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Yahoo/AP: Tough ID laws could block thousands of 2012 votes


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Bang you could have just said republicans are bad, democrats good haha.

This should be brought up in every discussion or debate. Seems like a universal time frame would be the ideal way to do this.

I coud have, but i never mentioned the Democrats at all.

They haven't got anything to do with anything I wrote.


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Bang you could have just said republicans are bad, democrats good haha.

This should be brought up in every discussion or debate. Seems like a universal time frame would be the ideal way to do this.

Funny thing is, Bang is pretty far from a Dem. He's a traditional conservative. If you've been following his posts historically you'd see it. I think he's been incredibly disheartened by some of the turns of the GOP in the last few years, but I don't think he could ever be confused with a Dem.

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It's not even a matter of that Burg.. the response has nothing to do with anything i said, and this is also part of the problem.. to break it down the way the good doctor has, I say "republicans are bad". (and i say why)

But the response "you must like democrats".

there's no recognition of anything said about what I said as criticisms.

On one hand, i can say, well, there's no argument against anything I said.

On the other hand i can say I think there's no desire to argue, because as I said, they don't care. They're perfectly fine with it.

But generally it's "unless you criticize equally, our problems don't exist lalalalala".

Oh, and as far as Burgy defending me as a traditional conservative,, I know all our usual righties think i'm a leftist pinko, so let's play a game.

Everyone who has done a conservative viewpoint op-ed piece on NPR, raise your hand.



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Oh, and as far as Burgy defending me as a traditional conservative,, I know all our usual righties think i'm a leftist pinko, so let's play a game.

Everyone who has done a conservative viewpoint op-ed piece on NPR, raise your hand.



NPR is The Liberal Media.

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They don't care.

They've been convinced by their puppeteers that every single thing the left does is wrong. Every person who has a "D" after their names are actively conspiring to destroy the country. The propagandists have been at it for a long time, and they're shameless. they have no respect for the intellect of their base, and their base gives them no reason to change. Anything goes, and whatever it takes to win is completely acceptable, because they've been conditioned to be terrified of what may happen if their precious GOP doesn't win. And it's no wonder, what with death panels, nazi imagery, socialism, communist flags etc being directed toward their enemies, that their base is frightened. fear and anger are the two easiest emotions to create and manipulate... and your typical GOPer is angry and scared.

As a result, the base stupidly nods along with all of this, or attempts to misdirect and pretend that isn't what is happening, or they laugh like idiots because "it's fun watchin' lib'ruls' git all mad".. even though what people are mad about is just the sort of tactics that as you say, are completely un-American and subvert the Constitution they claim to love and know so much about.

By hook or by crook, nevermind the country. They simply couldn't care less. They're at war, and in war, all's fair.


He is simply saying all of the republics side is angry and ignorant. I think it's a fair question to ask if he believes all voters are angry and idiots or just the republics side.

As to his posting history, I don't follow enough to know his opinions. Just going off the silly post I quoted above.

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He is simply saying all of the republics side is angry and ignorant. I think it's a fair question to ask if he believes all voters are angry and idiots or just the republics side.

As to his posting history, I don't follow enough to know his opinions. Just going off the silly post I quoted above.

Hey, show me otherwise.

Refute what I posted.

don't just say well, this is what he thinks.

Listen to that video. it's not long, a few seconds . these problems are not just what ithink. there's some alarming thngs going on.. . ignorance is what the worst scoundrels count on.


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Funny thing is, Bang is pretty far from a Dem. He's a traditional conservative. If you've been following his posts historically you'd see it. I think he's been incredibly disheartened by some of the turns of the GOP in the last few years, but I don't think he could ever be confused with a Dem.

I came to that not too long ago, that he can see things from both sides. That's what conservative is about, but conservative got confused with nutbag, which got confused with "give me God and pass the ammunition"...

It's important to the nth degree that we all work together. Otherwise, we're all screwed. Think about after the alien invasion in "Independence Day". Better have a buttload of folks you can depend on. And it needs to be everyone. (I know, drastic. re:context necessary)

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I came to that not too long ago, that he can see things from both sides. That's what conservative is about, but conservative got confused with nutbag, which got confused with "give me God and pass the ammunition"...

It's important to the nth degree that we all work together. Otherwise, we're all screwed. Think about after the alien invasion in "Independence Day". Better have a buttload of folks you can depend on. And it needs to be everyone. (I know, drastic. re:context necessary)


it's nice to know someone's reading. :)


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What you just did, was to summarize why these ID laws will make it harder for some people to vote.

Demand that people show a card that's difficult for them to get.

Maybe I didn't expand...if we gotta do this for driving, one of two things..a) with a drivers license we've already proven who we are. B) if we gotta do this to drive why shouldn't we to vote?? I actually am kinda torn on the subject In some ways I have no problem with it being harder to vote than drive or get a credit card. But it shouldn't be a long drawn out process.

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It seems to me that the right has the point of view that one example of someone gaming the system (be it welfare, food stamps or voting) is reason to shut down the program that they gamed. Never mind that the dishonest are a minute percentage of the people involved. It's dishonest imo because we will never be able to eliminate these people and the right really wants to eliminate the program entirely and get their base riled up with these examples in order to do so.

We should, and do, attempt to limit their impact but the benefit to people who need it, being able to vote in this case even if you're a homeless person with no id, is far more important than a few bad examples.

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It seems to me that the right has the point of view that one example of someone gaming the system (be it welfare, food stamps or voting) is reason to shut down the program that they gamed. Never mind that the dishonest are a minute percentage of the people involved. It's dishonest imo because we will never be able to eliminate these people and the right really wants to eliminate the program entirely and get their base riled up with these examples in order to do so.

We should, and do, attempt to limit their impact but the benefit to people who need it, being able to vote in this case even if you're a homeless person with no id, is far more important than a few bad examples.

Well, it depends on your perspective.

Some people think that allowing the poor, the elderly, and students to vote, is a positive for society. (One that justifies an occasional fraud hat really doesn't affect anything, anyway).

Others look at allowing he poor, elderly, and students voting, and say "that depends. Who do they vote for?".

There was a point made, I think in this thread, a while back. The claim was made (by a prominent Republican, IIR), that all the evidence says that fraudulent voting is FAR more prevelant in ABSENTEE voting. But that absentee voting favors Republicans, so there is no intention whatsoever to institute fraud checks that would make absentee voting slightly more difficult.

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PA law upheld, likely now to be appealed to the PA Supreme Court. Also pending Justice Department action in that state.

GOP reaction:

""I applaud the Commonwealth Court for displaying courage and conviction in this ruling. With sensational headlines and half-truths about this legislation being touted by partisan critics, we are fortunate that the Commonwealth Court realized that the sanctity of our elections was at stake – and took appropriate action to protect a cherished right," Rob Gleason said in a statement. "

Disgusting that striping thousands of citizens of their ability to vote is considered a big win by the Republicans. They pushed these laws through for the sole reason of trying to steal an election by disenfranchising minorities, and we still barely hear a thing about it on our daily news cycle.

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PA law upheld, likely now to be appealed to the PA Supreme Court. Also pending Justice Department action in that state.

GOP reaction:

""I applaud the Commonwealth Court for displaying courage and conviction in this ruling. With sensational headlines and half-truths about this legislation being touted by partisan critics, we are fortunate that the Commonwealth Court realized that the sanctity of our elections was at stake – and took appropriate action to protect a cherished right," Rob Gleason said in a statement. "

Disgusting that striping thousands of citizens of their ability to vote is considered a big win by the Republicans. They pushed these laws through for the sole reason of trying to steal an election by disenfranchising minorities, and we still barely hear a thing about it on our daily news cycle.

Great news.

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Great news.

It's sad that Americans hold your point of view on trying to suppress the rights of voters. Come up with any excuse you want, but the facts in this case were stipulated by all parties that there was no record of one voter fraud case and likely wouldn't be a single case of fraud in the upcoming election. Coupled with what the Republican party openly claiming it would help Romney win the state and it's clear voter suppression to any objective party.

It's not a good day for the rights of Americans.

---------- Post added August-15th-2012 at 05:51 PM ----------

Yeah for folks who believe it's a good thing to piss on people's Constitutional rights as a means of advancing their twisted, detrimental policies on an ignorant electorate.

It's as anti-American as it gets but people like him don't care. They justify it in their own minds than beat their chests that they are real Americans.

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Great news.

Curious as to your rationale.

Is it great news because it plays into Romney's hands and allows the GOP to try and manipulate the election?

or is it great news because it will once and for all remove a problem proven to not exist?


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Yeah for folks who believe it's a good thing to piss on people's Constitutional rights as a means of advancing their twisted, detrimental policies on an ignorant electorate.

Libruls are so tolerant.

---------- Post added August-15th-2012 at 01:59 PM ----------

Curious as to your rationale.

Is it great news because it plays into Romney's hands and allows the GOP to try and manipulate the election?

or is it great news because it will once and for all remove a problem proven to not exist?


Ive given MULTIPLE examples of actual voter fraud cases being prosecuted. Im not suprised they get ignored.

It's great news to me because I think it will help the GOP both locally and nationally.

---------- Post added August-15th-2012 at 02:00 PM ----------

It's sad that Americans hold your point of view on trying to suppress the rights of voters. Come up with any excuse you want, but the facts in this case were stipulated by all parties that there was no record of one voter fraud case and likely wouldn't be a single case of fraud in the upcoming election. Coupled with what the Republican party openly claiming it would help Romney win the state and it's clear voter suppression to any objective party.

It's not a good day for the rights of Americans.

---------- Post added August-15th-2012 at 05:51 PM ----------

It's as anti-American as it gets but people like him don't care. They justify it in their own minds than beat their chests that they are real Americans.

As opposed to folks like you who do the exact same thing, only pretend their own **** doesnt stink.

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When did Democrats make it harder for people to vote?

Florida- 2000.

But that's not the point. You and the rest of the left isnt mad because of some myth that people will be denied the right to vote, you're mad because this hurts Democrats chances to win.

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Ive given MULTIPLE examples of actual voter fraud cases being prosecuted. Im not suprised they get ignored.

It's great news to me because I think it will help the GOP both locally and nationally.


well, you'll pardon me for pointing this out, but the institutes who studied this problem showed it to be so miniscule as to not warrant any of these laws,

and the only reason the laws are being passed is to subvert the process, which you're happy about.

Wish I could say i was surprised, kammerad.


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Ive given MULTIPLE examples of actual voter fraud cases being prosecuted. Im not suprised they get ignored.

Apparently the state of PA either disagrees with you or ignores you as well, seeing as how they admitted in their filings they wouldn't even be trying to prove that there had been voter fraud or that it was likely to happen in this upcoming election.


Pennsylvania acknowledged that it would not attempt to prove that voter impersonation fraud—the kind that would be stopped by photo ID laws—had occurred in the commonwealth, or that it was likely to occur in the coming election without the law.

But it said requiring ID was a rational decision by the legislature to protect the voting process and had such a right under the state constitution.

So the Republicans have gone from practically screeching about how all of this stuff is necessary to prevent this rampant, evil voter fraud that threatens to swallow our democracy whole to saying "Yeah well, fine. It doesn't really happen and we don't think it will. But we can do this because...uh...we think it makes sense anyway. And because we can. So there."


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Florida- 2000.

But that's not the point. You and the rest of the left isnt mad because of some myth that people will be denied the right to vote, you're mad because this hurts Democrats chances to win.

IF there was gonna be a recount in Florida, it should have been the entire state and not selected counties. The difference between us is that I call out my own party for garbage but it is good to see you admit that these laws hurt Democrats. Feel free to continue to claim that's the reason some of us reject these voter ID laws so you can justify ******* all over the constitutional right to vote and so you can keep saying you are all about American freedoms.

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well, you'll pardon me for pointing this out, but the institutes who studied this problem showed it to be so miniscule as to not warrant any of these laws,

and the only reason the laws are being passed is to subvert the process, which you're happy about.

Wish I could say i was surprised, kammerad.


That's wholly different than non existant. And to point out, the Minnesota Senate race of 08 and Florida POTUS race of 2000 show why even a miniscule amount of voter fraud can be devastating and election altering.

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"Yeah well, fine. It doesn't really happen and we don't think it will. But we can do this because...uh...we think it makes sense anyway. And because we can. So there."


More like "Yeah, well, fine.. we only believe in the constitution when it suits us. **** this country. You really thought we believed it when we spout all of our patriotic nonsense? LOL! Sucker. It's mine to piss on as I please. and **** your rights while we're at it. All that matters is the Republicans win, and we don't really give a **** what they have to do to get there. "


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