down its only a motion sensor in your immediate area.  2 is a typical UAV.  3 is a VSAT.  you have to coordinate with your team to get the most out of them.


I'm Destroying everyone with the AK-12 silencer + Grip.  Pump shotty with the slug is pretty fun as well.  Buckshot has almost no range even with all the attachments.

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woah woah woah....HOLD UP FELLAS


I just read that playing objectives does not count towards killstreaks like black ops 2 did.  capping domination flags, planting bombs, etc.  I thought that was the best idea COD ever had, giving campers a reason to come out of their 2nd story windows and actually help with objectives.


I am a mega-tryhard, all I do is go after flags.  having objectives count towards your killstreaks was huge for me and other people who actually tried to play objectives.  Major turn off that Ghosts doesn't do that.  :(

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I completely agree, Chew. The highlight of Black Ops 2 was the score system. Are you getting this game?

My man Private Pyle, but the ladies call 'em BIG STROKES.  sup bro?


yeah man, it'll arrive next friday with my PS4.  i'm excited to play it, but i'm super bummed about objectives not counting towards killstreaks.  Oh well, I'm hearing good things anyways.  no lag issues on release day is pretty impressive.

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I don't see the big deal either way.  The only incentive you should need to cap a flag is to WIN.  at the end of the round winning is all that matters.  Objectives only made it easier to stack killstreaks.  Cap A, kill a few kids, cap B, youre pretty damn close to a VSAT in less than 30 seconds into the round.  I thought you were rewarded a little too easily in BO2 at times, especially for actions that don't take any skill (capping A or C right away).


If kids are going to camp in their spawn and not go for the objectives, then they aren't going to win.  It's that simple.


Fortunately, this game seems to have dialed back the effectiveness of kill streaks in general.  (i havent tried them all yet)  Kills streaks really are pretty cheap anyways, if I just went on a 5-10+ kill streak, that is all the reward I need.  Calling a chopper or a trillion little explosive birds into play just makes a player look better without any real effort.  It appears MW:G has pulled back on all of the stuff that helps players and tried to make the game a little more skill based.  when you win and finished with a top score, you earned it.

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Black Ops 2's streaks were made harder to get because of the scoring system. That's why TDM sucked, because you needed 4 kills for a UAV, 12 for a VSAT, 17 for a Swarm. You needed 9 for a Reeper and 11 for an AC-130 in MW3. That was stupidly easy to do. There are hoards of chumps playing COD that don't give a **** about winning, they want to get their streaks, they want XP. The objectives counting towards something really did well to thwart camping.

Rewarding the hard workers with points towards streaks was beautiful. They naturally go for the win, points allotted to them or not, doesn't matter. Those are the kind of players I like to see rewarded. If only there wasn't horrible bull**** in BO2, and the ridiculous connection problems.

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This game is pretty awesome so far. LSAT + silencer and grip + Stalker and QuickDraw = amazing.

Some of the marksman rifle with grip + thermal scope may be a little over powered. Not a lot of recoil. Easy mode.

Tonight in Dom capturing flags did count towards kill streaks, just not the first flag in the beginning of a round. Smart.

Never paid attention if it counted in SnD.

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Blitz has been really fun with the ES 360 crew. It's fast paced and the spawns never flip. Head to head madness most rounds.


I've already begun to recieve some quality hate mail from Blitz opponents.  They don't seem to like all of the IEDs, IMS, and Sentry guns I leave around our Portal.

I'm not sure what the point of the extra soldiers are, but they must relate to Squads somehow. They sure are costly.

Anyone tried Squads? I likely never will, but I'm intrigued as to actually happens. Also how is the "zombies" mode? Extinction, is that what it's called?

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I've been playing squads.  It's amazing and craptastic all at the same time.  Main drawback - you deal with the AI being slightly omnicient at times.  Otherwise, you can level the same as multiplayer with some restrictions. (no customization unlocks e.g. crosshairs, character customizations, etc)


What I did with my squad:


Sniper - unlock ONLY sniper stuff (M14 EBR, red dot, grip) (Free)

Assault - blitz build (AA-12, grip, muzzle break) (3 squad pts)

CQB - Vector - basically my cranked build. (Vector, silencer, grip) (3 squad pts)



You can only unlock what you need on that one dude.  Then you can play them against other squads, which is fun.  I'm 23-0 squad v squad. To me, it's more cost effective with squad points to do it this way, rather than unlock everything with one dude.  Just pay attention to game type and map and switch before the game starts.


I absolutely SUCK at hardcore.  Campfest and very irritating.  Core is where it's at for me, which is a complete 180 from the last game.


Extinction is a blast, it's just short.  Hopefully they add more with the DLC packs.  I definitely will replay that bad boy....the last objective is nerve racking.  Had an amazing group last night crosstalking and setting our loadouts to maximize our survivability.  First try and we made it to the last objective.  Fun Fun Fun!

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