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Post your reaction in GIF or pic form once you heard we traded up


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Away with you.

Every team in the playoffs is one injury away from being screwed, worry about what you can control.

Not every team has three years of first round picks invested in ONE player. But I figured this is one of those "everybody thinks this way, and if you don't well SCREW you" threads.

EDIT: Not trying to start a discussion here. Carry on.

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Not every team has three years of first round picks invested in ONE player. But I figured this is one of those "everybody thinks this way, and if you don't well SCREW you" threads.

Cmon man just trying to keep it positive for once, we needed a QB for twenty years of my life. Heck I had really good hair the last time the Redskins were winners and had a ball slinger. I appreciate your opinion, it is just that you are projecting a negative outcome when it hasn't happened yet. If you want to carry around an open umbrella on a sunny day that is your prerogative. I choose to dance this day and pray we threw a strike, not worry about the rain and a 6-10 split.BowlingTrick.gif

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