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So, why should I give a tweet?


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I thought I was following you already? Weren't you rocking a Matisyahu style beard?

Lol, yeah I switched up the pic. Was in a Beast Mode type of mood.

honorary_hog, did you already change your twitter handle? I can't seem to find you on there.

Anyone else who's posted their twitter handle in here, I'm now following you (if I wasn't already)

---------- Post added March-20th-2012 at 10:04 AM ----------

personally, I'm looking forward to the drunk rants. Give us a heads up when one is coming :)

Haha. I normally save my drunk rants for facebook. 140 characters or less doesn't work well with drunk.

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Just actually sent you a follow man feel free to follow back


TK pretty much can't stand me on there..... :ols:

That's a GOOD sign. :ols:

I'll follow you and others in this thread when I get home this evening. Thanks!

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/unfollows GACOLB

I mean my tweets are normally reserved for calling out the local sports media and getting into arguments with them. SHF is a fan so I think it's pretty entertaining.

:ols: I knew I wasn't trippin'. I am following you now bro. @MLp33zy

Yeah I thought I was following you already too. Anyway, I definitely am now :)

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Yeah ... I get Three-color cat, but there are some strange ones on there.

Lol, I missed that one. Trying to find out why that would be censored but not having any luck so far. Has to be something in China's history. Or maybe it was a symbol of someone/something.

Still don't understand the censorship of evolution by commies though.

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To be honest, my line of thinking went like this. Do I really care what athletes/celebs have to say on pretty much anything?


So really, there's no use for me to be on Twitter. Hell, any free agent news/signings are going to be posted on this board within two minutes anyway, I can handle a short delay :ols: I use Facebook to some degree, but started removing a number of people from my list who post random stupid garbage, motivational posters, etc. I figure Twitter would be even worse, just a constant stream of drivel I don't need. Hell, it's practically encouraged that you spout off any random thought that springs to mind. I'll be interested to see if you stick with it or get annoyed quickly.

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Yeah ... I get Three-color cat, but there are some strange ones on there.

Ah, think I found the answer to the three-color cat riddle:


Why it is blocked: Actually, a search for any colored cat, so long as it uses the term “色貓” is blocked. This is a reference to Deng’s famed 1961 proverb in favor of market reforms: “It doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice it’s good” (不管黑猫白猫能捉到老鼠的就是好猫, or something similar: searching for the term shows several variations). Perhaps the term was previously used to mock the current system of “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Regardless, it is now apparently a sensitive topic (though you can freely perform a search for Deng’s proverb itself).

BTW, that site breaks down the reasons for a lot of the censored words/phrases


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I wonder about the 140 character limit. There's a certain skill to writing short, but it's not easy. Mark Twain (or Samuel Johnson... or Blaise Pascal) once wrote "Sorry for this long letter, I didn't have time to write a short one."

It seems that people sometimes get in trouble trying to make a point within the constraints of the short format. What keeps the Twitter gods from expanding that limit? What's so great about 140 characters?

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I wonder about the 140 character limit. There's a certain skill to writing short, but it's not easy. Mark Twain (or Samuel Johnson... or Blaise Pascal) once wrote "Sorry for this long letter, I didn't have time to write a short one."

It seems that people sometimes get in trouble trying to make a point within the constraints of the short format. What keeps the Twitter gods from expanding that limit? What's so great about 140 characters?

IIRC, the 140 characters came about because that's the set limit on a standard text message. They originally envisioned twitter being used through cell text services. Something like that.

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IIRC, the 140 characters came about because that's the set limit on a standard text message. They originally envisioned twitter being used through cell text services. Something like that.

this is correct, twitter is based off SMS. They had the founder on Stern a while back and he was talking about how the idea is really just a text message you can eavesdrop on.

That said, it is good because people have to be succinct.

My annoyance with twitter is all the @ RT "" MT @@@ RT###RT@"" ---...<<<LOL.

Come on people, I shouldn't need a decoder wheel.

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