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FYI: The other Griffin (not Cedric) on Leno tonight (5/17)


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Good to have a marketable face of the franchise. Before RG3 the most marketable Redskin was Orakpo. The Redskins were conspicuously absent from any form of commercials at all. Exposure is good.

Only a matter of time before everyone is picking the Redskins to play online in Madden :ols:

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Ha. People claiming there should have been more Redskins talk are funny. Its RG3, Heisman trophy winner and top draft pick. He has yet to take a snap for the Skins. Plenty of Skins talk in the future, but that was about RG3 the person.

Agreed. Also this is Leno not SportsCenter. The majority of viewers aren't football fans so they don't want to hear football talk and especially about a team that hasn't been any good for the past 20 years. Enjoy it for what it is.

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Ha. People claiming there should have been more Redskins talk are funny. Its RG3, Heisman trophy winner and top draft pick. He has yet to take a snap for the Skins. Plenty of Skins talk in the future, but that was about RG3 the person.

I was going to say that, but I didn't. Its just nice to see him on a show like that. When you go to a non-sports talk show like Leno or Letterman, they aren't going to talk about football. They aren't going to diagram plays or disect how to attack the Cowboys 3-4 defense. Leno is entertainment and I thought the conversation was fine. I was surprised he got as much airtime as he did. Usually secondary guests are on less than 5 minutes.

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So, I was kind of thinking that I don't want all of this publicity about our team. Kind of thinking like, I don't want the media hoopla like Romo sits to pee or other Qb's. Especially that he hasn't proven anything in the NFL.

BUT then I thought about it, this is the first time in my adult life that We have a "Potential" game changing, "Franchise" QB. And I think we may have to get used to all of these things. Especially since Leno already invited him back.

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I just hope all this attention doesn't backfire in RG3's face. I watched a ton of Baylor games and think his future is bright, but I also expect significant growing pains. The NFL game is not the Baylor game. Really hope I'm wrong.

Also... my God The Tonight Show is horrible. Who in the hell watches it on a regular basis?

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So, I was kind of thinking that I don't want all of this publicity about our team. Kind of thinking like, I don't want the media hoopla like Romo sits to pee or other Qb's. Especially that he hasn't proven anything in the NFL.

BUT then I thought about it, this is the first time in my adult life that We have a "Potential" game changing, "Franchise" QB. And I think we may have to get used to all of these things. Especially since Leno already invited him back.

Any QB that has star power is going to attract a lot of attention. Publicity means your team is becoming relevant again. He hasn't taken a snap yet, but it's not like the season is going on. It's not like we have the Cowboys this Sunday and he's going on a media tour. It's the off-season. I think we've been in the shadows too long. We haven't been relevant. We've been conditioned the last couple of decades to be low key.

I think this is a great thing for our franchise. Of course, he's going to have to produce. He is the QB after all. He just can't be an ambassador. That said, he could very well be a stud QB and an ambassador of the team and league. This can be so huge that young kids would want to become Redskins fans because their idol is RG3, kind of like the impact Michael Jordan had. It's pretty crazy and something we're not used to, but it should be a fun ride.

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I just hope all this attention doesn't backfire in RG3's face. I watched a ton of Baylor games and think his future is bright, but I also expect significant growing pains. The NFL game is not the Baylor game. Really hope I'm wrong.

Also... my God The Tonight Show is horrible. Who in the hell watches it on a regular basis?

The reason Gitmo hasn't shut down is because they thought that Conan was taking over, but once they found out that Leno was coming back, they couldn't pass up the chance to use that torture. It's probably saved your life a time or two.

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Thought I was dreaming when he started engaging House, and then the beat boxing.....unbelievable, I cannot believe this guy is OUR qb.

He was on the Tonight Show couch but it could have been the one in his living room, he was so comfortable and charismatic, honestly that interview was one of the best Redskins moments since Gibbs left for the second time, **** it, I might even go as far back as SB 26. Not a single shred of nervousness or doubt, RG3 crushed that interview the same way a Clooney would have, only instead of plugging a movie he put forward an infinitely positive image of himself and the team we all root for.

If he's not phased being a fish out of water on Leno, then he'll never be by anything on the field. Last night proved that barring injury this guy is going to be uncommonly special and for the first and maybe only time in my life I'll be able to root for a legitimate superstar QB on the Redskins.

What a positive, exciting, captivating image this kid puts out, this organization needs this in the worst way. This is going to be an amazing ******* ride.

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I still remember the early days of the Godawful for Griffin thread when most people were darn near offended this kid was even mentioned as a first round talent. Times have indeed changed around here.

I'm glad you brought that thread up. I just started reading it from the beginning. It a fun read now that we know the result. It's interesting where everyone stood in the begining and where they are now. If your bored take a look.

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My only complaint is I wish he dressed up a little more, but I guess that's his prerogative. Good interview though.

I bet A. Luck is in the weight or film room with a picture of RGIII on the wall...

Hell, after reading this thread and a few others, I bet half of ES is in the bathroom with a picture of RGIII on the wall :ols: :paranoid:...

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I'm glad you brought that thread up. I just started reading it from the beginning. It a fun read now that we know the result. It's interesting where everyone stood in the begining and where they are now. If your bored take a look.

I never really knew anything about him until this year. Admittidly I wanted Luck out of them all, but I kind of knew we weren't getting him, so I had settled on Landry Jones, then Barkley. I hate to even go back and look at what I said in that thread. It was probably bad.

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I'm glad you brought that thread up. I just started reading it from the beginning. It a fun read now that we know the result. It's interesting where everyone stood in the begining and where they are now. If your bored take a look.

I did the same thing a few weeks ago...here's what I posted on another thread:

A few weeks before Oklahoma:

Originally Posted by Zazzaro703 View Post

Does not want Godawful Griffin III. Im sorry but drafting him would be comparable to drafting Jason Campbell and setting our franchise back another 5 years. The franchise quarterback pick HAS to come through this time. Missing twice in a row..... *shudder*. Griffin is not the answer to where we need to go.

Originally Posted by Darkstarr View Post

He plays in a conferance that long ago gave up playing Defence. Every game in the little 12 is 7 on 7 drills. Stats are meaningless. There is a reason why half these qb's with gaudy stats come from the same league.

Originally Posted by clskinsfan View Post

This is what I call Cam Newton Syndrome. Cam Newton is the exception not the rule. One good College season is a curse for the team that drafts him in the first round. All you RG3 lovers will say its more than 1 season. But it's not. He missed almost an entire season to injury. Played decent one year. And has been good this year. At best he is a developmental project. He's much smaller than Newton and slower than Vick. He does not play in a pro system. We are talking years before he would be a good NFL QB. If that ever even happens. I have my doubts. It's Luck or Barkley or Jones or you wait till the second round.

Originally Posted by Wrong Direction View Post

So why do Kiper and McShay rate him so much lower than this board? Are they just stupid or is there something in his game that they don't like?

Originally Posted by LightningBuggs View Post

I simply don't understand the love for Griffin. He's all hype as far as I can see. In his big games this year, he's been severely outplayed by his competition.

This guy has flop written all over it. Stay far away.

Originally Posted by Wyvern View Post

The more I see this guy, the less I like him. He's a running QB, not a passing QB. And he only looks good because he's he's scrambling around when he can't pass ... in one of the weakest conferences in the NCAA.

I really believe, he won't fit in the Skins offense, because his passsing accuracy is mediocre.

Originally Posted by gkekoa View Post

It would be absurd to draft this guy in the top ten. He sucked against OSU, the only competition he played this season. Don't just look at the final stats, look at the first three quarters and everything before they were down 40.

Originally Posted by TotalRecall View Post

I don't think anybody will be satisfied with Griffin. For one, he doesn't have the touch on the long ball. He's more of a throw as hard as you can passer. I didn't see the Stanford game last night, but apparently Luck struggled against Oregon. From the limited games that I've seen, if we can't get Luck, which we likely will not, then Landry Jones is the guy we want. From what I seen, Jones has all the skills that we want. I will try to take another look at him and Griffin next Saturday when they play each other, but my feeling is that Griffin will get frustrated like he did against Texas A&M and Jones will dominate over the Baylor defense.

After Oklahoma:

Originally Posted by hawgboy View Post

OMG.... This kid HAS to have a Redskin logo on his helmet next year!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Originally Posted by g world View Post

OH. MY. GOD....

Laser sharp accuracy AND unhuman speed??

This kid is just a beast!!!!

Originally Posted by Destino View Post

Yeah the doubters and haters are going to have a tough time ignoring this one. Everyone was expecting overtime and RGIII was having none of that noise.

Originally Posted by CatkinsonSkins View Post

Ok I'm more than convinced..this should be our guy in round one, he single handedly beat oklahoma. Amazing talent

Originally Posted by NattyBo View Post

I want this guy in Burgundy and Gold next year more than any reasonably healthy, well off adult has right to want ANYTHING.

This guy is the change in fortune this franchise has needed for, oh, 20 years... what a player.

For those concerned about his size, did you see the beating he was taking behind that awful o-line? And he still managed to put up 45 on a top 5 team, with his receivers dropping balls everywhere...

Originally Posted by HogNose View Post

That was awesome last night. I'm on the Griffin bandwagon and drinking the koolaid. Draft him!

Originally Posted by Rypien1191 View Post

I agree, I stand corrected. He proved his worth last night.

Originally Posted by Zazzaro703 View Post

I'm here to officially eat crow. After yesterday, my worries about drafting Griffin are gone. Would be exciting to watch Griffin play here next year.

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Hell, after reading this thread and a few others, I bet half of ES is in the bathroom with a picture of RGIII on the wall :ols: :paranoid:...

Damn you man!!! Do you know how painful it is having Mountain Dew come out your nose? Still, I forgive you because that's just too damn funny. :ols:

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