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I Got Engaged This Weekend!! *UPDATED* Moving to Akron Ohio at the end of August


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This past Thursday night I asked my girlfriend to marry me, and of course she said yes! I was a nervous wreck this past week leading up to it. This is the happiest I have ever been! We have not set a wedding date yet.

When I met her we both knew right away we were each others "one"! A lot of things had to happen for us to meet, and we are proof that when you are not looking is when you find someone.




From our engagement party!

Edit: We have decided that it works out best for me to move to Akron Ohio, so I will be making the move at the end of August

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And Kosher sometimes you just gotta boom one out there :ols:

Boom boom, boom. That's great man.

Asking is the easy part...when she walks down the aisle...I can't speak for everyone, but I know it got me choked up.

I have been meaning to ask you if you were in the Marines or Army based on where you live ?

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Boom boom, boom. That's great man.

Asking is the easy part...when she walks down the aisle...I can't speak for everyone, but I know it got me choked up.

I have been meaning to ask you if you were in the Marines or Army based on where you live ?

I was in the Marines, I got out in 2001. I know the day we get married will be a very emotional day, it was rough last night when I flew back from Akron.

She is going to move down here in early fall.

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I was in the Marines, I got out in 2001. I know the day we get married will be a very emotional day, it was rough last night when I flew back from Akron.

She is going to move down here in early fall.

So exciting and at the same time you gotta play it cool right now, like you are the man and of course, duh.

But when the day comes I swear I had 6 beers to calm down the moment, that **** didn't work. As soon as I saw her turn the corner I started to have to hold back the tears. Went to a buddies wedding last weekend and I hadn't warned him but the same thing happened to him.

I was only asking about the Military because I know a young Marine that just moved there with his wife. They tell me it is the most boring place. haha. I think they are both around 22 or so though. I am more friends with her sister and her sisters husband.

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Congrats man! I'm looking for a ring now. These damn rocks are expensive!

It's not how expensive it is. It's supposed to be from the heart. Seriously, I hate that society has instilled this thing that you have to buy the largest and most expensive diamond in the history of civilization. I'm not a cheapskate by any means. I found a ring for my wife that I thought she'd love and I didn't even really notice the price. It wasn't terribly expensive or cheap. Don't let society or the jeweler determine the price of your ring.

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It's not how expensive it is. It's supposed to be from the heart. Seriously, I hate that society has instilled this thing that you have to buy the largest and most expensive diamond in the history of civilization. I'm not a cheapskate by any means. I found a ring for my wife that I thought she'd love and I didn't even really notice the price. It wasn't terribly expensive or cheap. Don't let society or the jeweler determine the price of your ring.

Wow you must think I'm buying a 15k diamond or something.

Actually I'm looking at what I many consider a modest 1 carat diamond, but they are still expensive. And I'm no cheapskate either but I do look at the price tag before I buy.

Anyways, congrats again to the OP

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It's not how expensive it is. It's supposed to be from the heart. Seriously, I hate that society has instilled this thing that you have to buy the largest and most expensive diamond in the history of civilization. I'm not a cheapskate by any means. I found a ring for my wife that I thought she'd love and I didn't even really notice the price. It wasn't terribly expensive or cheap. Don't let society or the jeweler determine the price of your ring.

Quoted for the truth....

Congrats on the engagement.

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Wow you must think I'm buying a 15k diamond or something.

Actually I'm looking at what I many consider a modest 1 carat diamond, but they are still expensive. And I'm no cheapskate either but I do look at the price tag before I buy.

Anyways, congrats again to the OP

Well, I wasn't assuming how much you were paying, but just trying to give a little advice. I wasn't able to afford an "expensive" ring for my wife, but I did alright. Too many have been influenced with the 2 1/2 months paycheck thing. Good that you are considering something modest. Remember also, the wedding band is the most important ring she'll wear. And I forgot to say Congratulations to the OP and fellow SC Skins fan.

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i've always wondered about the 3 month thing...is that 3 months of gross pay or net pay? Either way, no way am I spending that on a rock but a lot of people seem happy to pay that much

Don't do that. It's such a scam. Gem quality diamonds aren't even rare - DeBeers has more of them sitting in its vaults than there are in circulation in the entire world.

Ask her straight up how much she cares about the diamond. If she cares, then great, do what she wants. It's about her. If she doesn't care much, get a simple gold band and spend all the rest of that money on the honeymoon. So much more worth it.

And congrats!

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Don't do that. It's such a scam. Gem quality diamonds aren't even rare - DeBeers has more of them sitting in its vaults than there are in circulation in the entire world.

Ask her straight up how much she cares about the diamond. If she cares, then great, do what she wants. It's about her. If she doesn't care much, get a simple gold band and spend all the rest of that money on the honeymoon. So much more worth it.

And congrats!

Or a downpayment on a new house.

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