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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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5 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

This has got to blow up in the GOP's face in 2018, it just has to.

Why would you think that? I am GOP voter. I am ok with a candidate that lies constantly, provides no substance, jokes about grabbing women by the genitals, colludes with hostile foreign governments while they are actively attacking us, attempts to illegally ban people from the country based on their religion, brags about bedding married women, says **** you to the environment and education, insults gold star families, insults our intelligence agencies, insults POWs, insults his own secret service, weaponizes distrust in the media while promoting propoganda like FOX News and tabloids like Infowars, etc, etc, etc....



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I am happy it failed in that perhaps a few of Trump's followers will realize how completely full of **** he was when he was touting his incredible skills at deal making and how easy it would be for him to get things done. He has shown next to zero leadership on an issue that needs to be taken care of before much of his the rest of his agenda can pass. Instead he is watching golf at his country club and raking in money.

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What a delicate Snowflake. Needs everything set up for him to go a specific way. If it doesn't. Then nothing is his fault.


He's the guy who needed buddies to hold down a smaller weaker kid in school so he could beat him up. Even then, the punches were so weak, that his buddies had to do that too.



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2 hours ago, Warhead36 said:

Incredible. Republicans have had, what, eight years to come up with an alternate health care plan? And they have...nothing. Like, literally nothing.


What's more impressive is that 48 of them in the senate still voted for a dog **** bill that would have hurt their own constituents. Complete pricks IMO. I'm surprised this bill had more than 30 supporting senators total.

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11 minutes ago, ExoDus84 said:

What's more impressive is that 48 of them in the senate still voted for a dog **** bill that would have hurt their own constituents. Complete pricks IMO. I'm surprised this bill had more than 30 supporting senators total.

Because if they don't, the GOP will spend millions of dollars to crush them.

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6 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

Everyone (myself included) needs to be careful what the wish for.......

I hate the company my husband's company switched to.

But I love the fact that I'm still covered.  I'm a female with back problems, who has managed to wait tables and tend bar for 30 years on said injuries, with NO HELP.  (It's even cheaper to pay my chiro than send it through insurance.)  And I do.  My husband paid out-of-pocket for his 2 MRIs because it was cheaper than insurance, with no harmful effects to his co-workers and 'the plan'.

I've done my part.  I still work, and I still want to work, even though it's not absolutely necessary.  Why should my annual physical go away because I have a pre-existing condition, but still want to do my part in paying taxes for my community? 

That's where we are when it comes down to the advantages of the ACA.  They outweigh the bad parts by far...so let's fix the bad parts.

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Blows me away how woefully awful the Dems are at taking advantage of things like this. The guys who invented that fidget spinner would do a better job. 


All day twitter has been doing the whole "if a doctor doesn't have your transplant heart, they don't say "Hey, let's remove your current heart and we'll replace it later." thing. 730pm and no web ads or main talking points going with this? Is Bruce Allen and Larry Michael running the show for them? Bushleague. 

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