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CAPTION THIS: Shafting the Redskins Edition


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Goodell: The reporters are asking questions. So many questions. They said you had a conflict of interest. They asked why I signed the contracts. What are we going to do?

Mara: I'll tell them the Redskins and Cowboys violated the spirit of the salary cap. It is brilliant!

Goodell: What kind of moron are you? Don't say anything. Anything you say can and will be used against you. I'm scared. People are asking questions. So many questions . . .

Mara: Don't be scared Roger my sweet, we just won't say anything at all. We'll just put out a vague statement that actually says nothing, then refer people to that statement.

Goodell: Its genius Daddy, but the reporters were asking about collusions and conflicts of interest. I'm still scared. What will the mean arbitrator do to us?

Mara: Don't worry my child, Burbank ruled in our favor against the players during the lockout, he will do so again. <demonic cackling>.

Goodell: <mimics demonic cackling>.

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Goodell: The reporters are asking questions. So many questions. They said you had a conflict of interest. They asked why I signed the contracts. What are we going to do?

Mara: I'll tell them the Redskins and Cowboys violated the spirit of the salary cap. It is brilliant!

Goodell: What kind of moron are you? Don't say anything. Anything you say can and will be used against you. I'm scared. People are asking questions. So many questions . . .

Mara: Don't be scared Roger my sweet, we just won't say anything at all. We'll just put out a vague statement that actually says nothing, then refer people to that statement.

Goodell: Its genius Daddy, but the reporters were asking about collusions and conflicts of interest. I'm still scared. What will the mean arbitrator do to us?

Mara: Don't worry my child, Burbank ruled in our favor against the players during the lockout, he will do so again. <demonic cackling>.

Goodell: <mimics demonic cackling>.

I like this one the best! :ols:

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Mara: $36 mil was a pretty hefty bounty you put on the Redskins to take them out. You learn that from Gregg Williams? (awkward laugh)

Goddell: John, I really can't focus on this right now. I'm way too concentrated on holding in this fart.

Mara: Sorry, sir. Do you need help?

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Mora: Commish, we were destroyed last season by the Redskins. However, we won the Super Bowl.

Commish: Yes, we in the office are worried though.

Mora: Why?

Commish: Word has it the Redskins are about to trade up to the #2 pick. Favorite to be picked is Robert Griffin III

Mora: So, Rex destroyed us twice last year....and now we will have a younger, faster, and more improved Vick in the East.

Commish: Correct. Anything we can do to help stop the Redskins from being a problem to you guys? Seeing as how they have 40 million in space.

Mora: Didn't they take advantage of the uncapped year?

Commish: That was years ago, I don't know we can do much in spirit.

Mora: Hmmmm maybe I can think of something

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Goodell: I get that you can't beat the Redskins, but since when have the Cowboys ever scared anyone?

Mara: Their goddamn skanky ass chearleaders gave me something last year. Every time I take a leak I swear I they hear the screams in Dallas and are laughing at me.

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I was starting to think nobody would get it.... :ols:
lol. It was a good one you came up with. I can picture it now.

Beck: "I can't do that. If I hit him, do you know what he could do to me?"

Shanny: (intense glare) "Throw the ball."

(Beck's pass misses Mara's head by inches)

Mara: (ducks) "What the??" (looks in Shanny's direction, flips him off, and walks quickly off the field.)

Shanny yells at Mara: "Hey little Mara! You got off lucky!"

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