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WaPo: Skins win approval to name parking lots for advertisers


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"The Prince George’s County Council approved a special measure Tuesday that will allow the Washington Redskins to revamp their parking lot signs to include advertising, something that county businesses generally are not allowed to do.

Without any fanfare, the measure passed unanimously on a day when the council was rushing to complete a packed agenda before it recesses for six weeks." (Click link for whole article)


I can't wait to park in the Johnny Rocket's lot this fall! I think Pez and Huly should look into getting the ES tailgate official sponsorship...perhaps Jack Daniels?


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This is already posted in the tailgate.

Not sure why the forum doesn't allow certain threads to be posted into multiple forums.

Apologies for the repost, but I think it should be posted in the Stadium too as this will effect almost every fan that goes to a game at FedEx. I can see it now, first timers circling the stadium for hours looking for the Green Lot and all they can find is the "Papa John's" and "KFC" lots.

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Tony Wyllie used the term "wayfinding" which is an industry term to describe directional signage to assist people with finding their way to a destination. My guess, is they are planning more directional signage that will include advertising to pay for it and to make more profit. For example, electronic lane signals that allows for better information about lane availability and parking lot signage as others have suggested.

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“[snyder] commercialized the Redskins like my father would have never commercialized the Redskins.” – John Kent Cooke

While true, JKC had far more money than Snyder and did not have to find a way to raise the revenue to pay for the bid that was higher than the one John Kent Cooke offered. John should be pissed his father did not give him the team. so it could be kept in the family.Snyder haters should equally hate JKC for not leaving the team to his son.

Heard the NBA is considering adding advertising to their uniforms next year. Marketing and professional sports teams is a global phenomenon that is not restricted to the Redskins and Dan Snyder.... although Snyder clearly is at or near the head of the pack.

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While true, JKC had far more money than Snyder and did not have to find a way to raise the revenue to pay for the bid that was higher than the one John Kent Cooke offered. John should be pissed his father did not give him the team. so it could be kept in the family.Snyder haters should equally hate JKC for not leaving the team to his son.

PLUS he didn't own a team in an error where naming rights to stadiums are the norm.

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“[snyder] commercialized the Redskins like my father would have never commercialized the Redskins.” – John Kent Cooke

And Jack Kent Cooke would be losing money. I don't like the over advertising either, but that's the nature of the beast in sports today. It was a different time when JKC ran the team. I'm sure the stadium would have a name on it by now if John was owner of the team.

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All sports teams are going the route of more advertising, so this is not just a Snyder thing. It is the era we live in, so even though it sucks, it is what it is. Any smart team owner/ownership group should try to do what they can to generate revenue without having to raise ticket and concession prices.

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And Jack Kent Cooke would be losing money. I don't like the over advertising either, but that's the nature of the beast in sports today. It was a different time when JKC ran the team. I'm sure the stadium would have a name on it by now if John was owner of the team.
Although there is no way to know for sure I find it hard to believe the Redskins would be losing money under JKC with a WHOLE lot less advertising associated with the team. (The Redskins are the second most profitable team in the league.) Only two teams lost money last year and they are woefully run clubs.
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Although there is no way to know for sure I find it hard to believe the Redskins would be losing money under JKC with a WHOLE lot less advertising associated with the team. (The Redskins are the second most profitable team in the league.) Only two teams lost money last year and they are woefully run clubs.

They are the 2nd most profitable team 'because" of that advertising. Each team gets an equal piece of the network pie. They share tickets and in some instances parking with the visiting teams. What sets the Redskins and Cowboys apart is the advertising, naming rights, luxury suites and merchanise sales.

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I bet Dan Snyder could squeeze a dollar out of a turnip, but so be it. It's the nature of the beast and he plays the game better than most.

I still can't say I'm a fan of him, but I'm starting to accept him for what he is. A businessman who is finally learning to be a better owner.

They should get 'Summer's Eve' to sponsor parking specifically for visiting team fans.

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Not that I've seen too many serious negative comments, but I have no issue with this. Who cares if we change a color to a sponsor? To me it's just smart business. As much as I liked JKC and assume I'd enjoy the ownership of the Cooke family still, previous posts were 100% correct. The old man could have easily just left the team to his family...he put the wheels in motion for his son to lose the team.

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They are the 2nd most profitable team 'because" of that advertising. Each team gets an equal piece of the network pie. They share tickets and in some instances parking with the visiting teams. What sets the Redskins and Cowboys apart is the advertising, naming rights, luxury suites and merchanise sales.

Teams that finance their own stadiums, such as the Redskins, usually are granted substantial relief from the league revenue-sharing agreement on premium seats. In general, revenue sharing requires teams to give the league one-third of the price of each ticket. In the case of the Redskins, that amount is capped at $33, even on premium seats that cost up to $500 so they are making some non-advertising Bank there.

Also it was reported a few years ago that the Redskins generated the most luxury suite revenue in the entire NFL. That is not advertising related.

But I agree that Snyder is making a LOT of money from advertising. I just can't agree that JKC would be losing money with the Redskins today or that the Redskins wouldn’t be making PLENTY of money without the soul sucking ubiquitous in your face overt advertising that unfortunately is now part of what this organization means.

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Teams that finance their own stadiums, such as the Redskins, usually are granted substantial relief from the league revenue-sharing agreement on premium seats. In general, revenue sharing requires teams to give the league one-third of the price of each ticket. In the case of the Redskins, that amount is capped at $33, even on premium seats that cost up to $500 so they are making some non-advertising Bank there.

Also it was reported a few years ago that the Redskins generated the most luxury suite revenue in the entire NFL. That is not advertising related.

But I agree that Snyder is making a LOT of money from advertising. I just can't agree that JKC would be losing money with the Redskins today or that the Redskins wouldn’t be making PLENTY of money without the soul sucking ubiquitous in your face overt advertising that unfortunately is now part of what this organization means.

I don't mean he'd be losing money. I should have said, "losing out" on money. We wouldn't be in the negative, but our overall value might not be as high unless he embraced the current revenue system. Sorry for the wrong words.

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While true, JKC had far more money than Snyder and did not have to find a way to raise the revenue to pay for the bid that was higher than the one John Kent Cooke offered. John should be pissed his father did not give him the team. so it could be kept in the family.Snyder haters should equally hate JKC for not leaving the team to his son.

Heard the NBA is considering adding advertising to their uniforms next year. Marketing and professional sports teams is a global phenomenon that is not restricted to the Redskins and Dan Snyder.... although Snyder clearly is at or near the head of the pack.

I sorof remember John Cooke saying that he would never fire Norv Turner.

Maybe for the wrong reasons at the wrong time, but Snyder got that one right. He needed to get rid of Norval. He should never have fired Marty. Spurrier quit, Gibbs re-retired, and he HAD to fire Zorn.

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